Adapting Van Buren (Workshop - Complete on Page 30)

Very good, even a little touching at the beginning there. Is the "Agriculture for dumbies" book actually a quest relevant item or is it just there for detail/humanity?

Also, this is a thought I had: it would be neat if you can tie this earth quake into other things. Have other NPCs in the area mention it, maybe even have it be quest relevant. Grand Junction, Moab, Orobouros, Boulder/Denver, maybe even Rebirth would be in range. Heck, you could even have it be part of the explanation for the goings-ons and oddness at Van Buren. An earthquake of that size would be felt, and having it brought up in passing by NPCs or even better minor in some relevant way to a quest (like a cave preiously open elsewhere has been covered by boulders, or someone has a broken leg from it for a medicine check or whatever) would be neat, and makes the world feel more alive and the earthquake itself like less of a Deus Ex to make plot happen.
Very good, even a little touching at the beginning there. Is the "Agriculture for dumbies" book actually a quest relevant item or is it just there for detail/humanity?

Also, this is a thought I had: it would be neat if you can tie this earth quake into other things. Have other NPCs in the area mention it, maybe even have it be quest relevant. Grand Junction, Moab, Orobouros, Boulder/Denver, maybe even Rebirth would be in range. Heck, you could even have it be part of the explanation for the goings-ons and oddness at Van Buren. An earthquake of that size would be felt, and having it brought up in passing by NPCs or even better minor in some relevant way to a quest (like a cave preiously open elsewhere has been covered by boulders, or someone has a broken leg from it for a medicine check or whatever) would be neat, and makes the world feel more alive and the earthquake itself like less of a Deus Ex to make plot happen.

Book is just there for human touch. And great idea on the Earthquake details. Maybe it's why Uncle Sam thinks Prisoner 13 escaped.
Book is just there for human touch. And great idea on the Earthquake details. Maybe it's why Uncle Sam thinks Prisoner 13 escaped.
If you wanna go really crazy, you could even have the miners at Burning Springs suggest that maybe it has something to do with Sheol being more active as of late.

EDIT: Just to clarify - either it has stirred Sheol, or more outlandishly (and connected to the concept that Sheol/its species extends into the mantle) that it itself caused the earthquake.
Denver is up next. Going to be a doozy. Boulder Salvagers, the TruCoaters from the Midwest, Denver hounds, CERBERUS and the Cyberdogs, the Hangdogs and their three "packs" (sub-tribes) as well as all the dungeoneering to be done.

Feels good to be approaching the end though. I got tired of Great Wastes because it felt like an endless sandbox project but whilst I originally intended for this to be s sandbox campaign it's tied into a fully fledged campaign story quite well, and I've already got a plan for the ending song:

Denver is up next. Going to be a doozy. Boulder Salvagers, the TruCoaters from the Midwest, Denver hounds, CERBERUS and the Cyberdogs, the Hangdogs and their three "packs" (sub-tribes) as well as all the dungeoneering to be done.

Feels good to be approaching the end though. I got tired of Great Wastes because it felt like an endless sandbox project but whilst I originally intended for this to be s sandbox campaign it's tied into a fully fledged campaign story quite well, and I've already got a plan for the ending song:

Also ARGOS bossfight
Also ARGOS bossfight

ARGOS is the dragon in the misty mountain that is Van Buren. It will be at varying stages of completion depending on how fast the players are but ARGOS is the center piece fight of the Van Buren finale before reaching the COLOSSUS Core. It is possible it will leave if the players really really drag their feet but it's meant to be end-game. Huge fight.

A light spoiler but Uncle Sam will basically use the Prison-Boys to light up the DPD and all the robots in the city against the players with CERBERUS as a dog themed mini-ARGOS that if disabled will kill off the dinner bell for them so to speak.
I also plan on consolidating all of this with the retroactive edits into a big PDF document which I'll tag at the first post. Means my rulebook will have an official campaign module. Fallout: Van Buren.
I imagine you won't want to run another campaign for months after you run this one (which from what I understand is quite distant itself) but do you have any idea what you'd want to do your next one on?
I imagine you won't want to run another campaign for months after you run this one (which from what I understand is quite distant itself) but do you have any idea what you'd want to do your next one on?

I've also got to (or rather, I'd like to) gem up a one shot first just to get a feel for my potential players before I run the campaign proper. Something small scale in New California methinks. I had an idea about a one shot inspired by O Brother Where Art Thou with the players as NCR chain gang prisoners escaped and on the run looking for buried treasure. They could even keep those characters for VB

But as for future campaigns - I don't know. I might run medieval fantasy with Whitehack for a bit but if I came back to Fallout after Van Buren, I'd probably do Florida inspired by The Fountain of Dreams.

