An Alpha Centauri playthrough?

I can't believe I am the only one who plays as the Hive in vanilla! The Hive are awesome. Feel free to build 1 8-8-2 unit. I'll build 6 4-4-2s in the same time period.

The bonus also lowers the mineral cost of building secert projects I believe.

I've even played as the Drones. Huge armies of foils and speeds crushing the enemy.

My second choice was allways the University though.

As for the pods, I always waited to use the alien artifacts until I was pretty far down the tech tree so I got really good stuff.

My best SMAC moment was when I had 40 subs all full of planet busters and I elminated every enemy faction in 1 turn. Any cities I missed got orbital dropped. The next turn the water level rose several hundred feet due to "environmental damage".
I have the planetary pack, which I bought about 3 years ago, and I can't get it to run at all in XP..

any tips?

btw, the university pwns.
I never so no to a free tech.
whirlingdervish said:
I have the planetary pack, which I bought about 3 years ago, and I can't get it to run at all in XP..

any tips?

btw, the university pwns.
I never so no to a free tech.

Download and install SMAC XP Compatibility Update.

If it still doesn't work, then go your installation directory, open the Alpha Centauri.ini file and change ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm=0 to ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm=1.

If it still doesn't work, then, well, you could try tweaking msconfig and disabling all non-microsoft applications. That worked for me, but, obviously, I can't recommend this method to anyone.
I could never bring myself to play anything other then University over and over again ...

ever time i tried the other races i got pissed that i didnt have the best technology :D
horray! That got it to run with only the occasional crash. (I learned to save every couple of turns to minimize my lost time)

Yesterday, I played all the way thru as the University on specialist difficulty and managed to slaughter all opposition on a random huge map and come within 5 turns of ascending, before I decided to nuke the last 5 opposition bases out of existence. (I spent enough to make 'em that I wasn't willing to let the game end peacefully)

Looks like I'll be stepping up to Talent difficulty and relearning how to effectively plan the economy/government, this evening.

thank you liberty rogue!
So yesterday my Alpha Centauri with Alien Crossfire magically appeared curtesy of in my real life mailbox.

I just hope I will have time to play it soon.

Been aching to get my hands on this for years but somehow never managed to actually order it. I believe I was distracted by oooooh shiny ones, titties and beer, but then again we are all looking for excuses, right?

Looking forward to playing it though.
I always played as the Hive.

SMAC is probably one of my top 5 games of all time. Simply spectacular.
I have the SMAC Planetary Pack. Brilliant game although it's been ages since I played it.
Obviously, you should play as the University or mayhaps as the Hive. Gaia can be good later on, but I never really enjoyed playing them.

Go for it, Mikael.
An awesome game. Played it since the demo came out and then the full release :clap:

However knowing all the ins and outs makes in unplayable nowadays, since I get bored with it within 15mins. :(

Btw, all the factions are great. Zakharov kicks ass but Hive is fun to play. The expansion seems... lacking. The Cyborgs are cool though.
I always play as the pirates, it rocks colonizing all the sea early on and then launching massive amphibious assaults.
University, I expect an in character LP full of elaborate writing, characters, and tie-ins to the actual plot.
Also, Transcendence victory.

I'm kidding, but I do think you should play University.
Full of sci fi ideas and visions, SMAC is probably the only game Einstein and Stephen hawking would play.

I vote for Human Hive. All their city are build underground which give them natural defense. Which is handy during starting the game. Plus the idea of having every citizens defend their home with blow-torch and pitchfork always makes me chuckle. :ugly:
I'm going to say Miriam. Partly to be contrary, and partly because nobody ever uses Miriam in these "Let's Play" threads.

She can kick some ass too, if you focus on amassing units and using probes for stealing research.

+25% attack is not to be scoffed at.
fedaykin said:
I mostly played as the Peacekeeping Forces. Always ended up starting a huge war, though :P

The last time I played as the Peacekeeping forces I think I started a massive war as well. Ah well, caught them with their pants down.

Edit: I as well vote for University.
I vote University

I finished my first playthrough in the game last weekend with them(on Beginner)
Mikael Grizzly said:
Am I the only one who absolutely loves the Peacekeeping Forces?

They're my faves too.
Though I was a bit narked when I found out the infantry don't wear bright blue helmets :P

Would love to see an LP as I never got too far into SMAC, mostly due to being bloody useless when it comes to this type of game.