Favorite Alien(s) games:
Aliens vs Predator 2: Action FPS and action story wise probably the best Aliens game, even if the graphics are rather cartoonish.
Sadly this game never got a sequel and its expansion pack is average.
Alien Isolation: Probably the title that is the most truthful to the original Alien movie and its atmosphere.
Great recreation of the visuals of the original movie and expanding on these. One of my favorite parts is the reactor section.
I enjoyed playing and finishing this once but I really not interested in replaying it again.
Aliens Infestation: Fun little action platformer that was intended as a prequel to Aliens Colonial Marines before that game's storyline got changed. Ended up being much superior to that title but still suffers from problems of being to short.
I really wish this game had more levels, more equipment (including a missile launcher and plasma rifle), the ability to carry two heavy weapons at once, and a better outro.
Honorable mention: AvP Arcade game: Gameplay wise it is not actually that impressive nor is the story, though that one would have made a much better premise for an AvP movie than the actual movies (a spaceship crashes on the Alien future Earth, infecting a large city with xenomorphs. Marines try to contain the infestation but are hunted along with the xenomorphs by predators).
Still looks visually rather nice.
Favorite Alien(s) movies:
I have seen all of them including the terrible AVP movies and Prometheus which ended up rather pretentious as well as unclear because of Lindeloff "Mystery box" (Hollywood, Abrams, Orci, Kurtzman, and Lindeloff are idiots, stop putting them on fan popular franchises)
Alien: Duh! The one that started the franchise and still holds up as a standard for science fiction horror.
Aliens: Classic action-scifi-horror that took a lot of inspiration from Heinlein's Starship Troopers. Basically established the movie space marine tropes.
(do wish Cameron had never bothered with the Alien Queen and just stuck to the original xenomorph reproduction concept)
Alien 3: Well I kind of liked the atmosphere even if the movie is a terrible sequel to Aliens.
Dammit, I forgot the name of the poster with whom I talked about the Alien(s) movies. He told me that one of the problems with the franchise was that it was a rather One-Trick pony.
Once you have seen it the surprise and the fear is gone because you know what to expect.
Hollywood keeps trying to recreate the atmosphere/tension of the first two movies but doesn't understand why that is not possible any more.
Anyway, this franchise is over. Give it a rest and move on.