2nd playthrough, recomended mods?


First time out of the vault
//Now includes a list with recommended mods for an entirely new game experience!

I'm going to start my second playthrough in a week. NV is a great game, the only problem I have is: Despite the dlc's and mod's, I know all the content. The core issue is, exploration and progression are my main motivations for playing games like this, hence I need more content.

Therefore, I'll buy the dlc's and download some mods. But which mods? See my choice below.

If you know more great "must haves", feel free to share with me!


Eve Companion [doesn't work for me]
Jade Companion

Unlimited Companions
Companion Sandbox Mode
RR Companions Vault New Vegas Edition
NCCS - NosCo Companion System [alert: companions can't die]
Companions Infinite Ammo
Companion Dress Up


Nevada patches
AWOP Patches (use at least the loot patch for balance fix)
Bounties I
Bounties II

Engine, Sound and Texture

Improved Sound FX v077
EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements
Nevada Skies - Weather Effects BETA and URWLified

Better Game Performance [doesn't work for me]

BEWARE OF GIRL Type 3 HiRez HiDetailed Replacer [not tested yet]

Bornagain NV Combat Armor MK1 Reinforced
Bornagain NV Combat Armor MK2 Reinforced

Desert Ranger Combat Armor
CR-HD Combat Ranger Armor Retexture V3


Weapon Animation Replacers
New Vegas - Re-Animated

Minor (UI fixes, etc.)



There's no way you could have done every quest in one playthrough. It's literally not possible.
Lots of tweaks:

Continue After End
OFT - Operation Fixed Terrain
DarNifiedUINV - IMO one of the best tweaks. Just love it.

And there much, much, much more!
Courier said:
There's no way you could have done every quest in one playthrough. It's literally not possible.

True, but I reached the max level (30 back then). And most of the quests still open involved the Vegas city and I hate this piece of miserably designed dustbin. Really, it destroyed my lategame experience.

Prozel said:
Lots of tweaks:
And there much, much, much more!

Hit me! :D
Something else to ask:

I've played a gun user. Added energy weapons in lategame, but remained mainly on my good old guns. This time I will change something, not the guns of course, but instead of energy weapons my character could use explosive or melee. Is gun/melee useful and fun?. More fun than gun/explosive? I thought also about a melee/explosive man at arms but noticed the lack of guns in this build. Ergo, the build has to be one of the former two.

(Btw: Support skills are (maxed) repair, science, lockpick, speech, (not maxed but improved) medicine).
Pipboy 2500- A very nice blend of the two different pipboys. Also, having actually sealed radiation suits is nice.

Improved sound FX- Gun users, get that. Very nice sounds to all projectile weapons.

Blackwolf backpacks - 'cause they make sense.

Classic M72 Gauss Rifle- Because hell yeah.

Centered 3rd person camera- Allows you to pull back the camera a lot. very sweet for scenic screenshots or just seeing what is going on.

Animation Replacer pack- Much better animations, especially idle ones. Because pointing pistols right at people is not exactly proper gun safety.

Realistic Power Armor- Despite the name being a bit of a paradox because Power Armor doesn't actually exist (as far as I know :look: ), adds some DT and strength boost to power armor, and fixes DT bypass (before, not meeting the DT meant the weapon did 80% less damage; now you can tune it to up to 100%, so no damage if DT is not met)

Improved Shaders- Demanding on your hardware, but worthwhile if you can run it.

Plus a slew of assorted mods, mostly adding some weapons/armor (my favorite being Tactics power armor and a crossbow).
Also Project Nevada. it's a very good Mod to have, EVE the visual overhaul) they are good mods.
Nevada Skies - This is worth it for the darker nights alone, but it also makes the days look a bit nicer and the wasteland is a lot more interesting to travel around.

Project Ultimatum - This is good for an evil playthrough or a Caesar's Legion playthrough since you can take slaves and craft slave collars, but it's also good since it improves the AI a bit. When you draw your weapon people around you draw their weapons too (since they don't want to die).

Mod Configuration Menu - Necessary to run the above mod ^

Companions infinite ammo - This one's mainly for Cass since she doesn't get infinite ammo for any of the weapons she's good with and her default weapon isn't the best, but your mileage may vary on whether you want something like this or not. I just hate having to stop and buy more ammo for companions, especially since they don't tell you when they run out. It feels like babysitting.

Project Nevada - Everything about this is great.

