I'm sorry to hear that Blade. Just remember, your situation is not permanent and things will always get better.. though I know how difficult it is to believe during hard times.
As for Halloween - I dressed up in my usual gothy velvet dress, lacy gloves, lace choker, etc. I put on the dark makeup as usual, and I love to answer the door with Dini around my neck. The kids really get a kick out of that - they come from different neighborhoods sometimes just to see him.
Then I went to my boyfriend's place - it was our one year, and we decided to have a halloween anniversary. He took me to the dining table where he had set up black candles, wine, and the fine china, and gave me roses. He had made me dinner, it was really beautiful.
We watched Nightmare Before Christmas after that, a bit of Rocky Horror, then Red Dragon (the two latter ones were on TV).
I needed this with my boyfriend - lately we've been on horrible terms, and we even broke up a couple of times this week. This kind of patched things up (for awhile, at least).