Sicblades said:I played FFXI for a few years, hardly an RPG, definitely an MMO though. I hope you're not calling me retarded simply because I played an MMO... and I definitely expect lots from my cRPG's. I guess there are people out there who are far too impressionable for their own good.
You seem to miss my point.
First I blame the sole existence of MMOs that have put senseless "grinding" on the pedestal of good gameplay and popularity. Second, I blame whoever's the idiot to have called MMOs "RPG" in the first place - there is only veeery few in the genre that have anything to vaguely resemble traditional roleplaying. Finally, I was referring more not to the gamers like you (or me, I often kill hours and hours with RF Online or Anarchy Online) but the young kids who are crazy about WoW and have probably never heard of or touched a PnP game, or even a computer adaptation, who think that WoW embodies what an RPG should be.
P.S. Sorry to hear you've been playing FFXI - I hear it's a pretty horrible game >___<