Aha, best ending yet!


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Major spoilers!

This is my fourth runthrough, Iv'e taken the indipendant Vegas option, and at the end, I had Yes Man take care of Oliver, in epic fashion.

The game gave a panoramic camera shot, and Yes Man falcon punched the shit out of him, and he went flying out out the top of the Hoover Dam Tower :)

What's your favourite endings?
Best story wise, or cool wise?

Story wise, NCR seems like the "better" ending. They're flawed, but not to the extent of making them horrible.

House ending is worse, because it's basically an autocracy crossed with a dictatorship with unrealistic goals (I think there's more pressing matters than a man in orbit within 100 years House)

Legion ending is lol, because all that talk of "shades of gray" is a lie when it comes to them, they're evil.

Independent seems cool, but then you realize you turned on skynet, so in 10 years people will be like "Oh, what a tool that courier was. I have to spend all day computing pi because he plugged in the overlord."

Cool wise, Remnants ending with the legion winning. They run back west with the Legion following them. The legion loses hundreds of dudes and gets nothing in return.

Better than that, Boone ending with Legion winning. He takes to the foothills and gets a bounty on his head that's legendary, but no one goes after it because they're afraid it's the last thing they'll see. Or rather, the last thing they'll never see.
Shadow of the Wastes said:
"Oh, what a tool that courier was. I have to spend all day computing pi because he plugged in the overlord."

Oh man, I totally got that reference.

I think that the best ending is the independent ending (story-wise, not necessarily "cool" or anything). That's the only ending I've gotten so far, though.
Shadow of the Wastes said:
Independent seems cool, but then you realize you turned on skynet, so in 10 years people will be like "Oh, what a tool that courier was. I have to spend all day computing pi because he plugged in the overlord."

Yeah, what the hell is with that Yes Man thing at the end, it still bugs the hell out of me. I really hope that gets addressed in a DLC or something.
I just wish there had been a way to screw over whoever you sided with. Like tell Yes Man to give you control and erase his personality. Do all the stuff for house, the take him out, hack his systems, and take over.

Something like that wouldn't work in a Legion or NCR ending though.

-I love ME2
I think the game that had the best "independent" ending was probably Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines. Saying up yours to the Camarilla and flipping off the Anarchs in their face, saying your a bad enough vampire to take them all on (and save the president).

Though to be honest, in this game I can't bring myself to go against NCR since I'm California-bred and proud (even though I love Bill Hicks) and by virtue of the NCR Veteran Rangers being the biggest badasses in the Mojave. Also helps that I still have a hard time believing anyone is supposed to take those skirt-wearing legionaires seriously, even with all the crucifixions.
If you opt for an Indipendant Vegas, and assuming the courier has good karma, and youv'e spent the entire game sorting out the Mojave's problems, like the Fiends etc, it almost seems like a wasteland utopia in the epilouge.

I'll join everyone else in saying I really want to know what happens with Yes Man!
I think there should have been a BoS ending, Steel plague kind of thing, where they scrap and scavange the securitrons and leave the strip a lawless hellhole.
Threepwood said:
If you opt for an Indipendant Vegas, and assuming the courier has good karma, and youv'e spent the entire game sorting out the Mojave's problems, like the Fiends etc, it almost seems like a wasteland utopia in the epilouge.

I'll join everyone else in saying I really want to know what happens with Yes Man!

Thats what happened to me, but it really makes me wonder what twist they are going to go with Yes Man, you know skynet is coming ;)
Felspawn said:
Threepwood said:
If you opt for an Indipendant Vegas, and assuming the courier has good karma, and youv'e spent the entire game sorting out the Mojave's problems, like the Fiends etc, it almost seems like a wasteland utopia in the epilouge.

I'll join everyone else in saying I really want to know what happens with Yes Man!

