3D scene of Arroyo - Fallout3 could look like this:)


First time out of the vault
Hi everyone! Please take a look on my recent work - 3D scene of Arroyo Bridge:




Thats the same dude who leaned against that car right? The pose looks slightly unnatural and some textures feels less worked on than others. Other than that its quite a piece. good work!
Fallout3 could look like this:)

Let's hope it won't. But it most likely will.

Please take a look on my recent work - 3D scene of Arroyo Bridge:

Pretty cool. Rendered in Vue, right?

Also, there are no crossbows in Fallout.
Could be a good picture for Falloblivion, though.
In particular I like the rust textures on the bridge and the beer(?) cans. The guy on the other hand just isn't blowing my skirt up. He's well made and everything, but the pose makes him look a bit awkward. Maybe if he was leaning on a spear...
All in all, I like it, it's a nice piece of art, but I don't like the texture of the mountains, I'm afraid, they look way too easy, too monotonous. Also: the dude could use some crotch stuffings, it's like he doesn't have a cock and balls, a penis, crown jewels, I mean, I dunno about you guys, but when I wear a jeans, even a jeans that's tight and loose at the same time like in this guy's case, it's pretty easy to make out that I have a Simon and two Garfunkels down there, if you know what I'm saying. Not that I immediately look at details like that, I'm not that fallic, but upon closer expection I noticed the absolute absence of cockiness, and it disturbed me, it's not normal, it's not natural, it's not something you should do to your characters, so do something about it. Now.

I like the bridge, so fuck what Dark Illiteracy said about that, he's a fool and we all know that. And I like the vegetation and the beer cans and everything else, but the cock, the cock, the cock... Do something about it. Please. (Not gay, in any way.)
I wonder why he waxed his chest? Perhaps, due to his lack of genital, he never developed body hair.

Ok, I'm being facaetious, but I stand by the point.

I like the colour/tone of the picture and the rust texture on the bridge, but I'm not that crazy about the rest.