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Just read on the Nukapedia wiki that the Scorched Plague conveniently killed off all humans in the Fallout 76 region prior to the game including the BOS and the Enclave.
Guess we now know why they are basically all irrelevant to the bigger Fallout picture.

Imagine if all of those factions had survived (*sigh * yes also the BOS and the Enclave). It could at least have made the world somewhat more interesting.

Goddammit, now I want to make a Single Player mod that does indeed bring all of these factions back and even integrate the Scorched into the Fallout universe that makes sense.

That is awful convenient. So the Scorched Plague killed EVERYONE, even guys in power armor...just oof. Bets on if West tek did it.
Nope, actually some pharmaceutical company that discovered a weird fungus in caves underneath the Appalachians. The scorch beasts spread the stuff and infect people with it. (it even managed to get into the Enclave's bunker)

So are scorch beasts now FEV mutants/genetic engineered mutants said pharmaceutical company made to infect people? or are they some kind of unknown lifeforms that resided in those caverns?

I worry that it is the last because apparently the mothman is also the genuine thing instead of a mutant resembling it.

This would be straying a lot towards fantasy if both cases are true.
Mutation was introduced into Fallout to explain the strange new lifeforms in the Fallout universe without resorting to it being mysterious lifeforms humans had never encountered before the great war.

And yes Gaddes, this is really convenient, having taken place just a few years before Fallout 76's start.
Wait, the Mothman is a legit super natural entity? Well, that would explain it's teleportation ability.

So, this pharmaceutical company finds some random mushrooms and for reasons does stuff with them? Yikes. If I recall the Scorch Beast is some sort of mutant bat/genetically engineered monster to spread the Plague...for some reason. Seriously Bethsoft, wat?
I have been talking in the past on how I would like the East Coast in Fallout to be different to the West Coast, including different creatures and mutants.
So technically I should welcome the Scorch beast and the Scorched. I however don't because having a plague that creates zombies is done to death and I see no reason for the Scorched plague when a more realistic disease like Limit 115/The New Plague could be used.

(if I was a Bethesda writer I would have rewritten it that FEV is now a counteragent to the Scorched plague, because hey who cares about retcons in Fallout. It is not like someone is taking that stuff serious anyway)
I have been talking in the past on how I would like the East Coast in Fallout to be different to the West Coast, including different creatures and mutants.
So technically I should welcome the Scorch beast and the Scorched. I however don't because having a plague that creates zombies is done to death and I see no reason for the Scorched plague when a more realistic disease like Limit 115/The New Plague could be used.

(if I was a Bethesda writer I would have rewritten it that FEV is now a counteragent to the Scorched plague, because hey who cares about retcons in Fallout. It is not like someone is taking that stuff serious anyway)

I really do like the designs for some of the new creatures. The Mothman is ... okay.... and someones been playing a lot of STALKER: Chernobyl over at Bethesda, clearly, but some like the snarlygaster, Grafton monster and wendigo are genuinely pretty creepy.

Haha too bad this is online only not Fallout 4 and you can cheese the fuck out of them with scenery blocking and respawn.

Where is my immersions gone?
(if I was a Bethesda writer I would have rewritten it that FEV is now a counteragent to the Scorched plague, because hey who cares about retcons in Fallout. It is not like someone is taking that stuff serious anyway)

They could even make West Virginia a New Plague hotspot. Then "just before the War" have West Tek deploy a team with experimental cure they made with FEV samples they hid from Mariposa scientists. Then the bombs drop and radiation turns those affected by Plague and West Tek cure into Scorched. Leave Responders the way they are, change BoS into US Army Remnants (copy Winds of War from Nevada if you feel lazy), change Enclave into remnants of West Tek team that tries to gather what went wrong and possibly cover some tracks. Add some minor factions like some local gangs, moonshiners, smugglers or scavengers. And you've got now a living world that adds to the lore.

