3D for Fallout 3!

Remember Counter-strike? It's a mod. It helps Valve to get more money to develope HL2 which also prolong the lifespan of Half-life. And valve is still alive and kicking. Get what I mean?

If only Fallout came out with its editor early, we might have some kickass mod which will lurk more people to buy the game...

Just my thought.
zioburosky13 said:
Remember Counter-strike? It's a mod. It helps Valve to get more money to develope HL2 which also prolong the lifespan of Half-life. And valve is still alive and kicking. Get what I mean?

Again, why should we care about a FPS mod that has nothing to do with the topic, genre, or even style of development as Fallout? You're going back to old shit already covered in this very thread. So it seems that you can't even bother to read this very thread before you reply to it.

Fist of all, I won't call anyone here "Bitch", "Dick", "Dumbass", "Fuckhead", "Moron", "Scum". I believe anyone has the right to express their thoughts here.

Really? What makes you decide that any idiot has the right to post their garbage onto MY forum? That is pretty damn presumptuous of you.

To say that F3 should be like Fallout with only minor change is actually killing the game. Remember, everything has to evolve to adapt and survive.

Yeah, that is why Wizardry, Ultima, Might and Magic actually GOT a following over a number of successful sequels that sold MILLIONS of copies of each title worldwide, not the paltry hundreds of thousands most get for their uninspired trend-chasing bullshit. Then they died when they deviated from what the fans wanted from the game.

I don't know why you say "evolution", especially when you use it in the context you do, means that a game will survive. My experience of more than two decades in and around the industry says otherwise with titles that had obvious reasons why they failed, through changing the game into something the fanbase didn't want or like, likely long before the cheap condom allowed you to be birthed by an "Arkansas couple". That is how FOT failed, and how the X-COM spin-offs only achieve mediocre interest, if that.

Developer will surely want to know what their fans want in a game. But there are too many suggestion and they can only take some. Leaving the others to debate "Why the hell did their leave it out??"

No, if they were smart, they would do something that befits the design, setting, and theme of the game and is also what the fans expect. Putting in cool or trendy crap is what happened with FOT and F:POS, again thanks for the selective intelligence.

That's why I still believe mod will prolong the life of a game. Think about it. What will happen if Fallout came out with an editor first??

Again, this is comparing two different development schemes entirely.

And Roshambo? May I suggest a sticky of "READ FIRST BEFORE YOU POST THE SAME THOUGHT!!!" in this section? It might solve your "why didn't everyone read the god-damn forum first?" problem.

No, because it is implied through both netiquette and common fucking sense, which you fail at both. Hell, you didn't even bother to read this very thread before you went with some more retarded shit akin to the stupidity someone else just got banned for. Now that is brilliance.

Or how about not bothering to even read the forum description itself?

Fallout FPS and Fallout Online are unwelcome topics here. Do not be an idiot and post them.

So, then you wonder why we consider you to be an idiot?

If only Fallout came out with its editor early, we might have some kickass mod which will lurk more people to buy the game...

Just my thought.

One that is no less retarded than the rest of the garbage you have spewed onto this forum. Your argument for an editor is as specious and vacuous as your argument for a first-person perspective. That would change more elements than a few, unless your understanding of game design is THAT limited. I'm still waiting to hear some validation for the "innovation" claim, except getting an explanation from a troll is a laughable concept on its own.

Let's also not forget this classic bit of idiocy:

Look, I know what makes FALLOUT so special. It's not the graphic or the music.

I guess this explains your choice of one of Nat King Cole's shittier and more overplayed pieces.

But it's the gameplay itself and story which seperate most CRPG game in the market. If 3D graphic (which might make it better) is available, why don't use it?

Everything was used for a reason, because it was designed to be a classic CRPG in the style of P&P RPG roots. It might surprise you, but Fallout was designed completely with details in mind, because it was meant to be a good experience through a combination of all elements. That is what makes it good. Yet you have done little to convince us that your sloppy hatchet job of wanting elements changed suits the style, and without even bothering to rationally validate them, either. Oh, and that you know what makes Fallout so special. Given your intelligence level, that only is comprised of the stat system, because it say SPECIAL!!!11LOL!11

Any more lies you want to spew, or are you done for now?
Would you guys flame me if I said that I want the FoT graphics engine for Fallout 3..? With a few modifications, of course.
FoT graphic engine... For some reason even with my rig 40times higher than its recommanded requirement, the game sometimes run sluggish.

I like Fallout because of its unique gameplay and setting. But I hate Fallout because of its engine. That's the fact.

