Sduibek said:
Hassknecht said:
Yup, that quote is crazy. Where did you get that from?
Google says it's all over the place
Yeah, thousands of blogs reposting that one article from „“, a site that I don't find particularly trustworthy. Let's check this article, shall we?
It's been written by a guy named Chussodovsky. We'll check that name later, first let's look at the article.
The site itself doesn't look very good. Newstickers. „Centre for Research on Globalization“. I've got a bad feeling about this...
Without getting into the article itself, we already see that most of the references go to the site itself. Quoting yourself, you handsome devil, that's always great. 998,000 people died from Chernobyl, mostly from cancer? I'd like to read some sources. Wait, no sources there? Hm, those numbers did have a certain smell to them...
Anyway, the article doesn't seem trustworthy. No references but obvious stuff that does not strengthen the assumption that Japan is completely fucked.
Let's check out his other stuff and Chussodovsky himself.
Wow, he believes HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Don't need to read more, he's at least a part-time conspiracy nut without any real scientific education.
Yeah, let's just say that I don't trust that guy when he tells me that Japan will be rendered uninhabitable. When he thinks that HAARP can control the weather (and stupidity like that really makes my blood boil), he can believe anything. He doesn't know shit about physics or scale.
Don't readily believe articles that throw around lurid shit like that quote. Check the backgrounds, check the references.
The internet is a place where everyone can cry out his or her opinion and disguise it as fact. You'll need to be very careful when searching for reliable information.