Actual, turn-based strategy X-Com sequel in the works

A B-Team is really worthwhile if you play on classic (or insane) ironman where squadwipes can occur. Going against cyberdiscs, elite-mutons and such stuff with rookies is very hard. That’s where SHIV's come in handy in my opinion. They aren't as good as a major or colonel but really help out the rookies so they can get some experience. If you got your squad wiped and have no good replacements send a SHIV with each rookie. I use two alloy SHIVs in front for the rookies to use as cover and one hoover in the back, filling the role of an overwatch sniper.
Would be nice if you could use multiple skyranger deployments at a go, but maybe with some kind limit or penalty on using multiple deployments or when they become available.

There's a couple of other things I'd really like to see:

base invasion/defense missions. The current layout of the bases (the antfarm thing) sort of precludes this, but rather than the xeno scum merely shooting down satellites, it'd be a nice touch.

A return of the ability to finance XCOM independantly by becoming the earths largest weapons manufacturer. Maybe the chance to fight the odd Somali Warlord you sold a truck of lasguns to, as he encroaches on your facility or something or something. Or maybe some alien sympathizers.
I'm using this right now;

Basically an easy way to tweak the hell out of the game. It's beautiful.

Also, once you get Titan armor and plasma weapons the game kinda swings in cruise control mode. Haven't had a single death in some time, have a full Colonel squad, and only Sectopods are anything like a real threat. I think I'll do an Ironman game next, but I'm kinda afraid of doing it on Classic. Maybe Ironman normal to start with.
Wish you could stun the Uber-Ethereal to add to the humiliation. I just took him down in on turn, killed by one of his own mind-controlled Elite Muton. Fun times.
I've given up on a Classic Ironman playthrough after 5 games. The RNG early on is completely absurd. I just failed a mission where my guys missed 3 flanking shots with higher than 80%, but the enemy got 2 crits on soldiers in high cover, another flanking shot turned out to do only 2 damage and of course the soldier got murdered right after, and then the VIP got smoked by a Thin Man from half across the map. I was ready to punch the screen in sheer frustration.

I mean, in softcore it's less present because I usually reloaded failures unless I personally screwed up big time, but in Ironman the sheer cheating odds from the computer's part becomes incredibly obvious. My guys never left heavy cover, always flanked lone enemies, and I still got spanked because of the RNG.
In Classic Ironman the buggers have a +15% to hit and crit chance. Thin men use LPR's with a +10% to hit and use the spit-attack wich is like a grenad a never-miss shot. And they are fast as fuck. Hate em.

There are mods to remove the cheat +% to hit. It makes quite some difference.

Grit your teeth and go through with it. You will repay those shots once your sniper got promoted a few times. The aliens are just showing you how they feel about an assaulter running up to them and doubleblasting their head off. Or a sniper hitting em across the map :)
The game is just not worth playing on Ironman now. There is a teleport bug that the last patch made worse. Aliens instead of actually moving between patrol points simply teleport to them. If the player has line of sight of the patrol point they are not suppose to teleport in but given the line of sight code in this game is a mess they quite often just teleport into the middle of your squad and crap.
That's pretty how it's always worked, from what I remember. Except they made it worse.

Ironman is always kind of silly IMO.