/Slowly walk away.
Stock said:
Would you guys flame me if I said that I want the FoT graphics engine for Fallout 3..? With a few modifications, of course.

In my opinion the idea they had when they started making the tictacs engine might have been good, it had potential. Especialy with it's elevation-stuff-things. But they fucked up, it runs ok on my computer, while a game like Stronghold wich has an extreme amount of moving particles runs much much better. And the tictacs mapper runs like pure pig-crap.

But if someone were to use the tictacs engine for fallout3 they would have to redisign near to every single piece of art in it, because it wasn't true to the fallout setting.

Oh, and the whole quasi/semi-turnbased/ultra/medium/turnoffable/turnonable combat system...

I found the real time combat system in FOT working much better with the gameplay-style than turn based, but FOT wasn't an RPG so it doesn't matter.
zioburosky13 said:
FoT graphic engine... For some reason even with my rig 40times higher than its recommanded requirement, the game sometimes run sluggish.

Coding, jack. The worst looking game in the world can be coded to run like ass. The skill of the programmers is incredibly key. Look at, oh, hmm, let me think, Fallout 2 for a good example of that kind of thing.

I set Tiberian Sun to run at 1280x1024 with the .ini, and it only herks and jerks when a LOT of stuff is going down at once. (the max default is 800x600.)
zioburosky13 said:
I like Fallout because of its unique gameplay and setting. But I hate Fallout because of its engine. That's the fact.

/Slowly walk away.

So you finally give some kind of reason for the stupid shit you have posted? That YOU want it? Sorry, but personal preferences have jack shit to do with design integrity unless they have design integrity in mind. So, sorry for disagreeing with you, but as anyone who has bought FOT and F:POS expecting a Fallout game could tell you, the personal preferences of the clueless do not matter at all with Fallout fans.
For the last time...

"I like Fallout because of its unique gameplay and setting. But I hate Fallout because of its engine. That's the fact. "
It's a pain for me to loot a body inside a cave just because the body suddenly disappeared :shock: under a pile of rocks.

I replay Fallout and Fallout 2. And guess what? ""I like Fallout because of its unique gameplay and setting. But I hate Fallout because of its engine. That's the fact. "

Whatever roshambo. Whatever.
At this point, all that's left to tell you is:

zioburosky13 said:
For the last time...

(Snip more idiocy, just rephrased with less sense each time.)

Sorry, was there a point to all of that? How about the number of flaws of the Phoenix engine, including not being able to use stairs because of a body in the way? A rock being in the way as being validation for the moronic crap you have posted. It just means you probably need to learn how to turn on transparency, or realize that a legitimate gripe about being able to see in-game object is no reason to insist that it be skullfucked into something that it was never intended it to be.

Whatever roshambo. Whatever.

Banned for terminal idiocy, then.
zioburosky13 said:
oh... dear god

have mercy on this poor FO addicted nerd :roll:

Wait, wasn't it you that came onto this forum professing to know everything everyone wanted for Fallout except for the select few at the oldest and largest Fallout site? A site that mirrors quite a few others, and the general Fallout fanbase, in how they desire a new Fallout game? The finer points vary, but the general feeling of how they want the game also mirrors the previous releases and how they were treated; which in turn mirror the successes and failures of game series that have come before you were even born.

Then the moment someone exhibits more knowledge than yourself, as would someone who has been on this forum as a hobby since around Fallout 2 was released, you decide to insult based upon that?

Would you care to explain that insanity, or go for something even more incredible?
I could live with the game being 3D, largely because FO:3 being anything other than 3D is probably a non starter. Sad but true.

FPS? Absolutely no. A true RPG simply cannot be a FPS game, unless all you do is move your character around, hex by hex, and point at the things you want to shoot at...which would kind of eliminate the purpose in making it a FPS game.

HYPOTHETICALLY, could a game be both FPS and a true RPG? I suppose but my skepticism that such a coupling could be done combined with my skepticism that the developers would have the latter in their interests when constructing a FPS game makes me dead against the former. In actual fact, this discussion just masks the simple fact that using FPS would be a blatant move away from a true RPG.

And all this ignores the fact that FPS is very un-fallout to begin with.

As for real time vs turn based, FOT actually explored some nice ideas from an engine perspective that were poorly executed. The real-time turn based idea was actually very interesting but it didn't quite come off. I'm not sure if it could be improved either.

What it comes down to is this. A true RPG must be turn based. A real time engine would therefore have to be illusory. It would have to maintain the turn based mechanics while giving the appearance of being real time. This is essentially what FOT tried to achieve and failed.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Unfortunately it isn't as simple as that is it?