Hmm, feeling alot like the kid who was told the truth about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and God all on the same day, but who's just been told that he's still getting presents, chocolate and guilt. Vaguely excited by the prospect of gifts, but the magic's all gone.
Mixed feelings. Very mixed. I'm definitely taking the 'old Earthbound fan' approach and go do something else for a year.. but if I hear any news that might spark interest in what has become a very depressing subject namely, Fallout, then perhaps apathy and negativity can take a back-seat for once. They've been driving the Fallout-related car for a few years now..
As a sidenote, I remember being profoundly disappointed by KoTOR II .. not for its lack of story just general balance issues.. here's hoping Obsidian don't fuck it up!