8.9 Earthquake in Japan


Even in face of such disaster Japs are as fucked up as always.
Why isn't the entire planet or at least NATO/UN/whomever in a state of ultra emergency over this? A massive spilling of nuclear waste over this size of the globe is (as far as I know) unprecedented. This is literally going to cause effects on most of the planet, at the very least a great portion of the Northern Hemisphere. I am blown away (no pun intended) that we aren't gathering together every major nation and taking over command of all pertinent clean-up efforts and quarantine efforts in Japan regarding Fukushima, given that the Japanese are doing a piss-poor job at it. This is a Big Fucking Deal, and no one seems to be giving half a shit about it.

If you thought handling of Chernobyl was bad, Fukushima is much worse. I've never had much faith in the human race, but this is really really bad.

Canada and the US West Coast are in the direct trajectory of the gulf stream, thus radiation (in addition to fucking over a large portion of landmass in Japan) will begin to have a measurable effect on our habitat in North America, if it isn't already.

I fail to see how this whole disaster does not paint the Japanese government and The Powers That Be as complete worthless fucking idiots. Baffling. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but it really makes me wonder if this is some orchestrated perverse social experiment or terrorism or some shit. Why the limited media coverage and total lack of worldwide emergency? As said before, this disaster should have had EVERY nation with the ability to do so, IMMEDIATELY sending over every form of aid possible, including scientists and hazmat teams and advisors. Instead, we're basically just shaking our heads and then moving onto The Latest Top Story.

Modern age indeed.
I don't know where you're from, but we had a huge amount of coverage here in Germany. Because of this, we're going to shut down all of our NPPs.
Why should there be a state of „ultra emergency“? Yeah, radioactive material in the Gulf Stream is bad, but have you ever heard of dilution?
There is, scientifically speaking, a metric fuck-ton of water in the oceans. See, that's about 10⁵ metric fuck-tons, which really is a lot.
As the name suggests, the Gulf Stream is a stream so that might hinder dilution somewhat, but on the other hand, the movement of the water will benefit dilution, and when the radioactive crap is diluted down to homeopathic levels, it does exactly what homeopathic stuff does: Nothing.
Now I don't say that the handling of the disaster was any good, but going into full panic-mode is not necessary.
What I actually find weird about the medial coverage (at least here) is that the actual tsunami, the one that, unlike the NPP in Fukushima, killed around a bazillion people and devastated a whole lot of Japan, rarely gets mentioned.
Hassknecht said:
There is, scientifically speaking, a metric fuck-ton of water in the oceans. See, that's about 10⁵ metric fuck-tons, which really is a lot.
+10 cool points :rofl:
Hassknecht said:
What I actually find weird about the medial coverage (at least here) is that the actual tsunami, the one that, unlike the NPP in Fukushima, killed around a bazillion people and devastated a whole lot of Japan, rarely gets mentioned.

I know, right? Germany should close down it's coast instead of it's NPPs. It would be about as intelligent as shutting down the NPPs because they could break down if a tsunami and an earth quake happened at the same time. In the baltic sea.
Hassknecht said:
I don't know where you're from
North-West Coast USA

And well if you look specifically at Japan, why shouldn't they be in panic mode? Do you realize nuclear contamination can last for literally thousands of years? Granted there's a shit-ton (is that a metric unit too? :mrgreen:) of variables involved, but the areas around those power plants is going to be uninhabitable for a long time. (Granted not a thousand)

How many civilians worldwide are going to be affected, directly or indirectly, because of this? How much has the government over there ACTUALLY done about it? How much has been done to account for the (chosen and purposeful) errors that led to this disaster? If it were up to me, I'd execute those responsible and replace every single person that was privy to the knowledge of the horrible handling of their choices (forging of inspection documents, forging of retro-fit procedures, etc). But I am almost sure neither of those things will happen.

Sure it's not The End Of The World, but again this is a huge deal. It should be on front page news in every country affected by it until it's fixed. And if Japan isn't doing enough to fix it (hint: they aren't) we need to go in and force them to. But we aren't. The people involved with this, just like other bullshit like Haliburton, get to continue fucking everyone over and don't truly have to answer for it. Which in and of itself should be treated as an emergency.


And you could say "Well dude it's just going into the ocean" but how much seafood do we eat and cultivate that come from that ocean? Cancer is already a problem in... everywhere. This isn't going to help, obviously.



"The nuclear crisis at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan resulted from wilful negligence and a flawed response"

Formerk said:
Hassknecht said:
There is, scientifically speaking, a metric fuck-ton of water in the oceans. See, that's about 10⁵ metric fuck-tons, which really is a lot.
+10 cool points :rofl:
And just now I see that I used „fuck-ton“ twice. 1 fuck-ton is obviously 10⁵ shit-tons. It's a weird system to name the fifth power, but well, I didn't invent it.

@Sduibek: I agree that it's a huge deal. But it's a year ago, too, and there have been no major leakages in Fukushima for a few months. And whenever there were, they were on the news around here. Maybe your news source is just shitty ;)
But yeah, the handling was pretty bad. Japan is generally well prepared for earthquakes, but the failure of the NPP went way over their heads. And of course they tried to play it down first in the hopes that they could bring everything back to normal before anything happens. In hindsight it was a bad move of course, but understandable from their perspective at that time. All in all, pretty shitty handling.
Hassknecht said:
Maybe your news source is just shitty ;)
Well yeah, it's Uh-Murrikah. We like to talk about 'murrikan things like hand-egg and beef.