It's all a long ways off anyway.
I've also got to (or rather, I'd like to) gem up a one shot first just to get a feel for my potential players before I run the campaign proper. Something small scale in New California methinks.

But as for future campaigns - I don't know. I might run medieval fantasy with Whitehack for a bit but if I came back to Fallout after Van Buren, I'd probably do Florida inspired by The Fountain of Dreams.

It's all a long ways off anyway.
I'd definitely like to see your thoughts on that oneshot too. I sort of had a concept for something in New Reno post-NCR involving the drug trade, using the ideas I had brought up about a corrupt Circle of Steel using it to fund arming for the war as per US SpecOps and competing with corrupt rangers as I had mentioned earlier.

And this is just a thought I had a few days ago when you mentioned the possibility of a Florida setting - you could finally bring resolution to Sgt. Gravel and company reaching the Bahamas.
I'd definitely like to see your thoughts on that oneshot too. I sort of had a concept for something in New Reno post-NCR involving the drug trade, using the ideas I had brought up about a corrupt Circle of Steel using it to fund arming for the war as per US SpecOps and competing with corrupt rangers as I had mentioned earlier.

And this is just a thought I had a few days ago when you mentioned the possibility of a Florida setting - you could finally bring resolution to Sgt. Gravel and company reaching the Bahamas.

I'm going to keep off New Reno for one shot territory because that's exactly what I did for my one shot prior to my first campaign. Undercover NCR Rangers in NR trying to crack secret trade between the Van Graffs and Enclave Remnants, end up going too deep in cover and waking up hangover style with their CO missing and the case to solve.

Don't want to retread that ground because unlike my first go at the Four Corners I feel like I gave it justice.
I'm going to keep off New Reno for one shot territory because that's exactly what I did for my one shot prior to my first campaign. Undercover NCR Rangers in NR trying to crack secret trade between the Van Graffs and Enclave Remnants, end up going too deep in cover and waking up hangover style with their CO missing and the case to solve.

Don't want to retread that ground because unlike my first go at the Four Corners I feel like I gave it justice.
Fair enough. God knows there's plenty of potential around the area - Gangs of the Boneyard, San Francisco and Dust Bay, Big Sur tribals and Diablo Mountains. You could probably do an entire campaign set in a built up urbanized Hub and immediate environs.
Fair enough. God knows there's plenty of potential around the area - Gangs of the Boneyard, San Francisco and Dust Bay, Big Sur tribals and Diablo Mountains. You could probably do an entire campaign set in a built up urbanized Hub and immediate environs.

Yeah I considered a potential really simple bounty hunting story set around the Hub. There is mountains of potential as you said.
Wow! I missed so much. Sorry for the radio silence I have been undergoing a move and we don't have internet set up at the new apartment yet so I'm forced to rely on a local coffee shop whose hours don't line up with my schedule like at all. But I'm here now and I'm going to try and get all caught up!

The Sidewinders

What is up with these guys in terms of culture and appearance? I'm imagining a kind of Greek hoplite style of look where they strap the ballistic plating of the combat armor to their chest and legs but are essentially nude underneath save for like warpaint.

the Yakuza tribe

I like this little detail, people don't name drop these guys enough. Though you could probably blame this on how vague the original game made their whole deal.

Also I really like the whole base-building series of quests, TTRPG parties get crazy into that shit.

Then one day, great chrome hulks arrived bearing ray-guns. Contact they believe had finally been established, until the chrome titan removed it's helmet and extended its hand to shake, revealing it's humanity.

This is fun, I also like the whole establishment of how all these independent tribes and towns engage with their neighbors. A system of basically paying a tithe or tribute to the nearest group of swole assholes with guns makes sense.

I also really like the imagery of a vibrant tribal community kind of existing in the shadow of these ruined hulking satellites, you do a really good job of establishing that with the music you picked out as well.

the tinned Old World rations they had been provided with (as standard for Brotherhood) had either been improperly manufactured or were suffering from decay, either way the rations were laden with lead poisoning. Dumping their rations and incapable of living off of the land, the expedition was effectively starving by the time they reached Mesa Bunker

I like this detail a lot too, you would think that something like survival skills would definitely be a hinderance and limitation to The Brotherhood rather than a strength.

Honestly dude all of your Lore more or less reads as something I would be accustomed to reading in the New Vegas base game.

The most crucial among them however was a Department of Defense Override Protocol Holotape, effectively a magic key that would override existing security protocols on any Old World government facility.

