Abandoned Places


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Abandoned Places, a website of a photographer that really seems to enjoys decaying urban environments. I find it quite interesting, thought some of you might as well, for obvious reasons.





The fellow is a bit obsessed with dead birds, but other than that; some nice photographs here.

Does anyone else enjoy this sort of thing? I do, though I don't really take pictures, I just explore such environments.

The easiest would be the old bath house in San Francisco, though there isn't much more to see than the foundations.
Was just about to say that. Though I don't think this Polish dude consciously seeks out desloate places, but just snaps some random shots around the neighborhood in which his familys trailor is currently parked. (Heh, seriously though, I really dig his pics. The server seems to be down at the moment though).

Some really awesome pictures on that website as well, Kotario. Good find.
Awesome find Kotario! Everyone likes great photographs and those desolate one's have a post-apocalyptic feel so no one can help, but enjoy them. I also find them extremely arousing to the curiosity. Who knows what happened in those places in the past and if anything interesting lies around...

Ive played too many rpg's...and enjoyed wandering too much...

The Vault Dweller

this is awesome, really , really, really awesome, i'm so excited about this, none of you even know how excited i am about this, becuase i'm EXCITED

oh, ohhh.. oh yesss

thanks, give me more!!! pleaaase
Good find, Koots. And yeah, in case nobody noticed, I'm obsessed with abandoned places myself. Relics of a long-forgotten, artificial like Pamela Anderson's breasts, Shining Era of Progress.

There are loads of pictures on my website from abandoned industrial buildings, as well as other decayed structures.

The first picture reminds me of the place I've recently been on a picture hunt, Łódż.

Welsh said:
some great images of Chernobyl out there if you look for them.

Funny you mention that. I actually plan on going t o Pripyat to take pictures, somewhere after the summer.
The one of St. Paul's has got to be one of the most famous WWII 'Bombed' pics.

Just thought I'd post a couple of Dresden's counterpart, Coventry.


Wooz said:
Funny you mention that. I actually plan on going t o Pripyat to take pictures, somewhere after the summer.

I told you along time ago if I had cash I'd fly out there and go with you, big boi!

Mohrg :twisted:
LOL, calculon.

There are interesting sites like that in the Czech Republic, too: the former military reservation at Ralsko is probably the most famous one.

It was used by the occupating Soviet army from 1968 till 1990, then abandoned. It has ruined villages and castles and abandoned military installations - tankodromes, firing ranges, ammo storages, even nuclear missile depots. The Russians tested lots of stuff in there, including depleted uranium shells.

They took all their valuable stuff when we told them to get the fuck out after the revolution, but there's still some decaying tech left.

Part of the reserve served as the setting for a PA movie which I've never seen, and which allegedly sucked the big one, but oh well.

http://www.podzemi-cma.cz/prostory/ralsko/ has a lot of pictures (each thumbnail on that page leads to an entire gallery), though they're not very big. It's all in Czech, but you shouldn't mind that - pictures worth a thousand words and all that. Just a little vocabulary: "zpět" = "back", "předchozí" = "previous", "další" = "next", "sklady jaderných hlavic" = "nuclear warhead storages".

There was already a similar thread, I'm merging...

Also, that place is schisophreniac or something ;)