8.9 Earthquake in Japan

Why is it so hard to stay on topic instead of going down the ancient trolling Usa sucks/ is dumb <-> Usa doesn't suck/ isn't dumb road?
DammitBoy said:
Anybody who got suckered in by that, (like fedaykin) was trolled.
I'm seeing it for the first time right now :roll:

By the way, my "America......fuck. Just fuck." comment wasn't meant as "Fuck America", but a paraphrase of the line "America, fuck yeah!" from Team America.
the US Pacific Fleet and forces stationed there are aiding with the rescue.
jingoistic rhetorical finger wagging
What can I say, I learned from the best (you know who you are).

Dunno what was jingoistic, but whatever you want.
Besides, when did the audience from Jerry Springer become the mouthpiece of all America?
Uh-uh they're all just not REAL Americans, amirite?
we're laughing at them [the facebook people, not 'Americans'] because they're dumb : slight difference.
What's funny is that they are being all patriotic and aggressive where there is really no reason whatsoever.
I agree.
For some reasons only known to the idiots in Radio-Television of Serbia, Pearl Harbor was on last night.
How admirably supportive they are...
poor japs. It seems that the reactor at least had a partial melt-down. It seems that there are no accurate informations (you cant look inside the reactor afterall) but the measurements give the impression that the worst case happend.
I guess the bigest problem might be a colapse of the national grid. Hopefully they can prevent that
(back on topic +11)

Has there been any Godzilla sightings yet?


On a related note: My brother was an art director on that movie.
DammitBoy said:
(back on topic +11)

Has there been any Godzilla sightings yet?


On a related note: My brother was an art director on that movie.

Older Version was better in my opinion.

Crni Vuk said:
THeh I am curious if they will do a movie about it in 30 years with the Fokushima Godzila or something.

They are making a reboot in 2012. Toho which has been doing godzilla for 50 years, has sold the rights to Legendary Pictures. Legendary are planning on making something like the original Godzilla film or Gojira, rather than the 1998 film.
Overheard the news about some sort of a volcano going off, on top of al the other mayhem in Japan. Anyone know anything about that too?

Fucked up, if you ask me - now that more and more amateur footage makes it to youTube, I'm beginning to realise the scope of this disaster. Madness.
SkuLL said:
Overheard the news about some sort of a volcano going off, on top of al the other mayhem in Japan. Anyone know anything about that too?

"According to Associated Press, Japan's weather agency says a volcano in southern Japan has resumed eruptions of ash. The Meteorological Agency issued a warning saying that Shinmoedake volcano had resumed shooting out gas, boulders and ash after a couple weeks of inactivity. The mountain is on the other side of Japan from the epicenter of Friday's magnitude 8.9 earthquake and resulting tsunami, which devastated much of the country's northeast coast. It was unclear if the eruptions were linked to quake."
- The Guardian website.
Thanks, Alphadrop, was trying to find some news about it. That sounds bad indeed, looks like they're getting hit hard from all angles. :(

At least these events have no effect on the Internet idiots who somehow still manage to make this a discussion about America. :roll:
well the good news is that Japan I guess is one of those places with the best preperations. The people actually have almost adopted some kind of routine when it comes to disasters. Of couse ... I guess it is true when they say that this is the worst situation since WW2. But I think if the same would have hit other areas particularly some with nations which do not have the resources or will to train and preapre for such events. Probably a lot more people would have died.
They said on new that the volcano started spewing lava and molten rock flying up to 4 km.
I really, really hope that this is the last in this series of unfortunate events.
hey isnt the hurrican season starting there soon as well or somthing ?

An tropical cyclone hiting some of the other left reactors would probably give it all the rest.
Crni Vuk said:
But I think if the same would have hit other areas particularly some with nations which do not have the resources or will to train and preapre for such events. Probably a lot more people would have died.
Yeah, that was my first thought as well - imagine some third world country having to deal with this shit. Not that that makes it any wasier on the Japanese. :(

The aftermath is gonna be crucial, I hope they can handle it well and save lives - just being prepared, or capable of help, doesn't mean that things will go smoothly (hell, just look at Katrina and the trouble that caused).
though from what I heard the region which was hit wasnt really prepared for something like Katrina. But that is just what I have read.