So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Ugh, yes. The whole face-licking thing was just too much. I can't stand being beaten over the head with a concept when subtlety could have worked just as effectively.
To please feminists?Bradylama said:In theory the story (the Battle of Thermopylae) is strong enough to stand on its own, and it sure as Hell worked for the comic book. What I'm wondering is why they felt the need to give the queen a starring role.
But I warn you if you put orks in 40k material = Lord of the Rings in space
If you put eldar(elves) = Lord of the Rings in space
If you put necrons = Terminator 4
If you put JUST Space Marines = 300
if you put Guardsmen, Space Marines and Chaos, it might work...maybe even a little Tau.
I will do the movie, trust me.
Paladin Solo said:Seriously, though, While your devotion to ensure the mindless masses are well indoctrinated with the Will of the Emperor is admirable, you lack the proper savviness and aptitude required for the task at hand.
Bradylama said:I'm sorry, 40K movie cannot work without Orks. This is science.
Yeah, I'd love to see a Gaunt's-Ghosts-movie!The Commissar said:It wouldn't be too hard to grab one of the Gaunt's Ghosts or Horus Heresy books for the story.[/size]
Smoke_Jaguar said:I don't understand why you strike off my comments as wrong. Nor have I suggested I know everything of 40k.
But, this I know, if there is someone to make this movie, it's going to be me. You'll die an old man before you can agree "lightning" with the staff if you were the director.
I fuckin hate Bethesda, do a search on me before you call me a fanboi.
I don't understand why you strike off my comments as wrong. Nor have I suggested I know everything of 40k.
But, this I know, if there is someone to make this movie, it's going to be me.
You'll die an old man before you can agree "lightning" with the staff if you were the director.
I fuckin hate Bethesda, do a search on me before you call me a fanboi.
I'd sig this if the space wasn't occupied with promoting myself.Paladin Solo said:Smelling like shit, and worshipping shit are two very different things.
Paladin Solo said:You speak for the franchise as though you know what will be good for it. That is where you're wrong. Just because someone adapted LOTR for the big screen first, doesn't mean "orcs" (which, by your logic, are the same as "orks") or elves (which, by your logic, are the same as "eldar") are an exclusive right to them. Don't even get me started on Terminator.