S-Tier MacGuffin

The Array had picked up signals. Distant ones. Ones cosmically distant and uncharacteristic of the regular signals they had learnt of from the Array's records - at several decade intervals throughout the 2100s - something out there had been trying to send a message. They ceased with the shutdown of the array.

This discovery shook all - to the tribesmen it was a reaffirmation of their faith. To the Brotherhood, it was shocking news. Brixley had once read about a tribe the BoS had fought called the Vipers that worshipped a great snake God, the archives said that this God was real but not in the way the tribe had envisioned - it did not clarify further. Brixley began to consider if this was the case here. The fantastical stories she'd heard over the past year might not be true - but perhaps they really are out there.


Also I'm a big fan of all these kind of legendary scavenging Stories that the PCs are able to get out of talking with The Brotherhood, as well as the whole "Paladin gone native" story arc that you came up with, good stuff all around.

I like Rebirth as well, Clarke is a really great kind of fiendishly evil villain. The music over the sounds of torture and experimentation is a nice touch.

Around the camp are numerous Robobrains covered in the same fashion of paintings - also all similarly clean and deactivated. Children of the tribe sit around them and touch them.

I've always felt like the Fallout-style of robots would look great covered in tribal paint, I love this detail!

All together I really enjoyed the way you have the Twin Mothers written up, in particular I was a huge fan of the Ruth character and her dirty secret.

That was until rather recently, when a band of Scorpion's Bite warriors have set up shop in the cave adjacent to that of Vault 29. They are equipped in basic leather armors, with added Radscorpion exoskeleton as additional armor and tribal flourish. Six in total equipped with spears, their leader Burk carrying a Hunting Shotgun. They located Vault 29 from a scavenged Vault-Tec broucher in ABQ, and wish to seize the technology to bring it as tribute to the Brotherhood (or as method for dominance and bargaining if the CoS have taken over).

Burk's girlfriend Fixa thinks the idea is foolish, and that instead they should report the location of the Twin Mothers to Caesar's Legion to bring great reward. She knows they don't understand the magic that will await inside, nor can they battle its machines.

These are a fun little group of characters to run into, I think.

Also I really love The Greenways, they have a real kind of Sinclair vibe to them in how they are (presumably) incredibly dead but they kind of live on as these powerful characters in their own right through their creations and how they've shaped the world.
Denver Part 1 - The City and the Salvagers

OST Atmosphere:

Pre-War History
In the 21st Century Denver had many ups and downs. At first the epicenter of the New Plague (of which Lowry Hospital still carried the lingering shadow of, with its stocks of high profile medical equipment and expansive patient wards) and then later the site of major investment in construction and manufacturing to support American infrastructure as well as nearby facilities such as Boulder Dome, Van Buren and The Nursery. However, as the Resource Wars waned on construction was entirely focused on that of millitary application rather than strengthening American infrastructure, and moved elsewhere. The loss of jobs led to unrest and destitution amongst the working class of Denver, hit only then harder by food shortages in the later stages of the war.

In the years prior to the Great War, Denver was frequently the site of numerous protests and then later, violent riots, resulting in the Government authorizing a heavy millitarization of it's police force. The DPD was outfitted with state-of-the-art K9 Cyberdogs and three CERBERUS robots, war machines shaped into the fashion of car-sized dogs that would act as command and control units for the squads of Cyberdogs so they could operate independently of human officer oversight. Anti-Riot "InstaPens" were utilized as pop up cages and traps for mobilized dissidents. During the worst of it, the streets of Denver looked like a war zone.

It was during one of these final battles between the citizenry and the police that the Great War occured. Riot Sticks and Molotov cocktails alike were dropped to the floor as the sky streaked with missiles and the streets echoed with air raid sirens.


Compared to many cities, Denver survived the bombs fairly well. Though many areas are stretches of charred concrete foundations and lightly irradiated blast craters dot the map of the city, many sections and skyscrapers remain , which is what Wastelanders would consider intact.

Denver has developed something of a mutant ecosystem. Completely overrun by Giant Rats, Molerats, Radroaches and the most prominent of all: wild dogs. The Denver Hounds roam the streets in great packs, and at times several packs can gather and fill up entire blocks.

Though not at all formidable enemies individually, in packs they are highly dangerous (manifested in gameplay by a stacking bonus damage per attack per dog in a surrounding hex). Usage of anti-riot InstaPens can be used to block off packs or re-direct them. Otherwise stealth can also be used to avoid them.

