4Too Appreciation Thread

When I saw the thread title I thought for a moment that he had died and this was a memorial thread. I'm glad it's not.

The Vault Dweller
I wonder if 4too even knows if I exist. *wistful sigh* :confused:
or if he even believes that it is possible for other people to truly exist :( what if he's an existentialist?
I understand 4too as much as i undersatnd what women wants...which is to say: not much.

then again maybe i just figured it out, 4too is a woman.
:shock: Ugly John? Where the hell did you come from? It's been ages I saw you around here! Cheers, man.


4too = the best poster on these boards
4too = delicatessen
I bow down before the might of 4too. 4too is God. Either that or the consciousness created by aliens who built the pyramids. Its intelligence and wit grows exponentially with each passing day. It will save us all, but it will kill us.
"'No time To Say Hello - Good Bye! - I'm Late-I'm Late

" '... No time To Say Hello -- Good Bye! -- I'm Late-I'm Late-I'm Late ...' "

Have not sniffed around the General Discussion Forum for weeks and weeks.
Missed this thread at least twice, since reestablishing my dogged trekking.

The quest for a coherent literacy lopes along in wider arcs.

qi et al, thanks for the support.

The master has spoken. Bow, mere mortals.

We should make a 4too-bible, collecting his 692 verses.
4too would be really great at writing the "insight" comments of a Malkavian imo...