But no. Fallout without Power Knights, evil Power Knights and SuperOrcs isn't Fallout. Big Pharma dug out Ancient Aliens and made zombie plague that conveniently killed off everyone, but now is no more dangerous than cold. And West Tek instead of continuing their research on New Plague cure or just burying FEV in the desert decided to pack it on trucks, transport it across whole continent and then dump into the river near Nowhere Creek, population 10.
I was already disappointed with the way they handled cryptids the moment I saw the iconic Flatwoods monster was their best attempt of cloning the sketch of it, making it a zetan, and getting its colors entirely wrong. Then they just made it, basically, an enemy with a laser pistol and a bunch of stealthboys. The more I saw the lazier it all looked. Oh sure they *look* cool sometimes, the Mothman does look pretty neat, but the explanations were horrible. And if they were going to go with 'Appalachia is full of post-nuke cryptids' they should have approached from an entirely different angle. They should have done what they do best, as the cryptids show, and rip off something competent. Namely deathclaws - have all these post-war mutants looking like cryptids look that way because they were *designed* that way by a scientist in charge of government experimentation to produce war assets. He gets locked in his facility when the nukes drop. Completely alone. So he starts losing it. He starts trying to make everything from people (Creates the supermutants who wouldn't be supermutants in this version but freaking Sasquatch) to animals out of loneliness and boredom, respectively, and slowly sinks deeper and deeper into madness, creating weirder and weird half-remembered creatures that never really existed, until deciding to experiment on himself when found out about the Scorch effect from the above cure scenario. Because he was cured of New Plague, but protected from the radiation by the facility that he wants to leave (maybe he speaks to the responders above). Then make a huge rugpull for this empty shit hole world and find him like a Mummy of Philippi, in a weird glass chamber. You think he's dead, like everything else in this empty expanse, and start listening to his holotape. Maybe look through his computer. In there you find a thought profile and realize this guy's heart is still beating, although only like once a day. The case he's in? He's used it to fuck with his genetics in a significant way to protect himself from the scorched fungus. It also started to lead to the necrotic death of his cells, which he also tried to cure away. In the end he became a husk of himself but perfected a cure for it. He's a living plague himself now, to the scorch. He's also hopelessly inhuman looking, has strange alien thoughts, and when you go to leave, to see if you could use his husk against the scorched, you realized it got up. The thing slowly lumbers towards you. Queue actual options, but that's not what this is about. The point is that this way you at least have a reason for all this 'cryptids are suddenly real' stuff.
Perhaps they are simply creatures that look like folklore, and people give them names based on what they remember from before the war. It's not really the mothman, it just looks like it. It's not really a wendigo, it just eats people.

Apart from Flatwoods monster. That shit is dumb. Grafton monster looks better, but sounds like its just gonna be some FEV based beastie. Urgh.

Of course, this doesn't explain who gave them these names, since every single person in Virginia apart from the inhabitants of one vault are apparrently already dead, despite the lack of obvious radiation hazards in the region.

The New plague idea you posted is cool. Really cool. It's a shame the new plague has been completely forgotten about in this modern Fallout timeline.
If they didn't look so much alike, I'd be inclined to agree. If like the Flatwoods monster was, say, a giant mutated owl and just bore a resemblance to the original myth, that'd make sense, and that may be the case with the Wendigo since there are multiple descriptions of those, but there's a self-evident goal to make them look like the legends. Which innately demands a reason since something like the Grafton Monster is just a bit too iconic to be the same headless accident twice. Or an FEV accident that matches that much. Mainly since it was seen in the 60's I think.

Hell, I didn't even think of that. I'm just used to blatantly nonsense naming logic in Beth games. Look at the naming conventions on F4 enemies as you go. Its just so mind numbing you let it happen. Is it just assumed your brand new vault-dweller is naming all these?

Oh, it's not entirely forgotten about. Its just used offscreen to kill a companion's kid. But he doesn't care obviously, he's banging you all over the Commonwealth. =P
Oh, it's not entirely forgotten about. Its just used offscreen to kill a companion's kid. But he doesn't care obviously, he's banging you all over the Commonwealth. =P

Considering that the sole survivor was happily married up until a few days ago (by his/her time), and moves on faster than a hollywood starlet in the death throes of her career, I think MacReady is being an absolute saint in comparison. :D

Is it just assumed your brand new vault-dweller is naming all these?
Yes. this is exactly what's happening. Since no one else in the commonwealth ever mentions it, it must be true.

Sole Survivor: "Look out, it's the Legendary Glowing Albino Deathclaw".
Cait: "Oh noes! Wait... why is it legendary?"
SS: "Oh, it must be legendary. A tale seeped in mystery and murder. Something whispered of in the villages, behind closed doors and in hushed voices. Surely such a ferocious beast must be part of legend."
Cait: "Is that why it's carrying combat armor and a pistol that never runs out of bullets? Is that part of the legend? Please tell me that's explained."
SS: "....Yes."
Cait: (raises gun to own head)
Considering that the sole survivor was happily married up until a few days ago (by his/her time), and moves on faster than a hollywood starlet in the death throes of her career, I think MacReady is being an absolute saint in comparison. :D

Yes. this is exactly what's happening. Since no one else in the commonwealth ever mentions it, it must be true.

