All Roads graphic novel 12-page preview now available

C2B said:
I don't ... really see the similiarites.

Do me a favor and look up Frank Frazetta in google. A majority of what you'll see is a hero or two, usually a man and a woman, defending a mound against various monsters. Backgrounds might include something in the distance but are basically just a landscape of clouds. Compare the way the muscles are defined - the hair - the stances. I mean, the only honest difference to me is Fallout's woman isn't a helpless princess.

Yes, you could compare this to today's artwork- but there's no way you can deny this isn't inspired by Frazetta's work.

EDIT: The characters in the Fallout loading screen have pupils, too - just like Frazetta's they're hard to see:


What's the relevance?


I am comparing it. But maybe it's just me in this case and my eyes betray me here. And you have a point.

I'm disagreeing fully with the muscle definition though. That part is completly different.
C2B said:


What's the relevance?

C2B said:
Wh.... What? How does THIS look like 1950 style? Hell, this looks more overproportionated muscles than the All Roads style.

You've been complaining about how you fail to see any similarities between 50's art and Fallout for over three pages now and you ask me what the relevance is? I gave you yet another example. I could gave you a lot more, but then it just feels like I'm doing your homework. If the subject at hand intrigues you so much, why don't you undertake a voyage of discovery yourself?


It's pretty pointless denying the presence of 50's mojo in the classic Fallout games. The giant insects are a wink at fifties movies such as

The buildings have 50's architectural influences. Machines have fifties design, they work with vacuum tubes and heavy spools... Brainbots seem to have jumped right out of a fifties SF movie... You get Flash Gordon like energy weapons, ... The pulpy feeling, the "superhero" outfit of your Vaultdweller, ... If you just look, the body of evidence is overwhelming.

I didn't....

I complained about the comic cover from the original install screen you posted.

But hey,.... if it fits you.
I personally always loved the Fallout 1 loading screen "comic cover". Is the artist Justin Sweet by any chance ? His current art is also obviously Frazetta-inspired. And C2B, if you do not see the fifties in that cover then I'm forced to think that you're just very ignorant of the pulp and comic-book history and I do not see what point you're trying to make while arguing with alec, who's making a lot of sense here.

But about the actual comic preview-pages now. I was almost expectant when I saw the cover art (it is cover art, right ? the crowded scene of a busy Vegas street) and horribly disappointed when I saw the actual comic pages. They're badly drawn in my opinion and don't carry across any of the Fallout, nor even post-apoc feel.
I wouldn't mind if the creators didn't try to stick to the 50's look and feel so damn hard. Fallout 3 had more of that than anything else, and what good did it do that ? If only the comic were any good then it would have been like sugar frosting, though.

The random italics and bold in the lettering was actually characteristic to the 50.-s comics for some odd reason. Or maybe I'm wrong and it was in the 30.-s

I was silently hoping the comic would be something like the very Aussy-wasteland Tank Girl or maybe even the more recent Fluorescent Black, Nathan Fox's art suits a dystopian post-apoc setting amazingly well. They scream post-apoc, while this one is just dumb.

Right now there are some nondescript dudes sitting in a nondescript room, smoking dope and looking out of the window at a nondescript modern cityscape. Oh. And then there are the dumb bikers getting shitfaced-ed somewhere in the desert. Where is the post-apoc, my friends. And where the hell is Fallout ? In the fact that the bikers are supposed to be mighty raiders ? No way I want to buy that crap.
Good let's call me ignorant. Saves everything. :clap:

And yeah, I can see influences. If you actually read my second last post I already backed away. The only point I'm maintaining is the bodybuild of both charachters in the page which looks horrible oversized. And not a realistical strong build like Franzettas charachters have. It's also the thing that always bugged me about it so I'm probably focusing on that too much.

Also Alec's point the last two pages was showing unrelated pictures of the game I didn't refer to and talking about things I didn't refer to.

(Warsaw however brought up really good points)
C2B said:
Good let's call me ignorant. Saves everything. :clap:
What ?

Expresate said:
In my opinion the story matters more than the pictures.
Take Watchmen for example, the art is not stellar awesome or anything, but it works perfectly with the writing. The art is tailored to fit the writing like a well-cut suit a qentleman - nothing is lost; often the opposite is the case. Haven't read it in a while now, but I remember it being excellent.

Here the art is not aiding the writing in any way; I would even go as far as to say that the art is distracting from the writing, which is not stellar either.

Everything verewoof said (in a comic book/graphic novel art should not distract from the writing, duh) minus the stressed 50.-s "hype".
The 50.-s vibe is something that is in the game, but it should not jump in your face at every step. Annoyed the hell out of me in Fallout 3.
Well i'm on gaspard/alec/warsaw side.
I don't really care if it'50 or whatever, i'm not a comics fan.
I don't like the art style.
I find it really cheap.
But the main point : no fallout vibe about it

Fallout 1 loading screen "comic cover"was indeed great.
Fallout 1 loading screen "comic cover"was indeed great.
I have to admit that for a while I actually thought that it was a cover for a real comic book and Fallout had been a comic before being made into that awesome game. But I was 10 at the time and do not feel embarrassed any more :lol:
Well, at least Samuel L. Jackson is in it.

We've got Tom Cruise.

flip his grin in the photo, couldn't find a better one at this time.

Oh and - is the dude in the frame next to this Tom Cruise one Ethan Hawke ?

Beth is all for celebrities it seems, heh - or the artist just sucks beyond balls
Trust me, that's not bad when you can't tell who someone was modeled after.

Look up anything by Greg Land and then you can see what happens when you make a career of tracing over celebrity photos to draw.
Gaspard said:
Beth is all for celebrities it seems, heh - or the artist just sucks beyond balls
Comic artists often use models when drawing. It's not Bethesda's doing that the characters may look like a famous person. That's just the comic industry, not that they have celebrities modeling for them.
"The Beth going for celebs" line was intended as a joke - they do use a lot of them, seemingly just for the hype.

Heh, please let us not even bring Greg Land into this. My own stance is that it is OK to use reference, but come on, take a few shots of your friend or a person off the street with your camera or phone or whatever, don't use a celeb image ! It is magnificently cheap :x

It is very funny and very very sad, when I happen to walk among the sci-fi shelves in Russia, there are so damn many Bruce Willises staring at you; or scantily clad Brineys brandishing giant laser or plasma weapons on a backdrop of three moons and a space-dragon...
alec said:
+- 60 pages doesn't make a graphic novel. Maybe it would be better to call it what it is: a comic. And not a very good one at that either. It's mainstream stuff, inked the way Marvel used to ink during the nineties. The style is not reminiscent of classic Fallout at all. Big fail in that department. But yeah, I guess those things don't matter anymore nowadays, do they? As long as there's a lot of sand and rocks and badass looking people, it's Fallout, eh?

Eh, other than the Geoff Darrow cover, it certainly looks pretty 'stock'.

Not saying that it looks good, just that I don't really see much of a point in it being made 1950s-style either. The whole thing being illustrated by Darrow would be pretty kick-ass, though.

Also: Benny and the other guy would be indistinguishable if they didn't wear different suits.