lols, anime, huh?
I don't really know where to start, but most of the popular stuff lately have been quite lame.
My taste stretches pretty far though.
The two Miyazaki films that I really liked are Porco Rosso and the Valley of the Wind.
Monster is quite good, and it might appeal to all the European fans because of the setting.
GIS:SAC season 1 is good.
Ghost Hound started well, but ending was awkward.
Ghost Hunt was quite fun.
Haijime no Ippo is quite good, but make sure to watch the first season before starting the current one.
Golgo 13 is well, Golgo 13.
Akagi is too manly and too much of an unknown to be quoted by many, but it is good.
Mononoke is pretty good, but it's only for people who have some interest Japanese myth and history.
Perfect Blue aren't bad but only if you are into the Japanese style of mystery.
Jin-Roh was decent.
Hikaru no Go is only for people who get Go though.
Ergo Proxy dragged on for a bit, but very fallout-ish.
Black Lagoon..., lols, gratuitous violence is always fun.
And there is always Tezuka. If you don't know who that is, you might as well stop watching anime. And a lot of his stuff is very fallout-ish because it deals heavily in sci-fi/post apoc.
I'll mention some recent pop corn stuff (you know, you watch it for brainless fun) next time. Anyway, Berserk manga > anime, Akira manga > anime (the manga made more sense/put things together), FMA manga > anime, and...., Mai Hime is great? Did we watch the same thing?

Kannagi wasn't bad, if only for the existentialism questions. Da Cappo should have died a long time ago. I'll not talk about Bebob or Champloo, nor EVA.