Sole Survivor: "Look out, it's the Legendary Glowing Albino Deathclaw".
Cait: "Oh noes! Wait... why is it legendary?"
SS: "Oh, it must be legendary. A tale seeped in mystery and murder. Something whispered of in the villages, behind closed doors and in hushed voices. Surely such a ferocious beast must be part of legend."
Cait: "Is that why it's carrying combat armor and a pistol that never runs out of bullets? Is that part of the legend? Please tell me that's explained."
SS: "....Yes."
Cait: (raises gun to own head)
Cait: (reconsiders, directs it towards the madman)
Sole survivor: (picks up pistol. Makes "pew pew" noises until cait pulls the trigger.)

It all makes sense now. This EXPLAINS the magical weapons, kid in a fridge, super robots, super mutants.... Fallout 4 wasn't non-canon. It's all the fever dream of a poor demented vault dweller, vainly struggling to cope with PTSD and the recent death of their spouse.

Guys, we've solved the mystery! We can all relax now.
Actually they are all Simulations running on a VT-209 while you are sitting safely in your own Vault (Fallout 1 Manual to the rescue). So yea, there is no lore per se *slowly puts on fighting gloves* :lalala::flameon:
Actually they are all Simulations running on a VT-209 while you are sitting safely in your own Vault (Fallout 1 Manual to the rescue). So yea, there is no lore per se *slowly puts on fighting gloves* :lalala::flameon:
What the fuck are you talking about
Actually they are all Simulations running on a VT-209 while you are sitting safely in your own Vault (Fallout 1 Manual to the rescue). So yea, there is no lore per se *slowly puts on fighting gloves* :lalala:
What the fuck are you talking about
Well... technically... the manual describes the game's UI and character generation (and most of the gameplay rules) as a feature of the SimTek 5000 [VR system ?]... so the whole game might be interpreted as having been played by a vault dweller as a pre-orientation to leaving the vault. Not so unlike the plot of Total Recall—how it might all be his virtual vacation, in his head; or of the Onion's Blizzard World-of-World-of-Warcraft. ;)

It was the big Dragon ... ohhh sorry Scorchebeast that blasted them away with his fire dragonbreath ... oh sorry scorchray. But no worry you can defeat the Dragon ... ohhh sorry Scorchebeast with your Pipepistol.
It's ok. The Vault 76 residents are all descendants of the Dragonborn. So if they are lucky, they might get a Fus Ro Dah card and use that to defeat dragons... Isn't this The Fallout Scrolls IP?
I have been talking in the past on how I would like the East Coast in Fallout to be different to the West Coast, including different creatures and mutants.
I really do like the designs for some of the new creatures. The Mothman is ... okay.... and someones been playing a lot of STALKER: Chernobyl over at Bethesda, clearly, but some like the snarlygaster, Grafton monster and wendigo are genuinely pretty creepy.

Haha too bad this is online only not Fallout 4 and you can cheese the fuck out of them with scenery blocking and respawn.
If I was interested in modding Fallout 4, I would probably find a way of porting Fallout 76 creatures to Fallout 4. Hell, I could probably port a lot of things between those two games. :wiggle:
Well... technically... the manual describes the game's UI and character generation (and most of the gameplay rules) as a feature of the SimTek 5000 [VR system ?]... so the whole game might be interpreted as having been played by a vault dweller as a pre-orientation to leaving the vault. Not so unlike the plot of Total Recall—how it might all be his virtual vacation, in his head; or of the Onion's Blizzard World-of-World-of-Warcraft. ;)

The amount of reaching people are doing to excuse bad writing amazes me.
There's no excusing going on here really, lots of satire though. Away from here, I haven't even seen many attempts at excusing. Just straight of defense. Things like how Bethesda cramming a meaningless satellite in 'improves' the lore by 'giving the BOS more to do than just sitting on their hands all that time'. I could rant from there but it'd be pointless. I don't think anyone here is really of the mind that Bethesda's writing doesn't produce problems in anything they touch.
You do know there is a way to poison him... with a stealthy character...
frankly, i couldn't even get to him through the scavenger hunt with monsters who can spot a fruit fly from a mile away. after few hours, i just gave up, it just felt like a tedious work. that's why i said that the ending felt completely different to the rest of the game (both plot-wise and gameplay-wise), where it was difficult to play with such a character but it was perfectly possible