just saw it.

long, tedious, repetitive, filled with stuff that isn't really relevant, a plot that would fit on a post-it, overacted, badly acted, bad camerawork, etc etc.
Bad cinematography can be really disturbing in a movie for some people, including me.

I can enjoy a cheesy movie, a fun movie, sure, but if the cinematography is awful or, even worse, pretentiously awful, something in the back of my brain just says "Holy shit that's annoying."

Instant turn-off.
Screw that, that's at least a million.

60,000 people standing in a field looks more than 60,000 people sitting in a giant arena. I've seen parade formations that look more crowded than that screencap.

I realise it's not really based on history, but still - they could've at least *tried* to do so even for just a little bit.

Historical Fantasy = Historical Truth?

All-in-all, this is a good blood-and-guts movie with what I thought was some good cinematography and music, though, I didn't much care for bits where Leonidas' wife struggles to keep order back in Sparta.
What was wrong with the cinematography? Were there bad camera angles or something? It all seemed just fine and really good at times to me, maybe I'm just not exposed enough...

I have only seen it once and that was the day after its release...
I saw it the other night, I thought it was a good film not the best but I am going to get it when it is put on DVD release.
I watched the movie yesterday, and what can I say? The movie had excellent screenplay and specialeffects, decent story. One thing that really appealed to me was the persians (especially Xerxes); they looked really cool.

Absolutely worth to watch.

The Spartans looked a little gay though...


Do you want to look like a spartan? Do you wanna kick some persian butt aswell? Then follow The Ultimate Spartan Traing-Program Ever!!oen
Dumb shit.

All of that "on the homefront" crap detracted heavily from the film, and Leonidas's wife was given a far larger role than she deserves. I also never thought I'd say that rape was unnecessary in a movie, but, there you go.

Also, how retarded do you have to be to carry foreign coinage in the consulate?

Also, the more I think about it, the more the freaks become extremely retarded. Did they really need a huge fatguy with blades for arms? The giant also sort of destroyed the whole mystique about the Immortals being silent, and the Immortals themselves looking like Oni was just bogus. All of the freaks added up to make the Persians just seem cartoonish.

Basically, everything that was added to the film that wasn't in the comics is shit. Liked the battle, though.
Saw this movie last night, and loved it :D

I do understand what you say Bradylama, that guy with blades for arms was a bit too far, but it still made the movie for me.

The battles were probably the best from any movie I have see, and I loved all the slow time they used, especially in the first battle (I think) when Leonidas broke from the phalanx.

Very naice!
Yeah, I saw the movie yesterday, and some people said that it was made more for IMAX theatres...we don't have them here anyway.

I loved the scenes of absolute bloodbath, and I don't care what people say about some movies or games...I just like the feel I get from loud sountracks and violent melee combat.

I loved Dark Messiah (even if it got a 6.0 on Gamespot), and I regurarily play it for like 20 mins with Rage against the Machine, Darkane, or whatever rock tunes and just fuckin kill everything, impale every damn thing and most importantly, kick those fucking orcs of buildings.

To judge a movie like 300 is overrated, it's a movie for specific audiances, and, furthermore, it never had any expectations of being more than it is. If you like love stories or comedy DON'T fucking see this movie. It's not for you.
In theory the story (the Battle of Thermopylae) is strong enough to stand on its own, and it sure as Hell worked for the comic book. What I'm wondering is why they felt the need to give the queen a starring role.
Tits. You've got to have tits in Hollywood superproductions.