All Hallow's Eve

welsh said:
Oh, and there is a pic dedicated to you in the Who is Sexy post.

So I saw! :D

I was going to say thank you but I didn't know where to put it. I wasn't going to screw the thread up with text. :P
Sorry to hear about it Blade.

I went tricker-treating with my sons. The youngest one after we went to my neighboor was ready to come back home and eat the candy. Then we went across the street and he is really scared of clowns, when my (front) neighboor) answer the door in a clown costume, he just said No,no,no,no walked down the driveway, across the street up my steps in the house , in the kitchen and kept saying no,no,no....

Then my oldest met up with some friends and we went around for an hour, he picked up two full bags.

Kat: hopes everything goes well from now on with your boyfriend, best of luck
Thanks for the moral support, guys and girl. I really appreciate that. And I hope you're all right, I hope everything will turn out okay eventually. Thanks.
Kat: Best of hopes for you and your guy, if not I'm always here for you ;)

Oh, back from another bash..puh... I saw lots of folks dressed up out on the town, but all in all it was a good night. Got to dance, got to drink, got to flirt a little..aahh.. off to bed soon..

Blade: As I said, remember to use your friends/family. Don't be afraid to call them, they do understand and will support you if they're true friends.. If not, you've always got us..
One group of genius made this song long time ago (real fans will know who am i talking about :wink: ).It goes-Always look on the brightside of life..
welsh said:
You're welcome. And you could always post a pic.

That would create an obvious conundrum. Obviously, the point is who is sexy, not "what female is sexy", hence...

Ehehehe, where's Tink when you need her? I bet she has a stack of male porn...oh, uhm...


Odin said:
Kharn: Bite my nipples and call me Harry

Again? :eyebrow: