Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave!
Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave!
Back channel deal? Dubious results to keep Vietnam a hot issue.
Wonder if a Democratic Viet-ization / peace with honor package could have clearly formulated in time for the election, any way.
1968. The popular vote was close, but the electoral college vote decisive.
Link to large election results map. http://www.upa.pdx.edu/IMS/currentprojects/TAHv3/Content/Maps/1968_Presidential_Election_Map.jpg
Third party spoiler? How many 'yellow dog' Democrats would have voted Humphrey, with his Civil Rights history, rather then for Nixon, even though he was Republican, ( the party of Abe Lincoln, ya'all).
Approx. 10 million country wide voted for Wallace. How important was Vietnam vs Civil Rights to this demographic?
Demographic shift in progress. The solid South changing the funny hats and party favors. Former 'Blue' Dixi-crats fade to … Republican 'Red'.
Imagine, if this back channel scheming is/was correct or not, then it fits the Tricky Dick profile that made Watergate possible.
Could it have been THE info of a 1968 back channel deal that worried Nixon?
Keep stirring that conspiracy pot!
Would it have mattered with an opponent like McGovern? Nixon/Kissinger 'Peace With Honor" was in the works. Announced in January 1973.
'The Good' Nixon too big an icon to let wither in neglect?
Would The Nixon Brand benefit from a regrooved persona?
Shakespearean fatally flawed lack the wheels to motor into the 21st Century?
Outlaw biker logo "Born To Lose".
This wild one:
Morphing into:
Behold! Bad Boy Nixon ReBranded as OUTLAW BIKER!
(Amp up Steppenwolf. audible lyrics … like a true nature's child we were born, born to be wild … }
Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave!
34thcell said:… There's even claims that Nixon may have … better chance in the 1968 elections.
Back channel deal? Dubious results to keep Vietnam a hot issue.
Wonder if a Democratic Viet-ization / peace with honor package could have clearly formulated in time for the election, any way.
1968. The popular vote was close, but the electoral college vote decisive.
Link to large election results map. http://www.upa.pdx.edu/IMS/currentprojects/TAHv3/Content/Maps/1968_Presidential_Election_Map.jpg
Third party spoiler? How many 'yellow dog' Democrats would have voted Humphrey, with his Civil Rights history, rather then for Nixon, even though he was Republican, ( the party of Abe Lincoln, ya'all).
Approx. 10 million country wide voted for Wallace. How important was Vietnam vs Civil Rights to this demographic?
Demographic shift in progress. The solid South changing the funny hats and party favors. Former 'Blue' Dixi-crats fade to … Republican 'Red'.
Imagine, if this back channel scheming is/was correct or not, then it fits the Tricky Dick profile that made Watergate possible.
Could it have been THE info of a 1968 back channel deal that worried Nixon?
Keep stirring that conspiracy pot!
Would it have mattered with an opponent like McGovern? Nixon/Kissinger 'Peace With Honor" was in the works. Announced in January 1973.
'The Good' Nixon too big an icon to let wither in neglect?
Would The Nixon Brand benefit from a regrooved persona?
Shakespearean fatally flawed lack the wheels to motor into the 21st Century?
Outlaw biker logo "Born To Lose".

This wild one:


Morphing into:

Behold! Bad Boy Nixon ReBranded as OUTLAW BIKER!
(Amp up Steppenwolf. audible lyrics … like a true nature's child we were born, born to be wild … }