2D PC games for netbooks/laptops


First time out of the vault

wanted to post this here because I might get some good suggestions:

My pc hardware consists entirely of netbooks and old laptops, as I have been made unemployed and have plenty of time on my hands I was thinking about installing games on them. The thing is their video cards are quite weak, so the most advanced game I can play is Half life 2 with all settings turned off at 640.

But they handle 2D games and old 3d games quite well so I was thinking about writing the games that I love to see if anyone has any suggestions of more in the same lines:

- Fallout Tatics
- Fallout 2 (I'm waiting for RP 2.0)
- Jagged alliance 2 (gold or strac, 1.13 breaks the AI)
- Stronghold
- Stronghold crusader
- rise of nations
- diablo2: lod (I have the resolution patch)
- close combat longest day ( it's quite primitive and unpolished but still it's quite fun and it's the best of the series)
- Disciples 2 (I quite liked D2 suprisingly age of wonders and heroes of might I detest)
Infinity engine games; Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale series, and more importantly, Planescape Torment.

Also, Temple of Elemental Evil.
Worms Armageddon? Dungeon Keeper 1/2? An SNES/Genesis emulator? An old Lucas Arts adventure game(via ScummVM)?
Manu said:
- close combat longest day ( it's quite primitive and unpolished but still it's quite fun and it's the best of the series)
No way, I've always found A Bridge Too Far to be the best : better visibility, better options, better graphics, modular campaign and pretty darn hard to complete perfectly. :twisted: Russian front is also awesome with the huge maps and long distance tank engagements, even in spite of its linear campaign.

Add to you list Victoria : An Empire under the Sun with the Revolutions pack 8-) , or any other Pdox game prior to EU3 : Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis 2 or HoI 2 Armageddon : Doomsday. I've also restarted playing Civilization 3 Complete recently, it's not as functional and streamlined as IV, but there are plenty of good and polished mods out there.
Posting some sort of hardware stats would be immensely helpful to the thread.

But yeah, I used to have one of those laptops. Old console emulators do wonders. I'll also throw Disciples II out there, low system req. and highest entertainment value.
Santoka said:
A Bridge Too Far to be the best : better visibility, better options, better graphics, modular campaign and pretty darn hard to complete perfectly. :twisted: Russian front is also awesome with the huge maps and long distance tank engagements, even in spite of its linear campaign.
My personal preference is for Close Combat 5 Invasion Normandy, and the excellent mods made for it - Gold Juno Sword 4.4, Battle of Berlin, etc. I love the game so much that I included it in the new artwork found in the rebuilt EPA.
CC4&5 were good, but to me, something changed : the games became a whole lot easier, for whatever reason ; maybe the mods fixed this, but I never found in either of those the thrill and danger of CC2&3.
Santoka said:
No way, I've always found A Bridge Too Far to be the best : better visibility, better options, better graphics, modular campaign

I might have made the mistake of assuming that the latest release in the series (2009-'cc:the longest day') would be the better title... since it was supposed to be a remake and all I tought it would be superior, if this is not the case I'm gonna have to try the 1997 version.

For that person who asked, some netbooks like the acer ferrari and asus n10 should be able to play most DX9 games with all settings low/off (ferrari is able to handle modern warfare)

Unfortunately the ones I use have cheap integrated graphics like intel gma and radeon igp, intel atoms, 1GB ram and XP32. Plus I have some old HP laptops from 2003... some 3d games like halflife2, maxpayne2 run extremely well with integrated graphics, they were designed for directx8 machines ... most others 3d games are too slow to be entertaining that's why I keep playing 2D games. And to be honest apart from Medieval 2 and 3 others games like Fallout2/tactics/JA are pretty much all I need to play a few hours a week.

I remember when I was in seattle the american guy I shared the flat with being obsessed with finishing Baldur's gate, this was back in 2002... but would I be better off with temple of elemental evil or planetscape torment?

As for steel panthers do you move your units in a turn based hexagonal grid kind of way or is it real time?

Unfortunately Arcanum, for me, was a extreme let down... I did a search for 'fallout similiar games' and in this and the rpgcodex forum many people recommended arcanum so I installed it with the community patch/redone maps/resolution patch and when I finally went to play it - this guy is in a crash site and then a rat attacks him and then he proceeds to kick the rat with one of the most awkward/strange fighting systems I've seen... some games that people praise so much like arcanum/age of wonders/wow I play for 10 minutes and I'm done with them others like fallout tactics that seem to be not so popular I absolutely love to play them.
Hmm, I really liked Age of Wonders.

What about the Heroes of Might and Magic series?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
It's playable on decent netbooks. Enable Netbook mode in the options menu, set everything to low, and you're good to go.
If you say so, it's a cool thing ! 8-) And Torchlight should be tried, it's a fun game for a little time.

Manu said:
I might have made the mistake of assuming that the latest release in the series (2009-'cc:the longest day') would be the better title... since it was supposed to be a remake and all I tought it would be superior, if this is not the case I'm gonna have to try the 1997 version.
Oups, sorry about that, I misread, I thought you were talking about the very first CC game. I had no idea a recent reissue of Invasion Normandy had come out, now I'm exited ! :P
victor said:
Hmm, I really liked Age of Wonders.

What about the Heroes of Might and Magic series?

I prefer the combat system in age of wonders as you can move about the map and plan a better strategy than in Disciples 2 where character xp levels are much more important than strategy and your options are pretty much attack defend cast spell.

What I didn't like about age of wonders 2 was the art, the midgets and faeries and water dogs and stuff like that and disciples 2 tends to be more mature and dark
^ In Dis2 party composition and strategy are also very important, but don't have immediate results. Resource wars in Dis2 are also extremely important. Plus, just because the xp levels are so important, you need to form better strategies to protect your main unit, or you're royally fucked. It could have better AI, but I usually play it multiplayer with someone I know anyway.

As far as the combat itself goes, I agree that it depends on overall strategy/development choices and levels more than immediate on-the-spot decisions. It's a matter of choice, I guess. I find it fascinating to think up new party compositions for Dis2 just to see how well the new strategies work. There are lots more options than meets the eye, actually.

Also, I highly suggest trying the Disciples of Mortis mod for RoTE if you can read Russian.