A new Fallout game... by Obsidian?

Cimmerian Nights said:
Who do we petition to get MCA involved with this?

:shrug: He's tied up. Considering JE Sawyer just lost his project, I assume it's going to him, though I'm sure hoping MCA will get involved once AP is out.

But for now, this is Sawyer's baby.

And it feels really good to say that.
MrBumble said:
I don't know about you guys, but the licence has been raped so badly lately that I'm not asking anything more than "decent writing" now. If this Fallout has a decent story and writing ( not asking for more ), I couldn't be happier.

That's exactly what I was saying. Even if everything remained the same, good writing could have made Fallout 3 a good game and I'm confident that it's something Obsidian can deliver.

I think this is cause for celebration. I remember back when Beth's Fallout 3 was announced, people were saying: "why isn't Obsidian making it?!?!" Well, this is it, Obsidian IS making it! This event alone makes me forgive Bethesda and remove them from my shit list.

I just hope they don't use this same engine for the sequel. I also hope it doesn't take place in one town, seeing as it's called New Vegas.

EDIT: What is this MCA everyone is talkign about?
Obsidian, JE Sawyer & perhaps later on in the cycle MCA?

dare i get excited? or will my hopes be crushed once more?

at least it will be something resembling an RPG at least, that's better than what we've had to hope for the past few years.

already however, i'm hoping they're not going to turn it into a New Reno rip-off. it was already one of the more out of place (or at least out of proportion) location in Fallout lore.

but for now, let there be rejoicing, we might actually get a Fallout title that's actually worth the label? i had completely given up hope to see such a title again in my lifetime...
Well, if any of the BIS ex-pats who work at Obsidian now have anything to say about it... they will have LEARNED their lesson from New Reno

At least I hope :)
I just hope Bethesda aren't too overbearing on the design. Sure, it carries the name Fallout, so Bethesda will be keeping a close eye on proceedings, but I really hope Obsidian/Sawyer is allowed to run with his ideas.

I didn't play Fallout 3 because I expect quality writing and interesting characters in a Fallout game, if Obsidian comes up with some decent writing I'll overlook the other bastardisations of the Fallout design which Bethesda imposed and might pick it up.
I too am aprehensive about a "New Vegas" scenario. It's been done before, and falls into the we did it to be cool category, rather than something that actually fits with the setting.

But like Abe Lincoln said in the darkest days of the civil war
"If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher...we must live through all time, or die by suicide."

Regardless of the outcome, it's better to see what will develop from some of the BIS old guard than to continue to flourish as a lobotomized TES clone.
Cimmerian Nights said:
I too am aprehensive about a "New Vegas" scenario. It's been done before, and falls into the we did it to be cool category, rather than something that actually fits with the setting.

Yes. That is what I fear as well. It only counts what is "cool" if it fitts the setting or not.

Brother None said:
Mikael Grizzly said:
As far as I remember, Legacy was developed in house, not by a competent exterior studio.

No, it was Mad Doc Software, which by the way has recently been purchased and rebranded Rockstar New England.

Anyway, since it seems pretty obvious it'll use the same engine and gameplay, and since we can usually not expect much technical polish from Obsidian, there's no real reason to be hopeful there.

Better written and better designed than Fallout 3? Hells yes.
Well as said. I doubt Obsidian will now make the holy grail for the Fallout community (speaking of the one that is more closer to NMA).

Obsidian makes some "good" RPGs. But still its doubtfull that they really will make a game closer to F2 or even F1. And also seems very likely that Bethesda will try to hold somewhat controll over the project. In a creative way. I mean when have they not? Even with outsourced projects. By the way it has been also confired as you say as well, that they want to make a game close to F3. And we all know how close F3 was to Fallout 1.
Brother None said:
Considering JE Sawyer just lost his project, I assume it's going to him

Yep, he confirmed it himself on the Codex.

