Fireblade said:
Actually, the original article is about the Constitutional Restoration Act. You got baited as before into an argument over the military with John, reply with "Go-Go Gadget Eggshell Armor" and thus, the topic is derailed.
Well, then, if I was baited, that would make him Troll 1 and you Troll 2, because neither of you have been remotely paying attention to the discussion aside from throwing in useless garbage when discussing a scenario. Let me guess what John said to those he claimed, "Um...some guys on the internet said it would be possible for China to invade the US by landing troops in Alaska." Which ignores the entire context of the discussion. I would guess that perhaps the conservative vets would have agreed with the "bestest military in the world, more powerful than Superman, Batman, and Aquaman combined!" remark... that is if John was willing to share such an uneducated comment with them in the first place.
No, the point was that the US is not the most powerful military the the world to the point of being greater than everyone else combined. If China wanted to and had the means to start a land war, that is precisely the angle they are going to take because it is their strongest point and the US weakest. It is the most advantageous for the position (water, airfields), the resources they and allies need (oil), and it would be hard for the US to get reinforcements there. Sure, the US could nuke Alaska as well, but considering that is one of two major domestic oil supplies for the US, I see that as unlikely.
Now the topic seems to be about military capabilities with China, which has little to do with the original thread.
Too bad you didn't bother to read the entire thread. It was pretty obvious in what context I was discussing it in, which you and John seem to miss frequently.
So, fine, I derailed the argument a bit, but only after a few choice one-liners are thrown about by you and others to originally derail it from politics into "my army is the bestest/worstest". Cry me a river Rosh about your derailing and selective reading as well.
You have no place to talk about selective reading when you were the selective idiot that ignored the numerous replies before yours, then carbon copied some of John's idiocy regarding economics. And now you post a pathetic cop-out. Keep further childishness to The Order's forum, please.
John said:
The Bearing Sea would be a lot more difficult to cross then the English Channel, and the USAF and USN are in better shape then the RAF or RN where at the time of the Battle of Britan.
Straw man argument. The Chinese are better trained and a hell of a lot more numerous than the Nazis were. See? I could make irrelevant comparisons as well, despite the fact that I was using a military example of what was "unthinkable" at that time. Military conquest and greatness comes from doing the "unthinkable". How does it become Reality? Because someone incorrectly assumes that the opposition believes it is unthinkable and therefore, impossible. Back to the point of underestimating what your opponent is capable or willing to do. Just because you're some kid that thinks economics is the bottom line to deciding military or govt decisions, it might not have such a consideration for others and should not be taken as a safeguard.
Concerning the rest of this thread, that is some cute Googling and selective sampling there, John, but you might want to note the points that alliances change all the time. Also, the fact that Alaska has airbases, which if Russia has interest in, they could go ahead with their previous plans and deploy troops once there is enough ground support. It was also one of Russia's main targets for a land occupation in the Cold War.
You are still basing your assumptions on the incorrect assumption that current theaters and alliances will hold for an indefinite time, or the assumption that the US military would still be in the shape that it is today, and that others would make military decisions based upon "logic" and what wouldn't hurt their own country. Wow, shitloads of ironic examples I could use for the last sentence. I already pointed out a possible scenario if someone decided to take into account allies and a changing political face of the world, but thank you again in honoring what is becoming an Orderite tradition. "tl;dr"
What I meant was that a real invasion of the continental US is flat out impossible,
Nice assumption. London is safe from bombing, too!
Kharn said:
Besides which, you still haven't retracted the ass-retarted statement that the US military is as strong as that of the rest of the world combined. Maybe you should, by now?
John said:
What I meant was that a real invasion of the continental US is flat out impossible
Bullshit, even if you wanted people to accept your revisioning of this thread.
Yeah impossible, especially after or during a civil war.

Yes, I still remember the original context of what you were trying to talk about, even though you obviously are trying to reinvent it.
And, with a realistic alliance that could be forged, the US would be outmatched easily.
No, it has not as much validity. Everyone has admited Alaska and the Aleutians are easy to defend. No one has pointed out a way to beat that, or any outside document or study proving that it can be so easily broken.
Defendable with the right forces and abilities. Oil production, a clear and short route to Russia if the airfields were used (closest one for the US to Alaska is back in the continental US), and many more factors. It might have helped to pay attention to why I said Alaska was defendable for an invading force, why the Japanese and later the USSR had plans to invade it, because it is a defendable and accessible spot FOR THEM.
I duly apologize for assuming that you have SOME inkling of tactical considerations, but that was my assumption because you decided to talk about logistics. I honestly thought you had a clue about the subject.
We could hypothetically loose a war I suppose, if our economy continues to go down for several decades and some big alliance comes along.
Or we were in middle of a CIVIL WAR.
Try to pay attention to what you originally were replying to, although I am fairly certain you weren't paying attention then. What country could fight both a civil war and defend the country worth a damn? Especially with the size and infrastructure of the US? Especially if said invading countries would also coincidentally be allies.
Yes, I waited until now to pull back in the original context of the discussion point, because I thought it would be much more amusing now that it would make you look all the more foolish.
Also, again, economy doesn't mean shit when it comes to war - correction, it only matters to the considerations of some because that is all they know, because that is how the country they live in finds excuses to go to war. Oh, hey, sorry to be the one to point out the obvious yet it seems to be my role as of late, but the economy would be anything but good in the case of a civil war. I think even you could understand that correlation.
But the natural position of the United States is such that, unless this Superpower is Canada or Mexico, I don't see a traditional victory.
Let's see...if the US were to go into civil war, Alaska would be fucked for support, foreign or domestic, and therefore much tastier a target. Personally, I'd hate to see what would arise from a Chinese civil war - it could be quite ugly and undoubtedly would involve more than just China itself.