They are forced to pay as well. And you know why? Because the system they live in and the people they live with have allowed them to become this rich. People will not just help the lesser endowed as much as the European governments are doing now, so the governments need to force them to do what is basically a moral obligation.Both of these statements ring true about Europe. But what about those who do not need the states help to live? What about those who already can take care of themselves through initiative and hard work?
As if that's not the case over here.It seems with sky high taxes comes a guaranteed security benefit for all to resort to if they fall on hard times. However, a crippling tax affects everything from home ownership to private businesses. One reason why the U.S. has some of the finest doctors, surgeons, etc, is because one is rewarded for being better than the other.
If you're better, you get rewarded for being better.
Now here's the problem with your thinking: you think it's penalizing. You think that somehow we view rich people as bad and think that rich people need to be punished for being rich. That's simply not true. The richer you are, the more you can give to everyone around you and the system you live in for allowing you to become this rich.Now comes the question of why penalize someone for being far thinking? Why penalize someone for having ambition? Why should one be penalized because they chose to be a CEO, lawyer, doctor, etc, instead of being a burger flipping sod?
This is another mistake in people's thinking: everyone can make it.These people don't need the government to take care of their healthcare because they themselves have taken care of it. I mean doctors, lawyers, CEOs, etc, don't get to where they are by being complacent or comprimising. They take initiative instead of depending on someone else to do it for them. They say "Hey, I need to make sure I earn plenty of money in case some really bad shit happens" or "Hey, I'm not making enough money to pay for insurance so I need to get a better job". A person could work thirty years at a job and deserve better pay if he has been loyal and hardworking. However, this does not mean that he is entitled to expect others to be responsible for their well being.
Bullshit. Not everyone can make enough money o support themselves, and not everyone gets the same opportunities. There are loads of people who simply don't make it in life because of their upbringing, perhaps they're not smart enough or they're not ambitious enough or perhaps they don't fit in. Whatever the case, one man cannot do the same things on the same level as another man.
It is not the case of others being responsible for his well-being, it is a case of getting help from the state because these things are considered basic human rights, and the state is there to take care of those basic human rights. To do so, they need money, and they take the money from their subjects because their subjects have a responsibility towards their fellow man, who have allowed them to reach this position they're in, and towards the state for providing a system where they can flourish.
But if you do work, you may not eat as well. You probably don't get decent health insurance, or good housing or any of those thing. The American Dream is basically an illusion: if you're industrious you can become rich. Bullshit. You need to be smart, ambitious and probably ruthless as well to get far in life. If you don't have those things or are not willing to have those things, you can't get as far as the next man.Most americans (including myself), fear the type of socialist welfare state that was elaborated on by Ayn Rands books. Yes there are still some problems with capitalism but it is nowhere near as bad as the days of "wild west capitalism". Many immigrants that come here succeed if they are willing to work hard. The benefit is that it encourages industrious and enterprising behavior . It's not the states job to be an equalizer, its the individuals job. If you don't work then you don't eat.
You're suggesting that people should be paid for the work they do. I agree. But this does mean that someone will be penalised for being born dumb, because they can't help it that they're not smart enough to be a CEO.