Still, I don't think this one can be salvaged, even if the man had some interesting ideas with Van Buren and Obsidian proved they can do pretty good RPGs with Mask of the Betrayer. The Failout engine is just that shitty IMO.
It will definitely be better than Fallout3, just for one reason - there's no way they'll stick with the urine-colored look.
Questionable Content

Questionable Content

Never obtained a B-soft product until the lure of alleged FO content .

Never considered an Obsidian effort beyond following player reviews.

So what's this SIDE-qual's curb appeal?

Knights of the Old Republic ... with guns?

Mask of the Betrayer ... with a Dogmeat cameo sniff and leg lifting?

Excitement over? Time to scratch and then go follow the nose ... nex' new thang!

zippy1 said:
Clearly you never played Terminator: Future Shock.
And how many devs who worked on that still work there?

Brother None said:
Anyway, since it seems pretty obvious it'll use the same engine and gameplay, and since we can usually not expect much technical polish from Obsidian, there's no real reason to be hopeful there.

Better written and better designed than Fallout 3? Hells yes.
Pretty much. It'll be Fallout 3 in Vegas with better dialogue, writing, and design. Keep in mind that this game is being made in a year so don't expect much.

Brother None said:
You guys have just been stuck in negativity limbo for too long.

Simply consider one thing: is there any viable event (so not Troika coming back to life and taking over Fallout) that could have been better for us fans than this? Realistically speaking, this is the best thing that could have happened to the license from our perspective.

I know you guys have been getting too used to disinterest and mindless bashing, and fine's fine as far as that's concerned, but I can't twist or turn this any way in which it does not become just a good thing, but the best thing to have happened with the Fallout license since Fallout 2.

If I were to chart the franchise's history, it goes down and down hit after hit; Tactics, BoS, Fallout 3, all it does is take punches and drop quality (ok F3 is better than BoS, but still), but now finally we have the potential for a big, non-MMO peak. Will it be as good as it can be? Wait and see. Is this something to be genuinely excited about again after years of abuse? Hell yeah. Be negative if you want to be negative, but consider whether or not you're just being negative for the heck of it.
1) The game has one year (maybe a year and a half) to be made
2) It's using the Fallout 3 version of Gamebryo engine
3) Obsidian isn't known for polish
4) It will most likely have better writing
5) It will most likely be better designed though I doubt that the UI will be changed much, if at all
6) This ranks below Tactics on the chart
7) The Earthbound fan comic pretty much fits how I feel about this

MrBumble said:
I don't care if Obsidian keeps the gameplay from Fallout 3 ( I don't mind anymore ) as long as they come with a decent story and writing.
I do because it's a pile of shit.

SuAside said:
already however, i'm hoping they're not going to turn it into a New Reno rip-off. it was already one of the more out of place (or at least out of proportion) location in Fallout lore.
Agreed, the setting puts up warning flags for me.

I'm guessing that it's a stand alone so that they can make whatever tweaks they want and to try to attract us old gaurd fans. I'm gonna wait until I see some screenshots or read a NMA-like step-by-step preview.
Wasteland Stories said:
2) It's using the Fallout 3 version of Gamebryo engine
I just doesn't understand - who said this? Obsidian already have UE3 experience, why GameBryo? For game that have been in development for year?

Are you serious? This game has a one-year dev cycle. If it does not reuse all assets from Fallout 3, not just the engine but the graphics too, that's too short.

For a game on the same engine one year is a fine dev cycle (Fallout 2 had the same cycle you'll remember, and also reused all assets it could), for any other type of game it's impossible. There's no way this'll not reuse the engine and assets.
Wasteland Stories said:
This game has a one-year dev cycle.
That's official too? I just didn't get it from press release.
The same engine and same graphics means DLC.

It's got a 2010 release date. So putting 2 and 2 together 12 - 18 month dev cycle seems to be the case.
Brother None said:
:shrug: He's tied up. Considering JE Sawyer just lost his project, I assume it's going to him

He's changed his title on the Obsidian forums to Fallout: New Vegas Project Director. I was kind of looking forward to that Aliens RPG, though.