A new Fallout game... by Obsidian?

Per said:
I'm stuck in apathy limbo, it seems. If MCA had been involved I'd have been more excited. JES isn't going to get to turn this into a turn-based affair.

However, if the game has a scorpitron and land mines then it will be awesome by default.

I'm pretty sure that MCA will be involved as well, once he's finished with AP.
A bit too late, though, maybe? If this game is supposed to be released in 2010 and Alpha Protocol sometime at the end of this year then Avellone probably won't have much to do with it.
Someone asked already when they started with the development? Because, 2010... not much time left. Even if it is end of 2010.
It's plenty of time if they'll use the same engine and assets, just like it happened with Fallout 2. Of course, it may end up a bugged up mess just like Fallout 2... but so are Obsidian's other games... so, uhm, it will be at least true to Fallout 2 and Obsidian's past in that regard.
I have to say I'm more excited about that than I've been about anything Fallout-related for a long time. on the other hand, I was very excited about Fallout 3 at one point...
This is great news! I have just wet myself.

I guess the big question is it going to play the same as FO3. maybe the name New Vegas implies it will be a newely designed fallout using the same engine, The could have just used Fallout 4 has the name and sold just as many copies
Pete Hines said:
It will be the same sort of role-playing game experience seen in Fallout 3
Good old Petey, always there to ruin the party.

Is this supposed to mean: The same (meaningless wandering around shooting stuff while doing generic fetching quests assigned by generic NPCs via retarded dialogue) experience?

Well, i'm pretty sure the people who work in Obsidian can do a lot better than that, given enough freedom.

So, here we go again: Are groin shots in?
Well, hopefully Obsidian will at least fix up the broken gameplay. Since Beth is still in control, and they're making the final decisions, I would not get my hopes up in terms of good plot.
M ???


Should I be embarrased since I am wondering what/who MCA is?

TwinkieGorilla said:
yeah, well the fact still remains that KOTOR 2 > Fallout 3 anyway.

I agree, and I am crossing my fingers this will turn out the way we hope. I will be watching this closely ...
zippy1 said:
Do you guys ever think that maybe with all the hateful and personal shit you sling at Todd Howard and Pete Hines, maybe the guys at both Obsidian and Bethesda are now, even more than before, purposely avoiding giving you what you want? As they move further away from what the old Fallout used to be and more towards their own revisioning of the franchise, they'll have more freedom to not even mention the first two games at all. Wouldn't that just make you... angry? :P

Because game industry, as well as the rest of the universe, revolves around what is written on this site.

Also, I'm wondering too what M means in MCA. CA i'm pretty sure by the context it's Chris Avellone.
Obsidian eh? Well whoopty shit. Sure, I welcome better writing but gameplay being "in the style of Fallout 3" trumps anything else about this.
zippy1 said:
Do you guys ever think that maybe with all the hateful and personal shit you sling at Todd Howard and Pete Hines, maybe the guys at both Obsidian and Bethesda are now, even more than before, purposely avoiding giving you what you want? As they move further away from what the old Fallout used to be and more towards their own revisioning of the franchise, they'll have more freedom to not even mention the first two games at all. Wouldn't that just make you... angry? :P
I have an anonymous but reliable source that has informed me that Bethesda reads everything negative said about their games and they take it all to heart. In response they make shitty cash in re imaginings of old classics, not for the millions of dollars they take from console tards' parents, but just to spite their critics. :roll:
zag said:
Because game industry, as well as the rest of the universe, revolves around what is written on this site.

Also, I'm wondering too what M means in MCA. CA i'm pretty sure by the context it's Chris Avellone.

Munchkin Chris Avellone ?
Mister Chris Avellone ?
Just thought about that :

Do you think Obsidian COULD hire Mark Morgan to do the music or they absolutely have to go with Bethesda's decision ( and eventually go with Inon Zur's bullshit faux-ambient score again ? ).
I hope they'll be able to do something about the 3rd person perspective and animations in general, but not likely.

Also, I for one always found Leonard Boyarsky's art direction to be one of the best things about Fallout. I hope he gets a chance to get involved with the franchise again (especially after seeing his work on Diablo 3), but, again, not likely.
Exciting news, I couldn’t believe my eyes reading this. What a pleasant surprise hearing such news on a rather dull morning. I wish whole-heartedly good luck to the devs at Obsidian, I’m sure they can deliver a fine Fallout experience; given the situation/circumstances/restrains they’re into.

I think it’s a triple win for everyone; Bethesda /Zenimax gets more money without any effort, Obsidian is making something creative and profitable also and old/hardcore Fallout fans have something to rejoice after the Fallout three “farce”.
Dark clouds don’t fit the moment guys, let the sun shine for once after 11 years of broken promises and unfulfilled desires. There is always time to grumble later on, though. ;)

What I find funny is, Beth says the game will be a spin-off to the originals, hence the name Fallout:NV, whereas Obsidian with J.E. Sawyer as leader of the project is more capable in delivering the sequel to FO 1/2 most of old-timers have been waiting for.


PS. Does this mean some bigwig at Zenimax is displeased on little Todd’s "awesomeness" way of Fallout 3 design and have decided to give a chance to a more appropriate studio, or it’s the same old “we’re gonna milk this cash cow all the way”.


I absolute second this, Mark Morgan FTW.
Daimyo, he was the lead on Planescape, put together the Fallout Bible and was working on VB. i think he also led KOTOR2.

(is that what you were wondering?)