1UP's Fallout 3 Gameplay Video and Interview

Shoulderpads :)


I liked the menacing look of Fallout 2s advanced power armour ... with those huge sholders hunched over look and the black ...

FOT Brotherhood armour has a good guy vibe about it and looks both more flexible but also more vulnerable then standard FO1 Power armour.
The blond guy says that in previous Fallouts you could get power armors too early, even though he couldn't even find the water chip (which is understandable). In Fallout 2 you couldn't get power armor early either UNLESS you knew exactly where Navarro is. So you want to tell me that thinking human would randomly go to the wasteland not knowing if he could run into a city? Nope, unless someone knew where it was or unless someone cheated and used solutions he wouldn't know that.

Jenx said:
1. The power armor bit. I HATED it when in Fallout 2 you could rush off to the enclave, get a suit of power armor and from then on just pretty much break the game. (...)
So Jenx I think you're being silly. Yes, you could do that, as well as you could get water chip almost instantly, but how would you know where to look? I consider such possibility an example of realistic approach but think what you want.
Ah, thanks for clearing up the thing with the Enclave. It's just that I couldn't make out what exactly they looked like.

So Jenx I think you're being silly. Yes, you could do that, as well as you could get water chip almost instantly, but how would you know where to look? I consider such possibility an example of realistic approach but think what you want.

So, if you're NOT going to rush to get the power armor (either you don't want to, or don't know how to), then what's the problem of having to take a perk later in the game so you could use it?
Comprehensive coverage as always. I assume, though, that's a placeholder name by you, not Bethesda's actual naming.

Yes, there is even a note on that.

EDIT:A screen grab from the above video. From this angle it almost certainly isn't tubing (or at least doesn't look like it at all).

Yeah, I can't see how the one on the left could be tubing. And the breastplate and shoulder pads also look more like the FOT PA than any other version.
Well, now we know why they're not showing dialogue and NPC interaction. The game's character creation process has me very intrigued.
Mr. Teatime said:
You've seen screens and videos of the dialogue, then?
There are a couple of screens with dialogue you know. Like this or this.
You can also see some bits and pieces in the background of the earlier interview with Todd here.
Impossible to make out the text though, even though it's the HD version, but the animations are there, looking very Oblivion-y. At one point the guy on the right talks to the sheriff of Megaton and it looks like there's a good list of choices, seems he even had to scroll down a bit to catch them all.

Fear_Embodied said:
The game's character creation process has me very intrigued.
Me as well.
It sounds pretty good, though it could easily end up being as boring as Fable's 'growing up' tutorial.
I generally think 1up has the best gaming coverage, especially the former GFW guys, so I was quite happy when I saw half of yesterdays 1up Show was gonna be Fallout 3. As expected they got a lot more good info than most of the other places and the fact that they had previously played Fallout led directly to one of the new things revealed today.

I think that Todd identified that armor as "the armor from Fallout 2" in one of the earlier interviews. I think they may have had to change it just so it would animate properly. If you want it to fit around a human body you can't really make it 12 feet tall. They do seem to have changed the curving tubes to more Appleseed style robot aerials. I think the big thing will be when we get a good look at the helmet and see if its got that weird organic look that the FOT one had or if it's more like the F2 one.

And no that's not a floater it's a pack brahmin from behind. See the big triangular pile of junk on top of the lighter color cow ass?
I liked this video, the guys actually asked some decent questions and Todd wasn't showing off the gore and explosions so much.

I like the idea of the power armor perk.. It wouldn't have worked in the previous games, but you get a perk every level in this one so it makes sense. It would feel more natural if an NPC actually gave you training on how to use it but this way seems alright. I hope they also have some viable alternatives to power armor, in the previous games it was pretty much the best armor for any given character.

The random encounter system, the way I understand it, sounds like it could support non-hostile special encounters as well. Of course in this system there's always the chance the player will decide to turn around after stepping into the trigger box, which is why I'd still like a map travel system with encounters.

Maybe the dialog is being polished to appear more natural, and the current animations aren't final? I know the game is finished feature-wise, but they did say they're still polishing and refining some things.

Scaling sounds like it may be exploitable, but I won't go out of my way to make the game easier. I don't see how you'd even make it to, say, downtown DC as a low-level char.
I think that Todd identified that armor as "the armor from Fallout 2" in one of the earlier interviews. I think they may have had to change it just so it would animate properly. If you want it to fit around a human body you can't really make it 12 feet tall. They do seem to have changed the curving tubes to more Appleseed style robot aerials. I think the big thing will be when we get a good look at the helmet and see if its got that weird organic look that the FOT one had or if it's more like the F2 one.

Well, it's clearly not the FO2 armor, it is much more similar to the FOT one or even to the original T-51b than to the FO2 Advanced Power Armor.
Do we have any pictures or concept art of the old armor below the neck? The big difference from the sprites I see is that they reduced the huge shoulderpads / oversized back armor that go over the head. A full on 3d version of that could make that design look top heavy and ridiculous.
Noticed one more thing: there's an indication, when you find a new radio available. Here the "People's Republic of America Radio" was spotted.
I'm pretty sure that's the chinese propaganda station that was mentioned at one point. More than likely running on a loop for the past 200 years but 5 guys in a shack somewhere convinced they are gonna get reinforcements from the motherland any day and take over the US could be amusing.
In a earlier interview Todd stated that Power Armor could be found early on in the game,but you couldn't use it well,so you may take a drop in movement,aiming,etc...He also said that the armor may be damaged and need to be repaired if found earlier.I wish I remembered which interview it was,but there have been 20 in the past week lol.
If anyone remembers Morrowind the level scaling is just like that. Some areas are a set level,some are high level no matter what,some are set to you. Todd did state that it was well balanced for what it's worth.
I agree that this was the best interview thus far.
Jenx said:
(...) So, if you're NOT going to rush to get the power armor (either you don't want to, or don't know how to), then what's the problem of having to take a perk later in the game so you could use it?
Huh? Have I mentioned anywhere that I have a problem with perk? I'm writing that it's silly to think that getting power armor early was an easy task in previous Fallouts and you're writing about Bethesda's perk. You've got problems with reading with comprehension.
The first thing that screamed out at me was when he was talking about character creation.

I'm paraphrasing, but he said something to the effect of "There's no screen where you make your character, you'll be playing the first 30 minutes of the game going through childhood."

So I guess it's even too much to ask to have a quick character creation sheet like the first two games....

Was I the only person that used to just sit around playing around with the character creator, trying to come up with different styles of character?
Was a better interview... still unsure now about buying this, but I do feel it will be much better than BOS! I do understand in the demo he is juiced up, do understand the Bloody Mess perk is one and they are pushing combat... just so much more to the game I need to now about before buying it. I think they should be showing the GAME not just one aspect of it.

However, one thing that bugs me on all the videos: Why is he waiting for the Enclave to get off the Vertibird? Before the ramp comes down why not lunch a nuke? Is this the kind of Nuke that only kills people and does no harm to aircraft/vehicles? I know it may be to "show off" the demo, but I would not be surprised if it turned out the fatman only harms people. Not just kids are indestructible but perhaps so are Vertibirds... just wondering.
Beelzebud said:
Was I the only person that used to just sit around playing around with the character creator, trying to come up with different styles of character?

Nope, I also twidled around with various types, usually I went for the diplomatic scientific type but its also fun to take a stealthy character or a bruiser.

I am a bit worried that in Fallout 3 you can become the master of all so to speak.