Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Surf Solar said:Also, I wish they'd make a less retarded ending.I had a mission on the largest UFO size I shot down (a battleship) and this was MUCH MUCH harder than the last mission where I was pretty disappointed...
the last mission was really easy up until the last fight. but that one was the hardest in the game for me.
[spoiler:679055d8f4]three of my guys were mind-controlled and one dead at the second turn. took me a few tries to do it, especially since killing the Uber Ethereal resulted in me losing the game, since he had mind-controlled my volunteer. really glad you got to restart the mission on ironman, btw.[/spoiler:679055d8f4]
what do you guys use for a standard combat squad, btw? when I unlocked the 5th slot I added a second support, then a second assault with the 6th. used that setup for every single mission, except for one - I thought that on a terror mission maybe a third assault would do better than a heavy. of course, this is the first terror mission where I get a sectopod. other than that, that was my standard setup. didn't want to experiment too much with it since I was doing ironman, but I'm curious to see what other successful combinations there may be. or if anyone tries to adapt the setup after the type of mission. I've been thinking of trying two snipers, one with squad sight and one with snap shot.