Ausdoerrt said:
Another way to look at it is, of course, as commentary on an important social problem. Since it's not a US thing, tou might not know much about it,
Or then again I might, being that I worked in Tokyo for 4 years, and still go back regularly. I currently have 3 (well, 2.5 my daughter is only half) Japanese chicks living in my house. Maybe you can see why I'm not ignorant, but on the contrary
quite jaded to that sort of drama. I'm fighting to restore a proper hormonal equilibrium in my home, and Millenium Actress isn't helping.

See where I'm coming from bra'?
but the idol market in Japan was about as bad as the movie depicted. And the perspective was necessary to more clearly present the poor treatment of women in modern-day japan. So I think you're mistaken on the "chick-flick" part.
Don't let them fool you, Japanese men aren't as in charge as their egos want you to think. Nor are the women all submissive, wilting flowers, that let men walk all over them. Like many things in Japan it's a lot more multifaceted than that.
I think that aspect you mention only served to build a good suspense story (which Perfect Blue is) nothing more.
M.A. was a bit of a chick-flick, though, agreed, but it also did a good job at giving a nice overview of Japan's history over the last 60 years or so.
Well only as it relates to and is seen through the eyes of a starry-eyed,
flaky teenage girl. The history only served as a backdrop for her whimsical little flights of fancy. No thanks. It's not like there was any reflection on the events by her, it was all her self-indulgent memory trip, which belittled the gravity of the war and whatnot going on around her.
No offense, but do you find any movie with a main female character "estrogen-heavy"? Just wondering.
Of course not, female protagonist doesn't automatically equate with chick flick. It's the thematic content, and I clearly see in MA an attempt to appeal to the sensibilities of a teenage girl. I'm not saying it bad or not well executed, it just doesn't touch me and I felt silly watching it. I'll say it again, I'm not interested in some flaky chick's whimsical little flights of fancy.
Yeah so the medium of anime is used as an umbrella term in America. I recognise that that's a fallacy and when speaking of anime I need to peel the layers back a few times to find things that appeal to me. Anime in general is not intrinsically interesting to me. Like I asked before it is clearly segmented to appeal to different demographics, that's not to say my interests are so narrow that I didn't enjoy Perfect Blue as a pretty good suspense movie. But untimately when it became a remake of Single White Female I had to roll my eyes. Again, it was good, but I would find something that appeals to my sensibilities I would enjoy it more a la Ghost in the Shell - there you go - female protagonist but by no means estrogen-heavy (none of you wiseasses has suggested GitS 2 to me yet either

If Millennium Actress had a more domestic scene, with western actresses and was on the Lifetime network I wonder if you'd still praise it as much.
Not if it were made by Hollywood. Because we all well know how the Americans "adapt" Japanese plots for their market...
That's not really my point. I'm wondering if MA were exactly the same except with western acrtresses and settings, and you walked in the room and your sister/g.f./mother whoever was watching, I question if your reception of it would be the same.
I think that the "foreign-ness" of anime is sometimes in and of itself some of the appeal.