8.9 Earthquake in Japan

DammitBoy said:
inevitable radioactive death cloud
So it's officially gone that far?

Last I heard, they were having some trouble and were worried things might get worse (like polluted groundwater), but AFAIK everyone expected it to come to a 'happy' end.

Has anyone got any worthwhile news and/or sufficient knowledge on the subject to be able to tell me how much worse the situation can/will get?

Some people are telling me "it's, like... The END, man!" while some (including a friend in Japan) tell me that the media exaggerates the situation... Hard to tell what's true, especially since no one seems to know a lot about nuclear power plants or radioactivity.
LinkPain said:
2 nuclear reactors on fire near other 2, i think it sums it up.
No it doesn't. That's not a problem as long as the reactor core remains intact, which the reactor cores seem to have done so far.

It could take weeks for everything to cool down and officially be over, but so far the worst that has happened is that it's unsafe in the immediate vicinity of the reactors. It could certainly get worse, though. But even the worst-case scenario isn't as bad as Chernobyl, if only because the reactions by the authorities have been better.
Sander said:
LinkPain said:
2 nuclear reactors on fire near other 2, i think it sums it up.
No it doesn't. That's not a problem as long as the reactor core remains intact, which the reactor cores seem to have done so far.

It could take weeks for everything to cool down and officially be over, but so far the worst that has happened is that it's unsafe in the immediate vicinity of the reactors. It could certainly get worse, though. But even the worst-case scenario isn't as bad as Chernobyl, if only because the reactions by the authorities have been better.

So they need to get lucky and get the reactors to cool down cooling them with anything they get? What's to say that another sudden explosion won't happen?
But they can't do anything better now anyway.
LinkPain said:
Which is Chernobyl, right?
There was not a containment vessel builded in Chernobyl; also a graphite was used as a moderator of the reaction.
After first explosion of accumulated steam, roof of the reactor bulding collapsed and the graphite parts were ignited. Colourless flame of the ignited graphite was few hundred meters high and thanks to this, the radioactive isotopes were brought up freely to a few kilometers above ground.
There is quite different situation in Fukushima, less dangerous.
I'm no expert but i get some of what you mean.
Fukushima roof did not collapse totally from what i saw in the news, it was a rough explosion though.
LinkPain said:
I'm no expert but i get some of what you mean.
Fukushima roof did not collapse totally from what i saw in the news, it was a rough explosion though.

Still exploding nuclear rectors can't be good for business. One of the problems here is the fact the Japanese authorities are completely useless at giving accurate and frank information on the present situation. For all we know Gigantor has taken a smelly dump in all six reactor cores...:roll:

.Pixote. said:
One of the problems here is the fact the Japanese authorities are completely useless at giving accurate and frank information on the present situation.
Yes, but even this is much better than a complete information embargo during the crisis in Chernobyl.
Heh? They're probably among the best you're going to get at it, really.

Wait until things have cooled down a bit (yes yes no pun intended bla bla) and they'll probably take the time to talk more about it.
valcik said:
.Pixote. said:
One of the problems here is the fact the Japanese authorities are completely useless at giving accurate and frank information on the present situation.
Yes, but even this is much better than a complete information embargo during the crisis in Chernobyl.
Or maybe they simply dont have any accurate informations since the nuclear reactor was from what I know not owned by the state but a private company so even the japanese gouvenement probably cant do much more then ask them how the situation is.

Profiting from fear mongering is by no means a unique situation.

From the "Barbarians" outside Rome to "Arabs are evil from FOX news" and "Jews want to dominate the world", this kinda shit is just human nature.
Did anyone heard about the Volcano eruption?


There are reports out now that says the reason everyone was caught a bit unprepared (with their pants down as it were) was because there was a 7.2 earthquake (foreshock) before the 9.0 one. And everyone thought that was the big one, so it was thought that the danger had passed.

Huh, apparently, the Disneyland in Japan might sink due to the earthquake, since it might have caused the soil liquefaction under the place.

Edit to add:

A bit of gaming reference, I wonder if games like Zettai Zetsumei Toshi series will get more popular from now on?