An action-comedy comic about arcades, babes, ninjas, and everything rad about the '80


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
Those of you familiar with Fallout 2 modding might know me as the lead writer of killap's Restoration Project and as the voice for Cassidy's talking head in both the RP and Mutant's Rising.

Well I also write a comic book, which my lovely girlfriend draws. It's called Satan Ninja 198X, and it's basically our homage to everything we love about the '80s. Especially cheesy 80's sci-fi/fantasy/horror/action films. So it's got over the top action, gratuitous T&A, satanic ninjas, etc.

We've just recently unveiled the comic and are trying to spread the word. So if you think it might be something you'd dig, check it out at (NSFW)

Here's the latest image my girlfriend has been working on (it's still in progress):
Well, so far there's Robo-rexus, which is a little robot dinosaur guy. Does he count? And I'm sure some flesh and blood dinosaurs will pop in eventually.
Yeah, dinosaurs are a must have. And if you can add ninjas riding on dinosaurs it will be the most epic awesomesauce. If it's robot dinosaurs, it's ok too as long as they can shoot lasers from their eyes or out of the mouth.
Thanks! I shall. In fact, it'll probably consume my life for the next five or so years. Not that I'm complaining...