8.9 Earthquake in Japan

"Ten thousand people are missing in the harbourtown of Minamisanriku according to BBC"

And another 300-400 dead at Rikuzentakata. 23K residents still unaccounted for.

From SvD.se

Lets hope they're allright.
it is frustrating that one cant get any reliable informations about the Fukushima 1 nuclear reactor. Some sources say that the there has been some explosion some say it might have been even intentionally (which I doubt though) while other sources say there has been a meltdown and 20 times more radioactivity then usual and others say they are just trying to get more cooling water in the reactor. I am really feeling sorry for the Japanese people. No one deserves a second Chernobyle.
I have'nt seen any mentions of a meltdown at all yet, just speculations that it might come to that. It's not impossible, just an improbable event.

Some claims to measurements of cesium has also been made, but as you said - there really are no substantial facts right now.

Some more people have said that the radiation levels have dropped in the reactor controlroom.
Would'nt that be a bad thing though? Where did it go, so to speak?
Hope that nothing more happens with those reactors.
What happened already is a major catastrophe, those people don't need a meltdown on top of it all.
I like the one best who called japanese "Krauts" and said they nuked pearl harbor. Wonder if he ever visited a school.
fedaykin said:
Whaaaaaaa...I don't even know what to say. America........fuck. Just fuck.

Nice contradiction. Blaming them for their ignorant sterotypical comments, while making one yourself.
Lexx said:
I like the one best who called japanese "Krauts" and said they nuked pearl harbor. Wonder if he ever visited a school.

Nobody is that stupid, it's a joke playing on the line Bluto says in the movie Animal House. "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?"

Anybody who got suckered in by that, (like fedaykin) was trolled.
fedaykin said:
Whaaaaaaa...I don't even know what to say. America........fuck. Just fuck.
When you're done on your high horse you might want to take notice the the US Pacific Fleet and forces stationed there are aiding with the rescue.

Stop with the jingoistic rhetorical finger wagging already, WTF are you doing to help oh self-righteous one? Never miss an opportunity to bash the US though huh, that's what's really important here.

Besides, when did the audience from Jerry Springer become the mouthpiece of all America? Grow up guys.

If you want to slag America, how about how they'd be out looting, shooting cops and general jackassery while the Japanese are stoic, level-headed and reasonable about all this.
com on guys. Idiots exist everywhere. That is nothing the US can claim for them self all alone. There are teenagers here who think Bush and Sadam grown up in Britain because both speak english or something (not a joke!).

We should just forget the morons and move on to wish the japs the best luck and give them as much help as possible.
DammitBoy said:
Lexx said:
I like the one best who called japanese "Krauts" and said they nuked pearl harbor. Wonder if he ever visited a school.

Nobody is that stupid

You really believe this, huh? Sure, there is no stupidity around, everyone is just trolling. :lol:
Cimmerian Nights said:
When you're done on your high horse you might want to take notice the the US Pacific Fleet and forces stationed there are aiding with the rescue.

Stop with the jingoistic rhetorical finger wagging already, WTF are you doing to help oh self-righteous one? Never miss an opportunity to bash the US though huh, that's what's really important here.

We're not laughing at these dumbfuck because they aren't helping, we're laughing at them because they're dumb : slight difference.
What's funny is that they are being all patriotic and aggressive where there is really no reason whatsoever. What's funny is also that hey are numerous.

They're from your country, so deal with it. We'll care to do the same when you'll laugh about dumbfucks in our respective countries.
2212: It is the number three reactor at the Fukushima No. 1 plant where officials have just announced that the cooling system has failed. This morning's blast took place at the number one reactor at the same plant. "All the functions to keep cooling water levels in No. 3 reactor have failed at the Fukushima No. 1 plant," a spokesman for the operator said.
Clearly you missed the point. By all means ridicule the troglydytes, they deserve it in spades, but the self-righteous bullshit is a bit much. It's pretty facile to paint with such a wide brush considering there are American serviceman there helping now.
I'm really not inclined to spend my time digging up dirt on whatever equivalent of white trash you have where you come from, sorry.