Thats what happened to me, but it really makes me wonder what twist they are going to go with Yes Man, you know skynet is coming ;)

Maybe Arnie will do some cameo voice acting, hey, New CALIFORNIAN republic, whoa, i'm thinking a career revival!!!
Faceless_Stranger said:
I think there should have been a BoS ending, Steel plague kind of thing, where they scrap and scavange the securitrons and leave the strip a lawless hellhole.

You seriously consider it plausible after they've lost the war with the NCR?
I rather have an ending for them in which they become the mentioned center for research and learning through the actions of Veronica, changing the Brotherhood's decay and making them expand their search for knowledge beyond weapons and power sources.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I rather have an ending for them in which they become the mentioned center for research and learning through the actions of Veronica, changing the Brotherhood's decay and making them expand their search for knowledge beyond weapons and power sources.

I assume you didn't get the ending whereby, in exchange for salvaged power armor, they send out patrols along the main highways to protect people?
though was it mentioned that the Brotherhood loost their xenophobia in the course ? I think thats what he meant with a change. The chance might be that at some point the BoS and NCR could again have some tensions again.
My favourite endings are the Remnants and Arcade ones. After several playthroughs and trying out different things Arcade's endings are often tragic, especially the ones where you side with Caesar (the *hushed* one in particular)

One annoying thing for me though is that, as far as I know, you only have the choice to get the Remnants to fight for either NCR or Legion. I asked them to fight for NCR, but then decided at the last to go for the Yes Man/Independent outcome and had to kill them at Hoover Dam :( However strangely the ending for them was still a good one.
willooi said:
My favourite endings are the Remnants and Arcade ones. After several playthroughs and trying out different things Arcade's endings are often tragic, especially the ones where you side with Caesar (the *hushed* one in particular)

One annoying thing for me though is that, as far as I know, you only have the choice to get the Remnants to fight for either NCR or Legion. I asked them to fight for NCR, but then decided at the last to go for the Yes Man/Independent outcome and had to kill them at Hoover Dam :( However strangely the ending for them was still a good one.

Yeah same with the BOS and the Khans, you cant have them join house or an Indipendant Vegas which seemed fairly weak.
Tagaziel said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
I think there should have been a BoS ending, Steel plague kind of thing, where they scrap and scavange the securitrons and leave the strip a lawless hellhole.

You seriously consider it plausible after they've lost the war with the NCR?
But the NCR's power has waned in the region, and I don't think they could fight a two-front war even against the weakened Brotherhood... I FEEL THEY WERE UNDERUSED, OKAY?
Threepwood said:
willooi said:
My favourite endings are the Remnants and Arcade ones. After several playthroughs and trying out different things Arcade's endings are often tragic, especially the ones where you side with Caesar (the *hushed* one in particular)

One annoying thing for me though is that, as far as I know, you only have the choice to get the Remnants to fight for either NCR or Legion. I asked them to fight for NCR, but then decided at the last to go for the Yes Man/Independent outcome and had to kill them at Hoover Dam :( However strangely the ending for them was still a good one.

Yeah same with the BOS and the Khans, you cant have them join house or an Indipendant Vegas which seemed fairly weak.

[spoiler:9ac4420a86]Actually i got around that. i was annoyed with the fact that i had put so much effert into getting the enclave to help only to kill them. At the final battle i realized that i only pissed off the NCR when i walked into the control room guarded by the 2 Heavy NCR troopers. Then i realized that i could talk to them and could trick them sending them on a wild goose chase to save the general. With them out of the way i never aggroed the NCR and was able to keep on their good side......... right up to the point when Yes Man tossed Oliver from the bridge. [/spoiler:9ac4420a86]
Isn't it ironic that while having Arcade as a companion, his advice to you all throughout the game is that he prefers an independent Vegas outcome - and yet taking this path inevitably leads to you fighting the Enclave if you enlisted their help in For Auld Lang Syne.

I wonder if that particular ending was purposely designed this way, perhaps with the whole FO-style 'tragedy of war' message in mind and also to further hit home the contrast and conflict between Arcade's past as a kid with the Enclave, and his present, as a Followers doctor? How those two worlds can't co-exist, etc.