Oh wow, I just found another crazy quote: "Japan as a nation state has been destroyed. Its landmass and territorial waters are contaminated. Part of the country is uninhabitable. High levels of radiation have been recorded in the Tokyo metropolitan area, which has a population of 39 million (2010) (more than the population of Canada, circa 34 million (2010)) There are indications that the food chain is contaminated throughout Japan."

Okay all done. Talking about this shit makes me depressed.
Don't worry, Sduibek. Czechoslovakia was contaminated much more during the accident in Chernobyl. Also whole Scandinavia and Balkan took disastrous amount of radioactive isotopes. As Nietzsche said: "What does not kill me, makes me stronger." Just mutate happily! :mrgreen:
valcik said:
Don't worry, Sduibek. Czechoslovakia was contaminated much more during the accident in Chernobyl. Also whole Scandinavia and Balkan took disastrous amount of radioactive isotopes. As Nietzsche said: "What does not kill me, makes me stronger." Just mutate happily! :mrgreen:
I'm interested to see if we start getting four-armed and two-headed Japanese. Bonus: more productivity from its workforce!!
Sduibek said:
I'm interested to see if we start getting four-armed and two-headed Japanese. Bonus: more productivity from its workforce!!

That is not how radiation works.
Sduibek said:
Hassknecht said:
Maybe your news source is just shitty ;)
Well yeah, it's Uh-Murrikah. We like to talk about 'murrikan things like hand-egg and beef.


Oh wow, I just found another crazy quote: "Japan as a nation state has been destroyed. Its landmass and territorial waters are contaminated. Part of the country is uninhabitable. High levels of radiation have been recorded in the Tokyo metropolitan area, which has a population of 39 million (2010) (more than the population of Canada, circa 34 million (2010)) There are indications that the food chain is contaminated throughout Japan."

Okay all done. Talking about this shit makes me depressed.
Yup, that quote is crazy. Where did you get that from?
Sduibek said:
Hassknecht said:
Yup, that quote is crazy. Where did you get that from?
Google says it's all over the place


Yeah, thousands of blogs reposting that one article from „Globalresearch.ca“, a site that I don't find particularly trustworthy. Let's check this article, shall we?
It's been written by a guy named Chussodovsky. We'll check that name later, first let's look at the article.
The site itself doesn't look very good. Newstickers. „Centre for Research on Globalization“. I've got a bad feeling about this...
Without getting into the article itself, we already see that most of the references go to the site itself. Quoting yourself, you handsome devil, that's always great. 998,000 people died from Chernobyl, mostly from cancer? I'd like to read some sources. Wait, no sources there? Hm, those numbers did have a certain smell to them...
Anyway, the article doesn't seem trustworthy. No references but obvious stuff that does not strengthen the assumption that Japan is completely fucked.
Let's check out his other stuff and Chussodovsky himself.
Wow, he believes HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. Don't need to read more, he's at least a part-time conspiracy nut without any real scientific education.
Yeah, let's just say that I don't trust that guy when he tells me that Japan will be rendered uninhabitable. When he thinks that HAARP can control the weather (and stupidity like that really makes my blood boil), he can believe anything. He doesn't know shit about physics or scale.
Don't readily believe articles that throw around lurid shit like that quote. Check the backgrounds, check the references.
The internet is a place where everyone can cry out his or her opinion and disguise it as fact. You'll need to be very careful when searching for reliable information.
Hassknecht said:
Sduibek said:
Hassknecht said:
Yup, that quote is crazy. Where did you get that from?
Google says it's all over the place


(smart analyses and good detective work)
Fair enough. These days I don't read news generally speaking, because it puts me into a mankind-hating rage. This specific quote was during a half-hour or so of pulling up various Fukushima-related sites. If I remember correctly on this one I'd scrolled down and then skimmed it, so I didn't catch that it was a BS site. In any case, I wasn't taking the quote as fact, more of just "Oh wow, if this is true that's crazy and unfortunate."

Your dedication to sourcework (is that a word? it is now) is commendable though. If I didn't hate people so much, I'd be the same. Mostly I try to stay out of it and do what I love -- draw, listen to music, design things, play/mod video games, etc. There is not enough time in life to spend worried about the fact that everyone dies and everything will crumble, and that we are continuously hastening both processes. As you can see, occaisionally I get sucked back into the emotional and intellectual quagmire of learning about our most recent transgressions. I genuinely enjoy interacting with people most of the time, on an individual or small group basis, but people as a collective meta-level entity are just horrible. Not something I want to spend my time in or thinking about.

I encourage anyone who hasn't done so to disconnect themselves from all forms of mass news media for at least six months. See if your outlook on life and your disposition improves.
Sduibek said:
I encourage anyone who hasn't done so to disconnect themselves from all forms of mass news media for at least six months. See if your outlook on life and your disposition improves.

or if you come back a year later and discover that THERE'S BEEN A NUCLEAR DISASTER GUISE WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!
I don't have a TV or newspaper subsciption (although I'd like one for reading during breakfast) anyway. I listen to the radio in the morning to wake up (because pop radio makes my blood boil, so it forces me out of bed), but besides that I get my news from the internet.
And as demonstrated, the internet is full of bullshit. So one needs to doublecheck any information he gets there.
I'm a physicist so I'm used to do that anyway, but I can see how that would cause problems for people from a non-scientific background, if one is not used to be critical about every piece of information.