Increased Wasteland Spawn - Set this on low spawning and you won't experience many problems, this makes the game a lot more challenging (especially with Project Nevada installed) and gives you more of a feel that there is a real war going on. Everywhere you go people will be fighting something or somebody, compare that to the two or three scripted battles in the vanilla version.
Actualy they do tell you when they run out of ammo, but they mostly do it while in combat and soemtimes you don't hear them.
Walpknut said:
Actualy they do tell you when they run out of ammo, but they mostly do it while in combat and soemtimes you don't hear them.

That's true but it's still annoying, and they're not always near you when they're fighting. I can't tell you how many times they've run off after molerats or something then I don't realize they're using their default weapon until about an hour later.

Plus Cass' kind of gets the short end of the stick with her default weapon, I think she deserves infinite ammo for the riot shotgun just to balance her out with other companions.

Edit: I also want to add a few more mods, they are:

Companion dress up - Allows you to remove companion's default clothes so they'll wear whatever you want them to, also allows them to carry faction armor.

MTUI - Improves the UI by slightly lowering the font size.

Companion Sandbox Mode - Allows you to tell companions to relax; which will cause them to put on more casual clothes, wander around, sit, sleep, eat, etc. instead of just standing like a statue.

Weapon Mods Expanded - Adds weapon mods that you can purchase for almost every weapon in the game. Also adds non-unique versions of That Gun and This Machine to the game.
I recomend you to download EZ Radios, you can control their ammo consumption, give them orders from afar, even call them to you when they just wander off to kill Bloatflies with Hollow Point ammo.
Nah, that just feels too much like babysitting. I prefer to just use the infinite ammo thing and pretend that they're just buying their own ammo. After all they are grown adults, they should be able to take care of themselves.

Another mod, Radio New Vegas Fix - Fixes a bug that causes 'Big Iron' to play twice as often, adds one song to Radio New Vegas that was originally only on Mojave Radio, adds four "wasteland" songs that were meant to play on Radio New Vegas.

Edit: Another fix, Purge Cell Buffers - Something about the game causes your performance to steadily go down the longer you play, this fixes that by removing excess data every ten minutes.
Courier said:
Another mod, Radio New Vegas Fix - Fixes a bug that causes 'Big Iron' to play twice as often,
Edit: Another fix, Purge Cell Buffers - Something about the game causes your performance to steadily go down the longer you play, this fixes that by removing excess data every ten minutes.

Hmm that seems like a Bug I don't want to fix.

Is Purge Cells Buffer a mod? or soemthign I have to do with my PC manualy?
It's a mod, just download it and install with FOMM. It might improve your performance a bit and it might not, but it did for me at least.

Edit: Yeah but Big Iron was taking the place of another song that was supposed to play on Radio New Vegas. I'd rather have the variety.
You can purge buffers manually but the mod automates the process. It was much more important in Oblivion but still helps in Fallout NV.
Bhaldur said:
Courier said:
There's no way you could have done every quest in one playthrough. It's literally not possible.

True, but I reached the max level (30 back then). And most of the quests still open involved the Vegas city and I hate this piece of miserably designed dustbin. Really, it destroyed my lategame experience.

Try this mod, it consist of two parts, the XP plugin and an optional plugin.

The optional plugin tune in the XP gainned hunting, hacking, etc (no more +50 XP for killing mole rats).
The main plugin speeds or slows your XP in quests, at increments of 5%. If you have all the DLCs try using the -30% XP gain or if you don't have the DLCs use the -20% one.

Tell me what you thinked. :twisted:
Project Nevada already adjusts the amount of XP you gain I think, that mod really does everything. If anyone here doesn't have it yet then get it.
Courier said:
Project Nevada already adjusts the amount of XP you gain I think, that mod really does everything. If anyone here doesn't have it yet then get it.

Yes, I know PN can manage the XP gain, but the setting can't tell the difference between quests and hunting, is a global thing that actually unbalance the game.

The XP gainned in quests are usually well balanced, try to do only those without going hunting or hacking/lockpicking and see by yourself.
The real problem in the game is the obscene amount of XP gainned killing things.

Even if you set -50% XP in PN, you still gain too much when hacking an average lock and still gain +25 XP for killing a piece of crap giant mole rat.
The mod I use only grants you 5 XP for killing one. ;)
Great list! I just logged in to look for this exact sort of thing. Very helpful.