UncannyGarlic said:
We aren't talking like or dislike here, we're talking execution. For example the level scaling in Oblivion objectively sucks, it's based on the character's level which is determined by whichever skills the player decides to tag which do not have to be combat related which means that level scaling is in no way connected to the combat abilities of a character.
This brings up a pet fear that I have. Bethesda makes fun games, but really crap RPGs (especially when it comes to range of play style). Oblivions LARGEST failing was that you *had to* have combat skills to progress the game, in spite of all their posturing about flexibility in approach. Don't believe me? Well, try playing Kvatch with a retarded invalid or pacifist coward (my first play through I tried this, role playing a young female dark elf who emphasized speech skills, charm and thief skills over magic or combat). I was *murdered* over and over and over again. That portion of the game forces you to kill in order to progress.. I was pissed.
Oh, but back to my fear - I hope Bethesda doesn't put this taint on Fallout. *That* was one of the major selling points of the game for me, the developers (Black Isles and Interplay, but more Tim Cain's crew) encouraged unusual game play approaches. Bethesda.. well.. Todd Howard seems to dim to realize other play styles might exist.
With that said, I will buy FO3.. I just wish Troika was around and making it (or Obsidian).