2d --> 3d


Vault Fossil
Camera angles:

Every art* for Fallout I made with this camera angles (SE direction rendering):

* scenery, walls, tiles or critters

Camera must be set to orthographic projection.

Removing AA/adding FO's palette in PS thing:

Since FO's engine doesn't support anti-aliasing, we can "cheat" this ugly limitation and disable AA only on outer edges.

We must render the scene twice: with AA and without AA (of course every render must have the same size, camera position, etc.).

I used FO's blue, transparent color as environmental map.

1) Copy and paste AA to noAA ;) Next you must make a selection on noAA layer (in this case Background):

2) Switch to AA layer and Expand the selection by one pixel (or Contract by one if you selected inverse):

You should get something like this:

3) Simply delete selection on AA layer:

4) Final "composition":

Now it's time to convert image to FO's palette before conversion to FRM.

Image --> Mode --> Indexed color --> select "Custom..." in the "Palette" field --> Load... (you must load FO's palette. Color table you'll find in Frame Animator - default.act). Next you must change "Dither" from None to Diffusion. Save the image.

Good conversion:

Bad conversion:

You can also apply noise filter on bigger "surfaces" for better conversion (test at NMA). On the smaller ones you don't noticed any differences, I guess...

if you're 3ds Max user:

- bring the Rotate Transform Type-In window to set up a Free Camera with these values: X=64.3, Y=0, Z=-30.

Here's an image of Rotate Transform Type-In window for Target Camera:

Look At thing isn't available for Free Camera.

- if you're rendering via Default Scanline Renderer then go to Customize --> Preferences --> Rendering Tab and check Don't Antialias Against Background to get rid off anti-aliasing on outer edges during rendering (after that you can skip removing AA in PS thing). Now prepare 256x256 bitmap (.bmp) with R:0 G:0 B:255 (blue, transparent color) and go to Environment Tab (or press 8) and set that bitmap as Environment Map. Selecting the color in Color Selector will not work if you'll put plane/whatever with Matte/Shadow material as a "ground" for receiving shadows from object, so you must set the bitmap as background.

at the end something for crazies:

How to translate FO's 2d environment into 3d.

Units are in milliliters (if you're using different units - you must only calculate/change them).

- first you must create a camera,
- you must adjust camera angles,
- dolly camera at 64000,
- set render to 640x480,
- create a plane:
Length: ~ 5500
Width: ~ 4600,
- render the scene - you have a tile template,
- it's time for hexes - create gengon:
sides: 6
radius: ~ 1525
- render the scene - you have a hex template.

You can change render size, but you must remember to change a camera dolly, examples (1st values are render size, 2nd - dolly):
800x600 - 80000
1600x1200 - 160000
3200x2400 - 320000


There's no way to create "ideal" templates, I think.

Based on these two templates you can plan where doors will be placed, where blockers will be placed, etc. directly in 3d.

Final words:

Of course everything posted above is only needed for critters/scenery/walls/tiles/etc. Any other type of art, like THs (exception is FO's palette and AA thing) or Loading Screens (exception is only FO's palette) aren't affected by this.
+1 Gravedigger.

I have a question... You've wrote "you must adjust camera angles", my question is now, in what kind of way? Are there any grades written down somewhere? Also in what height should i place the camera, etc.?
Here I posted a screenie with camera angles.

I usually have Target Camera with Target placed in X=0, Y=0, Z=0. Having such coordinates will allow you to create a Dummy (also placed X=0, Y=0, Z=0), and you may attach (link) camera (and its target) to it, and next you can enable Angle Snaps Toggle and set Angle to 30 - rotate a dummy and camera will follow by it: quick way to taking a shots of different FO's directions without rotating the object(s). Of course in any time you can Truck camera if you want/need.

Lexx said:
Also in what high should i place the camera
Do you mean Dolly?


Lexx said:
in what kind of way?
If you want to adjust Free Camera then right click on that rotate button to bring Rotate Transform Type In window. Under Absolute: thing change X=64.3, Y=0, Z=-30.

To adjust a Target Camera I used a dummy/helper/whatever (with camera and its target linked to it) and by using Angle Snaps Toggle I adjusted angles.
Hmm. One problem is, that I use the german software version, so names are a bit different.

I tested a bit around, with the values and so on, but heh, it is harder to get the correct view then I thought...

I edited my previous post.

Here's an image of Rotate Transform Type In window for Target Camera:

Look At thing isn't available for Free Camera.
WT! Wow this is amazing... HES A WITCH BURN HIM!

Anyways nice stuff there I'll have to check that out.
Continuum said:
I edited my previous post.

Here's an image of Rotate Transform Type In window for Target Camera:

Look At thing isn't available for Free Camera.

I still don't really get it. I used a free camera now and this is my result with your values:

I have another question. :)

Rendering works fine now, but... how can I place the correct light to get correct shadows?
Well, it depends from the art. But in most cases (small stuff, just like custom grounds add-ons) I'm using two light types:

Omni/Target Spot


At the right you have light's settings. Of course you may play with your own settings, I'm just showing what light types/settings were used for custom grounds related shit.

Hope it helps.
Phocking AA !!!
It start boring me at the end !!!
I don't understand !
I've made all what you say and the angle of the new vault door seems perfect...

But I 've f...king AA; strangely I have done what you say...

And I don't change the size of the render in photoshop...
But when I select blue (0.0.255) there are yet parasit blue pixel...
Any Idea?

angry Brother Soifran
Into what format did you save your render? What did you put as Background? Color or a bitmap?

Also, don't disable AA in your rendered BTW, otherwise you'll disable AA everywhere. If you disable it here then you don't need to do that via Don't Antialias Against Background ;)