Denver has an extensive sewer tunnel system that webs the city, but it is considered a no-go by nearly everyone. Dank, completely subsumed in darkness and full of rats (including mutant "Rat Kings") and more frighteningly, the shambling undead Feral Ghouls that were originally Denver residents hopelessly trying to find shelter beneath the ground, and still carry radiation to the touch. Though typically pitch black, the tunnels are occasionally illuminated by "Endless Walkers", feral Glowing Ones. The Ghouls subsist by drinking the dank pools of irradiated sewer water and ripping apart the swarms of rats.

A portion of the city is under the territory of the Hangdog Tribe and their three "packs" (sub-tribes), the Racers, The Stormchasers and Dogtown (the original and oldest). There was once a fourth pack, the Coyotes, but during one of several pack wars they were pushed into the Western mountains. The Hangdogs will naturally be the topic of the next post.


The city has been recently rocked by a significant earthquake, causing several skyscrapers to collapse completely. These portions of the city have become whipped up with concrete dust and ash, the wind blowing in clouds of the stuff into other surrounding blocks. Breathing this in incurs damage without dust or gas masks and causes issues of visibility for combat.

When the players wander the city streets, at a random point Uncle Sam will link their Prison-Boys to the DPD computers and announce over the city's sirens that known terrorists are at bay, and not to worry, the Denver Police K9 unit is on the case. Waking the single surviving CERBERUS and the packs of Cyberdogs from their stasis. CERBERUS will slowly stalk the players surrounded by a pack of deadly Cyberdogs under its control. It's announcement will be a modem-style digital screeching that plays through the air raid sirens, giving players warning whenever it's within several blocks of them.

This can be stopped by reaching the DPD and overriding or destroying the main console, or destroying CERBERUS. Once the link is broken, the Cyberdogs resume autonomy and effectively act like normal dogs, if not much more friendly to humans compared to their feral biological counterparts.

At the DPD the players can find a disused Mr. Handy nicknamed Officer Job, if restored to working condition he can override CERBERUS and lead the players to the police chief's private bomb shelter. Stuffed with rations and some basic police gear. Riot Sticks, a suit of Security Armor and 10mm pistols with plenty boxes of ammo. He's also extremely useful at detecting and disarming traps, but basically useless for much else and auto-disables when he leaves the range of Denver.

The Boulder Dome Salvagers

To keep the gizmo-society of Boulder functioning, the Dome Authority have made several excursions to Denver to scavenge for parts. The troublesome citizens of Denver (i.e those who are criminals but not enough to warrant exile or death) are recruited as public service workers to salvage to the city, overseen by a squad of Dome Authority donned in Environmental Armor and wielding Laser Carbines. The workers are unarmed, and unarmoured, simply wearing boiler suits. They have picked clean Lowry Hospital barring a sealed vault-like sublevel (which if the players can crack holds ample medical supplies and s cybernetic implant) and actively scavenge the city for terminal parts, holotapes and reel collumns for the Dome.

They usually use a functioning truck driven by Buck to ferry salvage, but Buck has gone off the grid. He can be found stalled on a highway between Denver and Boulder, his truck having given up the ghost. A huge pack of dogs surrounds and calmly waits for him to exit his truck, as he sits in the drivers seat nibbling rations and holding tightly his revolver with 4 rounds.

They used to hold their camp in an old Motel, but the collapse of the skyscrapers created chaos. The camp fled, and numerous Dome Authority died as they attracted a particularly large pack of dogs. It also meant their supplies and rations were left behind, eaten by the dogs.

Now they are camped up in an old raised Metro station used for Denver's Old World retrofuture metro. They have the lower stairs of the station fortified and gated and keep fire barrels going at all times to ward off the dogs - who seem to hate fire in particular.

Now there's less than a handful of Dome Authority soldiers left under their CO, Gage. Only four, compared to the fifteen Salvagers. Low on Microfusion Cells (though nobody but then are aware of this), they are worried not just about the Dogs - but the Salvagers too.

BD Salvager Hooks:

  • The men of the camp have been experiencing increasing sickness since they started eating the Giant Rats. They put this down to bad bellied food poisoning, but a Doctor PC can very quickly identify this as early stage Rad poisoning. Alleviated by bringing Rad-Away from the Lowry Sub-Level or treating them personally with a Doctor's Bag and Doctor's Skill
  • The Dome Authority would like the players to rally for reinforcement from Boulder Dome, or alternatively give them any Microfusion Cells they may have
  • The Salvagers are rubbing up against a rival group up north, and have been shot at a few times. Making them gone would help the Boulder Dome a bunch
  • Porter, leader of the Salvagers, would like to kill the remaining Dome Authority and make them an "independent" group that gets paid handsomely in Ration Cards in exchange for their work. The players, being armed, can help them with this or report it to Gage.

