There comes a time men when you have to move on. Briosafreak, Lexx, Silencer, Per, Brother None, Alec, Roshambo, Tagaziel, Sander, Odin, Welsh...what do these NMA Oldfags have in common? By my estimation they are at least my age (30's)
mostly about 3 to 8 years older than me. You have to think about who these people are now, if they all even still exist. War might not change, but people sure as shit do.
I have been here around 13 years as a regular member. I took breaks in between due to work and life and lack of internet, but I always came back. I plan to stay here at least until a new generation is ready to carry on the torch. That being said I cannot obsess about Fallout anymore. It is not dead in a literal sense, sure, but the lore is not even adhering to our generations stories. You have people that have been here a couple years that now know the lore better than any of us oldfags. Tagaziel is your lone exception because he learned to like something about the series. He always loved ELDER SCROLLS along with isometric Fallout. That is your way in if you still care. That is why people like Risewild can enjoy the series to some extent. It is why I can, assuming there is still a shred of...thought behind the story.
Fallout has now evolved into modern day fanon, with the Brotherhood being a bunch of people on a terrorist watch list no doubt. So what do you do?
- You fight back. Don't buy the game assholes. Stop paying for their shit. Stop mindlessly defending them when they do not deserve your respect or defense. Can you meme my friend?
- You stop caring. This is why people leave. You will catch people sticking around because they made so many friends here and have nowhere else to go.
- You learn to like it. You stop taking it so seriously. You don't obsess over every minor detail a 20 year old art designer, randomly assigned to the quest, might have thought up. You look for the good stuff. This doesn't stop you from sticking to your guns when shit hits an unacceptable level.
- You educate and inform and evolve the series in other ways. Get creative. Stop expecting everything to be done for you. This applies to every aspect of our society if you look for it. Get involved in the community outside these walls even.
You can pick and choose which of the ones I listed fall into what category. Some choose more than one path.