A Dirty Little Secret

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Not necessarily Fallout 3-centric, but Fallout 3's Games for Windows Live achievements are what made the Escapist's Andy Chalk realise there's a little console gamer in all of us.<blockquote>Several hours later, I resigned myself to the fact that if I wanted those Achievements, I'd have to replay the game. I was disappointed, and surprised by my disappointment. It suddenly dawned on me that I did want those Achievements. I'd invested a lot of time in the game, I'd earned those markers of accomplishment and I resented the fact that they were being denied to me. Microsoft had set a cunning trap, and like a fool - like a console gamer! - I had stumbled blindly into it.

Except it wasn't really their trap. With Achievements, Microsoft has figured out how to tap into the very basic and normal human desire for recognition, but they're far from the first to do it. 25 years ago and more, in the heyday of video arcades, countless hyper-reflexive teenagers spent their evenings in dingy, smoke-filled rooms blowing untold dollars for little more than a chance to enter their initials into a machine's high score list. I myself pumped quarters by the pound into games like Time Pilot and Bosconian in a ceaseless battle for supremacy with my fellow coin-op warriors.</blockquote>
I'm not a big fan of "Gamerscores" or whatnot, but I don't mind achievements in games. I liked them in Portal, and I like the trophies in the few PS3 game that have them.
Is the achievement list on The Vault complete? Because all of those are sort of meh. Most you would get on a normal playthrough anyway. The only interesting ones are "Weaponsmith" and "The Bigger They Are..."
I never cared for achievements. Personally most of the games, especially online games, are worse because of them. Thinking about battlefield 2 at the moment..oh what a piece of..
I'd like achievements better if they were implemented in a better way.

As they are now, they're just lazy ways to get people to play games longer than they should, especially multiplayer oriented ones.
Dear god, first people said PC gaming was dying, now it's getting the console cancer.

If you want to feel like you did something then go give to charity.
Hobo In A Box said:
Dear god, first people said PC gaming was dying, now it's getting the console cancer.

If you want to feel like you did something then go give to charity.

How many Gamerscore points will I get for doing that?
Man my gamerscore sucks... could be because a damn I could not give for achievemants unless they give something shiny like in Halo 3 :P.
the first hing I did when I had the game on my PC.

Removing any sign of Windows Live from Fallout 3.

I was very happy after it.
Alphadrop said:
Man my gamerscore sucks... could be because a damn I could not give for achievemants unless they give something shiny like in Halo 3 :P.
Even "something shiny" doesn't make me want to get them. I really enjoy playing TF2 and I am pretty good at it, but I barely have any achievements, only those which I achieved unintentionally.

Couldn't care less about no reward achievements. (or do they offer some kind of reward?)
I hate the Gaming For Windows crap - I was really disappointed in Bethesda for including it. As it makes Fallout 3 much harder to run in WINE/Crossover.
jamesmcm said:
As it makes Fallout 3 much harder to run in WINE/Crossover.

im sure making it easier was one of their main goals...

face it, linux is not a gaming platform.

while you may be able to get some games to run, games are not made to run on them.
TheWesDude said:
jamesmcm said:
As it makes Fallout 3 much harder to run in WINE/Crossover.

im sure making it easier was one of their main goals...

face it, linux is not a gaming platform.

while you may be able to get some games to run, games are not made to run on them.

Huh? There's no reason why it _can't_ be a gaming platform though (if more games had OpenGL support). It's just really frustrating when they do things like this as I primarily use OS X and Ubuntu so the headache is enormous.
This is dull. Nobody cares about those stupid achievements, and those who do will look back ten years from now and think "what a geek!".
I don't really get into e-peen measuring contests, but I have to admit that I enjoy achievements on my Xbox 360. It's most enjoyable when achievements are given for doing unusual things - it makes you try different stuff and surprises you when you get an achievement for doing something out of the ordinary. Left 4 Dead has a lot of clever achievements - for instance, you get the "Towering Inferno" achievement when you light the Tank zombie on fire. Cool.

The worst thing is when a game hands out achievements for doing rudimentary stuff like advancing your character to level 3, or completing the first level of a game, etc. Those suck and are really a waste of time on the developers' part.
What's funny.

Achievements are scripted.

Anyone with half a brain can give themselves every single achievement in F3 with some script lines.
The only thing more pointless than getting those achievements, must be modding them in yourself! :lol: