Hardboiled Android
Vault Fossil

To help me think about this, I just wanted to go through the most likely (to me) story flow of the campaign.
Alternatively, you could just move Underpass to the south. That means the players have to pass through Glyphers, Scorpions Bite, or Red Okies. This draws them in to the conflict to some extent in a similar way to being drawn into New Canaan. Also just involving Ugly John in the tribal conflict - maybe he wants to know if there's any FEV under the Antfarm, or maybe he just wants to secure his power base. Alternatively, the tribes can be used to storm New Mariposa, or the Brotherhood.
- You escape Van Buren. At this point, the party has no motive other than survival. They head either to Grand Junction or Denver, more likely Grand Junction on account of the Rail Nomads.
- They resolve the Iron Rivers problems. At this point, they've probably been attacked by the first wave of Eyebots and are aware of the full detail of the situation, and have the vague locations of the Prisoner 13s marked on their maps. From here they could go to New Canaan (Golden Spike and sort of close to White-Liner), Boulder, or Denver. Most likely it seems to me is Denver, since they've already considered going there and it has a 13.
- They go to Denver. Meet Boulder Dome trucker. Meet Boulder Dome salvagers. Meet Truecoaters. Meet Hangdogs. Since fully completing Denver is probably beyond their capabilities at this point, they complete some stuff and then head up to Boulder since it has a 13 and sounds civilized.
- They hang around Boulder, become aware of the FEV problem. Resolve some of the questlines here before they have to go find the ZAX, having the option of Grand Canyon or Vault 29. Possibly return to Denver at this point with a few levels under their belt. Between Grand Canyon and Twin Mothers, Twin Mothers certainly seems more likelysince its far closer.
- Run through Twin Mothers, Vault 29, Nursery. Players could get the data can from Vault 29, but would probably opt to go to the Nursery instead. Here they resolve the New Plague questline. At this point there is some risk it seems to me of the players heading to Grand Canyon - they're on the right side of the Colorado, it's pretty close by, it has a 13, it has an alternative source for the data can, and they've just been told about it by the Biters.
- But it seems more likely that they would return to Boulder to wrap up the more pressing New Plague aspect, and consequently get Xian. Though this raises the question - is there any reason to fix the Boulder ZAX at all, aside from altruism? They already have access to a cure. Is Xian withholding until you fix ZAX itself so that the children can be defrosted? I'll go under that assumption. At this point the player wraps up Denver. They then have the choice of heading towards either New Canaan or Grand Canyon. New Canaan has the advantage of being in sort of close proximity to a 13, Golden Spike, and the fact that they've already been told about it. Personally this doesn't seem be the better of the two, but for the sake of argument lets assume they head towards New Canaan.
- Encounter Burning Springs, resolve that, head to New Canaan. But it's perhaps worth noting that as far as I can see there's no real motive to complete the New Canaan questlines other than getting gear and levelling - the only thing really of interest in Utah at this stage from a main plot perspective are the 80s, and no real interaction with the Canaanites is required for this. So assume they do complete New Canaan to level up, then go to the 80s. The most natural route from here is towardsArizona - in addition to all of the reasons discussed above, they've now been more formally introduced to it by the Expedition.
- At Magnum Chasma. If the players still need access to the data can, they either do a bunch of stuff for Caesar (which sends them running all over the place) or they head straight to Alexandra and the Desert Rangers.
- Complete the Desert Rangers one way or another, get access to Alexandra's Prison-Boy. The next lead (ignoring the need to return to Boulder Dome with the data can if not done already) isn't super obvious, but in terms of proximity and player knowledge (introduced by the Legion and the Rangers) is Ouroboros.
- But from Ouroboros, I'm not sure what the most reasonable route is. Ignoring all of the new proposed changes and going off of the original version, the hooks are the Prison-Boy signals of Mable and Gant. None of the factions (with the very small exception of Scorpions Bite, but this is very minor) are presaged anywhere else - the player could only learn about them in New Mexico proper. So it seems like the most likely place for the party to head is either Rebirth or New Mariposa. Lets assume they try Rebirth first, as its the closer of the two.
- I'm going to run through Rebirth in a level of detail.
- Possibility one, they sell themselves into slavery. Either they end up in Sub-Level 3 or Sub-Level 1. If Sub-level 3, the only option more or less is stealth, fighting, etc to get out in a blaze of glory, get to Sub-Level 1 with Mable and get out. If Sub-Level 1, there are two possibilities: Run out with Mable, or talk your way down to Sub-Level 2 and get Green's quest.
