2011 Libyan uprising and no fly zone.

DarkCorp said:
Well, if folks in half of the country are un-happy with how Ghaddafi is running things then maybe a split is needed.

The S. Koreans are much better off than their northern counterparts, atleast thats what it seems to be.

The point being that half-measures mean you leave a ruthless dictator in place who continues to oppress the people you were supposed to be liberating.

It doesn't work out well for the half you forget about and then you have to deal with ruthless dictator-type again at a later date.
DammitBoy said:
The point being that half-measures mean you leave a ruthless dictator in place who continues to oppress the people you were supposed to be liberating...It doesn't work out well for the half you forget about and then you have to deal with ruthless dictator-type again at a later date.

At least America can use this encounter as an "exercise in destruction"...those weapons systems do need to be tested once in a while, and from what I've seen American firepower is still pretty effective.

Those rebels are a motley crew, I wouldn't trust them... :look:

This gaddafi guy is the Ceausescu of Africa. I mean, his neighbours stepped down, but he won't do it. It's like he wants to be caught and executed. Also, his bald son pisses me off.
Blakut said:
Also, his bald son pisses me off.

Who me!


It looks like one of Gaddafi’s sons "Khamis" has been killed. Only five left.

Al-Arabiya television quoted on Friday an unnamed source as saying reports that Libyan leader Moammad Qaddafi’s son, Khamis, was killed are true.

The source added that Khamis Qaddafi was killed in a raid in Bab al-Aziziyah in Tripoli.

Khamis, 27, who runs the feared Khamis Brigade that has been prominent in its role of attacking rebel-held areas, was reportedly killed Saturday night.

According to reports on Algerian TV, a Libyan air force pilot crashed his jet into the Bab al-Aziziyah compound in Tripoli in a kamikaze attack.

Khamis allegedly died of burns in hospital. The Gaddafi regime denied the reports of his death
It is ok, worst comes to worst we have a new place to invade a decade from now. You gotta let the dogs off the leash and have some fun every once in a while, as well as test all of our fancy weapons.

Overall I find it funny really, talking to my Marine and Soldier friends. They are so eager to get over there and put boots on the ground and tear the Libyans a new one when they have no personal stake in the conflict. It reminds me of a quote from a Magic Card.

"Battle doesn't need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose. You don't ask why a plague spreads or a field burns. Don't ask why I fight."