The Truecoat Salvagers

Distant travellers from Minnesota (with exaggerated Fargo accents to boot) they've crossed the dustbowl cyclones of the East to enjoy new lives and explore the West. They're camped up at the Vault 69 welcoming arrivals center in Denver. The Vault itself is abandoned and mostly collapsed beyond the first two levels.

They're led by a large Scandinavian looking man named Lorne Lundergaard and his assistant Lester who has an annoying tendency to echo and affirm what his boss just said ("Jack was always kinda funny in the head ya know" "ya real funny in the head type guy")

They are well stocked and well armed. Each carrying a firearm with plenty of ammunition and surrounded by Pack Brahmin. They have plenty to trade.

One of their crew, in fact their most technically talented, Jack, has gone bonkers. He's sealed himself up in the anti-riot center in central Denver and laid a spiderweb network of tripwires connected to explosives in each direction, sitting with a sniper rifle on one of the higher floors shooting at oncomers. They say they used to give the little fella a good jibe now and then as you do, but jeez they weren't expecting that! I will elaborate more on Bombay Jack in the Hangdogs post.

Truecoat Salvager Hooks:

  • Straight up doing salvage work with them in the hot spots found around Denver using the PnP Prospectors rules, what's found is yours. Great for getting components.
  • They've noticed the Hangdogs aren't attacked by the Denver dogs and want to know their secret and organize a truce to share the city. The Hangdogs will refuse unless the players have high rep, in which case they can organise a deal with careful usage of Barter and Persuasion to let them in on the secret
  • They can be convinced to move onward to places elsewhere with Barter or Persuasion
  • Linking up with the BD Salvagers if the criminals have overthrown Dome Authority, making one big salvaging faction
The Hangdogs are the second half of the puzzle to Denver but basically Denver is meant to be a dangerous but rewarding place where an early game party can get loot.
I really like how you have replaced the NCR salvagers with other factions which would make more sense within this context, are there any plans to hint at the fate of Minnesota when the PCs speak to the Truecoat Salvagers?
I really like how you have replaced the NCR salvagers with other factions which would make more sense within this context, are there any plans to hint at the fate of Minnesota when the PCs speak to the Truecoat Salvagers?

Basically: it's cold and there's not much going on. Midwest is implied to be very sparse and tribal. They've not been as far east as the Great Lakes cause they heard there was all sorts of trouble that way they didn't wanna deal with. Basically vague implications that could mean either Enclave or BoS in Chicago
What is up with these guys in terms of culture and appearance? I'm imagining a kind of Greek hoplite style of look where they strap the ballistic plating of the combat armor to their chest and legs but are essentially nude underneath save for like warpaint.

I will elaborate on them in the Hecate post but you can take a gander at the Texas worldbuilding stuff cause they were a big faction in that. Basically US Army descendants that venerate armor and ammunition. They wear combat armor in US Army greens and browns, painted with snake decoration.

I like this little detail, people don't name drop these guys enough. Though you could probably blame this on how vague the original game made their whole deal.

I think they'd make for a sick element of a story set around New Reno or as a backstory for a PC.

Honestly dude all of your Lore more or less reads as something I would be accustomed to reading in the New Vegas base game.

Easily one of the best compliments I've received lmao

Also I really love The Greenways, they have a real kind of Sinclair vibe to them in how they are (presumably) incredibly dead but they kind of live on as these powerful characters in their own right through their creations and how they've shaped the world.

Did you read the Nursery post? Diana is alive via brain in jar fused with ZAX. Or well, will continue to be if the players save them. And yes they are Sinclair esque, but the positive side of the same coin. Nursery is the heaven to the Madres' hell in terms of the passion of love
Did you read the Nursery post? Diana is alive via brain in jar fused with ZAX. Or well, will continue to be if the players save them.

Must have skimmed over it on accident, I didn't know how much I needed to catch up on so I was reading a little fast.

Do you plan on introducing her and explaining her whole deal prior to this meeting or is she intended to be the vessel that kind of conveys her whole story?
Must have skimmed over it on accident, I didn't know how much I needed to catch up on so I was reading a little fast.

Do you plan on introducing her and explaining her whole deal prior to this meeting or is she intended to be the vessel that kind of conveys her whole story?

You can learn a portion of the deal from ZAX-29 and the Twin Mothers that basically there's a wizard of Oz situation going on, but learning the why of things (as Ulysses would put it) comes from Diana herself.

And you might want to take some time for a re read, as Diana is pseudo introduced but her being gone is part of the hook