DJ Slamák said:They're already starting to move away from here, actually.Big_T_UK said:And Rosh, Yeah, most of America's "poor" jobs will soon be in Eastern Europe and India.
This isn't just "poor" jobs, but jobs that reach a bit into the middle-class. The CS field took a hit by companies that would rather hire people from India because it's cheaper. So much for that degree. A lot of the programming from there I wouldn't trust, either, as many put in their own backdoors and controls that make the US spyware companies look tame. They can circumvent a lot of privacy laws this way, too, including dig through your system.
Manufacturing is still Hong Kong and China's job to do. 13 cents an hour for 18 hours a day, for good that are then marked up in price more than 50% before they are put in stores. Who is primarily at fault for that one? Wal-Mart, aka China-Mart, who is now also facing the largest class-action lawsuit ever known, 1.6 Million female employees, over a matter of discriminating wages and employment conditions.
I think it's funny that they expect to do well with the same products sold in the same place they hire the slave labor to make them, ever since they opened up Wal-Mart China. Sorry, but the manufacturing plant workers have no hope of ever affording to buy what they put together. The salary of the store workers there is also likewise pathetic.
A better statement (than just posting another article while offering no comment upon it nor source link, which will be vatted next time without them) would be that American poor are still better off than the Chinese, especially since the Chinese are treated as slave labor for a foreign corporation, not allowed to form worker's unions by Wal-Mart (in a case where a union would help considerably), and work incredibly unrealistic hours to the point where sleep deprivation claims lives, all due to the greed of a corporate giant.
Most familiar with economics can also tell that this kind of behavior makes for an illusion of wealth and prosperity, but doesn't do much for the real economy and welfare of the people. Especially the poor, who are having to live off of govt. support to buy the same exact items they used to make but they were laid off for a 13 year-old girl in China who works at 2% the salary.
It's not like this is a recent thing, either.