Aside from the general derailing, I do have to debunk one final load of tripe that has to stand above the rest. Yes, Kharn, I know this has been derailing, and the lengthy replies haven't helped much, but apparently people didn't notice my earlier remarks about the same thing. So much for people reading the discussion.
Fireblade said:
Directed to Rosh (welsh sorta ninja stealth posted in between our arguments, heh)
You literally pull one quote out of the entire argument to address, and blithely ride roughshod over it with strawman attacks on my character.
You literally pull one element of the entire discussion to draw into a tangent and blithely ride roughshod over it in a classic display of idiocy.
I wasn't going to address the rest of your drivel because it was exactly that, irrelevant drivel. It, like many others, went into the realm of small shit that not only ignored the previous parts of the discussion, but also showed that some people expect the world to remain the same from now on. Sorry, that is either insanity, living under a rock, or the mark of someone who hasn't been around for too long. No, sorry, that is how CHILDREN think.
Yes, brilliant riposte to my arguments, seriously. You know, attacking someone's mother would be the same level of maturity.
Speaking of ironies and straw man arguments. For your information... fuck it, I'm not going to bother explaining what "cheechako" means.
First of all, I made no claim about Canada at ALL in the argument and, yes, I HAVE been to Alaska. I also have a fair understanding of politics, something you seem to completely disregard in this situation as you make up this sort of "dream match" mentality of the US against China involving merry ol' nukes.
I think I didn't quantify whether they were or were not using nukes, only threw it in as a possibility. Thank you for being courteous enough to read the discussion before coming up with that bullshit reply. And the steaming pile I just replied to, as well.
Just because our military is at a low point NOW (with problems trying to act as hegemon for the world) does NOT mean the United States couldn't ratchet up its own forces, similar to what occured during World War II.
You also forget the point that I made about the US having allies in WWII, which is naturally, what would be required to wage an effort on any major front in the modern world. Yet the US is having difficulties with a piece of desert, and yet they are supposedly the bestest.
Again, thank you for reading the discussion where I (and others) also mention that China would possibly have their own allies, yet it seems like you're doing Teh Order thing and butting in zergling style without really reading the thread beforehand. I have a suspicion this might also be treated in similar "tl;dr" fashion.
(Snip a load of tangents and irrelevant shit- if only the discussion were read.)
Listen, weaselnuts, the entire point of illustrating this was to see exactly how defensive you can be over your ignorance over Alaska. No, it is not just a pipeline, thank you very much. That is a cheechakoes point of view, and if that term offends you, just remember that argumentative ignorance offends me. You presented yourself as very ignorant of Alaska if you think "[China] does not have the supply capacity for rearming any of its troops, assuming it did invade through Alaska, though we would probably lose the oil pipeline. " There goes one of their problems already, which would be the entire reason for invading through that route; it not only cuts off a substantial portion of domestically-produced oil for the US, but puts it into their hands.
The entire point of using China in such a context, regardless of the REAL ignorance about socio-political issues around here*, was to debunk some incorrect assertions about the power and ability of certain militaries. In particular, about where real conquest is founded, and how that is exactly where the US is relatively weak at. Or did you miss that part as well in your hurry to post into the thread?
* - The real fact of socio-political profiles in the world is that they are not constant, they are always changing.
I am not trying to play Nostradamus here, so stop trying to apply everything I say in a literal "how it would happen today" sense. Shit, at least I can cite historic examples of the same strategy, yet the kids are wanting to pull "economy" out of their asses as if it's a get out of jail free card against war.
Socio-political constants, are by any measure, an oxymoron. The world is not what it was 50 years ago, and neither is the US what it was 50 years ago. This hold especially true for Europe and the Middle East. Imagine what would happen if more Mid-East countries got into a conflict with the US, and China decides that in exchange for oil and help with logistics, they can help with troops. Or Russia does something of the same bid, with Chinese troops backing. Oil for military aid...amusingly enough, not a new concept. Now throw in someone who can provide in food, and you have a happy new Axis power. When past prejudices are put aside in light of what is needed, then even the most unlikely of alliances can be forged.
I don't bury my head into the sand, to believe that everything will be the same tomorrow as it is today. If you had told me 20 years ago that I would be talking to a Russian radar/comms engineer like old friend, then I would have called you absolutely nuts, yet it
has happened. Take a look at how the world has changed, and not just in history books or what you watch on TV.
Right now, I see a lot of assumptions against such a scenario. One, that the economy would still matter to the Chinese govt. if their current situations persist and grow worse. Do you think the Nazi Party had much concern for their own economy when they were instead pillaging supplies from others? No, that is not someone's cue to talk about Nazi logistics or how many treads their tanks had on them. Economy is also a reason for going to war, but it has really been a reason to stop anyone if they were given a viable route otherwise to go to war. Save further discussions about the economy for accounting classes, please, kids.
Two is the current alliances keeping other forces in check. Russia - enemy, ally, enemy, friend, who the hell knows for certain about now and tomorrow?
Think a few moves in advance. White and black may seem the same, but the players are different. Assuming that things will stay the same in politics is quite foolish. I'm sorry...I just have to look at other cases of nationalistic pride + overpopulation.
Attack the issues at least. If you want to rip into an argument, at least answer all of my points, not just one with "Oh, CNN shows oil in Alaska and you assume this...". Don't assume so much about a person being *gasp* ignorant merely because I cant spend hours formulating a case by case basis to answer your argument.
So then would you like to illustrate why I should respect anything from you, if you don't have the time to be bothered to fully read the thread, and come up with an apropos reply?
Finally, no offense to you either. I mean, obviously I think you are funny and witty and such, but give some courtesy when debating.
This, coming from the person that didn't bother to read the discussion before they just interjected the text equivalent of XXX booth wall coverings.
Don't bother trying to rebuke me again if you're going to lie about it, especially if you're going to make accusations of "strawman attacks on my character" [sic].
I'm not some flamer or troll or anything else along those lines.
Of course you're not, because you say so.