- Possibility two, they attempt to scale the fence. They either end up in Sub-Level 3 or Sub-Level 2. If 2, they take Green's quest. This is a simple hop from Rebirth to Moab and a dungeon, not much to it. You return, you go down to Sub-Level 3. Either you bug the terminal or you agree to work with the good Dr. if you're a ghoul/ghoul scientist. If you do the former, I suppose Green lets you take Mable out of gratitude? And similar in the case of the latter (though it is odd that "working with him" doesn't actually lead to anything.)
- Finally, you either find a substitute red head slave for Otto, or you just try to kill him and take her. In the latter case, the t%1b guys come out, and you're pretty much boned and have to run, or fight if you can. In the former case, not much to say other than that I don't think any redheads or redhead slaves have been actively set up prior, so its just a matter of getting lucky at Magnum Chasma or Heartbreak Hotel, or finding someone random. Maybe Redhawk's daughter is a redhead?
- I want to note before moving on - the DoD holotape has not been established at all, you first mention it in the Lone Mesa section, but the concept has not been introduced at all prior to this point. So players at Rebirth wouldn't even know they're looking for it. In any case - Rebirth doesn't establish any actual leads. Only thing the players have to go off of is the last Prisoner 13 - Issac Gant.
- At New Mariposa, the players can either try and kill the three mutants or work with them. If they work with them to conquer Red Dawn, they can either instill division among the Red Okies, or go to the Biters and get the artillery working. If you go to the Biters, then you need to go to the Scaven-Pickers, first via returning to Rebirth. You get the shells, conquer Red Dawn, and get Gant and the last Prison-Boy. Only now could you learn about the Brotherhood. Most of the resolutions to Rebirth involve you getting the DoD holotape already, so the only reason to go to the Brotherhood is if you didn't already get it.
Or Rebirth - maybe this could be the "working with Dr. Clarke" option, getting him the data from ZAX. Only if you do this will he decrypt his DoD holotape and give it to you.Ugly John and the FEV connection might be enough to rope them in, maybe.
Alternatively, you could just move Underpass to the south. That means the players have to pass through Glyphers, Scorpions Bite, or Red Okies. This draws them in to the conflict to some extent in a similar way to being drawn into New Canaan. Also just involving Ugly John in the tribal conflict - maybe he wants to know if there's any FEV under the Antfarm, or maybe he just wants to secure his power base. Alternatively, the tribes can be used to storm New Mariposa, or the Brotherhood.
neat-o! I have two paragraphs I'd like to add, which I'll submit later for your consideration.@Hardboiled Android my blurb page on Cheyenne Mountain. Before the Twin Mothers and after the Boulder Dome:
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South of Denver, the Wasteland leading into New Mexico along I-25 is a barren stretch of charred, dead earth. The worst of it all however, is Cheyenne Mountain. A blackened pit, a mountain cracked into pieces by the raw power of unrelenting atomic bombardment. What’s strange is unlike many craters left behind by the devastation of the war, in 2253 Cheyenne Mountain still glows heavily with radiation. It might as well be a wall to anyone attempting to travel south of Denver.
There’s a fair few legends and rumours about Cheyenne Mountain. Nobody is sure what it was before the bombs, only that it must have been important. After the bombs, there’s ghost stories and half-preserved verbal legacies of witnesses of the Great War. The Hangdogs will tell you it was always a cursed place, but that it was burnt by flame again many, many years ago. When the Hangdogs were a single pack, Dogtown, in the ruins of Denver Zoo. Some of the oldest of the Hangdogs will regale stories of metal spirits fighting eachother, culminating in a blinding flash of fire on the horizon. A ritual of the spirits, they conclude. Two armies of ghosts fighting eachother, repeating the moment of the apocalypse. All they can hope is that it won’t happen again.
The only ones who dare traverse the Cheyenne Mountain Wastes are the Scaven Pickers. Half mad nomadic scavenger-tribals that speak slurred pidgin English. They dose themselves heavily with anti-rad chems, whether that be Rad-X, Rad-Away, or special kinds of mutant mushrooms. They hold a large camp in the ruins of Colorado Springs, but they also keep a patrol that watches the perimeter of Cheyenne Mountain as close as they can before the “klikking” (radiation) can begin.
The Scaven Pickers are extremely wary of outsiders approaching Cheyenne Mountain. If you can translate their language, they’ll warn they believe any travelers could be part of a group that wiped out the last patrol stationed at Cheyenne Mountain and barged on in. If you can’t perform a translation, they’ll simply open fire instead.
Approaching Cheyenne Mountain one can find the ripped apart remains of robots in great swathes in the surrounding plains, either ablated by the blastwave or later scavenged by the Pickers, there isn’t much left but blackened shells. The first few levels of the base are simply a blackened hole, requiring specialist equipment to descend. As you lower further into the Old-World crypt, a labyrinthine maze of ancient, charred security measures awaits to lead treasure-seekers to their doom. The sub-levels seem to continue downward endlessly, and for all anyone knows, they do.