Damn! I just finished watching this movie in a cinema and I love it.
I love the message - that we should fight for our freedom even if it costs our lives.
I love comic like scenes :) .

I think that the message is pretty universal - it's not about Iran, it's not about war with terror.
It says that if we want to be free, we must fight - no matter if the enemy are Persians, game corporations that put malware and spyware on our computers or censorship loving commies that want to take away our freedom.
"Freedom isn't free" - we have to fight for it - and if we fight for it, without or despite fear, no tyrant will prevail :) .

I love that film. I'll buy the comic as soon as i can :) .

Beautiful long-haired women? "Freedom"?


Forget it.
That movie is the biggest load of crap I've seen in a while. Can't believe I actually spent 2 hours on it.
I've got the DVD of the original 300 spartens, and read about the battle ages ago. Shows how a group of profeesional soliders could kick some serious butt, to bad the remake only used dudes in speedos instead of armour.
I saw it.

I was irritated.

If you're going to watch it, watch it only for the action scenes: they are reasonably amusing, even though they get rather repetitive after a while.

The entire rest of the movie is, however, utter tripe. The story is incredibly thin, boring, and - of course - entirely incorrect about just about everything historically. I realise it's not really based on history, but still - they could've at least *tried* to do so even for just a little bit.

About the denial of the fact that it mirrors a prevailing US attitude in Iraq: you can't deny that the undertones are there. I mean, maybe it wasn't written with that message consciously, but it's still pretty obvious. Heck, it's kinda like LOTR: Tolkien may have claimed that he really didn't write it with WWII in mind - which might very well be the case - but you cannot deny that the parallels really are obvious. In-your-face obvious.
Jebus said:
About the denial of the fact that it mirrors a prevailing US attitude in Iraq: you can't deny that the undertones are there. I mean, maybe it wasn't written with that message consciously, but it's still pretty obvious.

It is pretty obvious that the director spent a few bucks on it too, which not unnecessary came from guys who wanted things to be displayed like things.

Anyway, saw the movie too and I like the effects (because Im an FX geek) and the visualization of characters (because it was made with a lot of FX!). The story is a bit "meh" to say the least. I only know that there was like 300 spartans who fought like a million other people (I don't know if thats a spoiler or not. Guess not).


There was some side story too but that wasn't even nearly as exciting as the fighting scenes. and the slow-mo sex... geez.
By far the dumbest thing about this movie is that while they constantly claim there are 300 Spartans, the movie studios obviously didn't bother to hire more than, say, 30 guys to play them.

A BIT OF A SPOILER (also hidden)
At the end of the movie, where the dude is saying there are 40 000 Greeks there to fight the Persians, the camera pans back and you see... FIELDS full of the dudes. I mean really, rows and rows of Greeks as far as the eye can see. Those FX guys obviously can't count. 40 000, that's a medium sized football stadium. What they showed there was more in the range of 400 000 people, at least.
Jebus said:
By far the dumbest thing about this movie is that while they constantly claim there are 300 Spartans, the movie studios obviously didn't bother to hire more than, say, 30 guys to play them.

A BIT OF A SPOILER (also hidden)

Jebus said:
About the denial of the fact that it mirrors a prevailing US attitude in Iraq: you can't deny that the undertones are there.
The US government's attitude in Iraq, or the American people's attitude about Iraq? There is a significant difference there.
DarkLegacy said:

Screw that, that's at least a million.

Kotario said:
The US government's attitude in Iraq, or the American people's attitude about Iraq? There is a significant difference there.

The US government propaganda about the war in Iraq.
Mes excuses for the lack of clarity.
Sorry to bump this up, but this is a gem

Persian War
In response to the film ‘300,’ Iran says it will defeat Sparta.

March 20, 2007 - In what foreign policy experts believe to be a direct response to the hit American movie “300,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today declared war on Sparta. Even for the mercurial Ahmadinejad, the move struck many diplomatic insiders as extraordinary, since the consensus in the international community is that the city-state of Sparta no longer exists.

But, according to a close associate of Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president’s thoughts turned to war after seeing a matinee showing of “300” this past Saturday at the Tehran Cineplex 12. “He was hopping mad at the way the Spartans kicked the Persians’ butts,” the aide said. “I haven’t seen him this angry since he saw that thing with Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore.”

At a press conference in Tehran today, President Ahmadinejad directed his most barbed comments at the 300 Spartan warriors depicted in the film. “So you think you are a match for the entire Persian army?” Ahmadinejad said. “Well, let’s see if you’re a match for Iran’s nuclear program!”

Hours after the Iran president issued his taunt, however, White House spokesman Tony Snow pounced on the remarks, claiming that they were proof that Iran’s nuclear program was not as peaceful as Ahmadinejad has purported. But Ahmadinejad rebutted Snow’s charges, telling reporters in Tehran, “We have been building a nuclear reactor for peaceful purposes only, but now we plan to drop that peaceful reactor on top of those damned Spartans.”

Elsewhere, a new report indicates that the British eat too much salt, Americans do not eat enough fruit and vegetables, and Nicole Richie has not eaten since 2004.
Mentok said:
Even for the mercurial Ahmadinejad, the move struck many diplomatic insiders as extraordinary, since the consensus in the international community is that the city-state of Sparta no longer exists.
Seen it yesterday. The movie is crap compared to, for example, Sin City.
Mentok said:
...Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad today declared war on Sparta...


Back on character, this is among the best humorous newsposts I've ever read :D
The Spartans actually wore togas every season, unlike the gay Athenians, who wore nothing*

Everybody is talking about this movie, even NMA? I wouldn't have dared mentioning this movie here, after every damn filistine asked me if I saw the movie, and when I say no, they ask me "WHEN".

*nothing over their elaborate dress codes for all seasons, and, for times of war, armor over spartan speedos.
I've got the DVD of the original 300 spartens, and read about the battle ages ago. Shows how a group of profeesional soliders could kick some serious butt, to bad the remake only used dudes in speedos instead of armour.

NOT a remake.

they could've at least *tried* to do so even for just a little bit.

Frank Miller didn't. Why should the movie do so?

I liked the movie, solely for its "coolness" factor, which is the only thing movies like this and Sin City try to achieve and both of them did it very well.
Its an enjoyable movie, watch it to be entertained. Its based off a comic so if you want to complain, complain about the comic. Even so its a comic! It cant be too realistic, or it wouldn't be very good.