Another serious topics: Are intimate realtionships a worthless investment?


"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"
So, After all that was said and done in fat shaming thread. I think we need to move onto a new topic.

That is relationships, Particularly that of spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend.

I've been thinking on the mentality that each sex has on each other. This one guy who i used to be a friend until he is pretentious old age excuses as a substitute for actual logic and reason would always argue that "One day, Women would eventually screw you over. You will see."

I didn't think he was entirely wrong, Just that he let his own hormones guide him into getting into relationships with another person just for virtue as sex and thus forgiving and consenting to that very terrible nature that is the woman personality. I have more dirt on this person, But out of the little respect for him and as an ethical and moral standpoint, I feel like it but irrelevant and generally something that doesn't need to be disclosed as it's rather private and beyond the point of discussing.

As i write this preparing my fish (Sorry @Mr.Fish) I just wanted to have an open discussion about this. Anyways, back to my previous point that is mentality each sex has on one another. As you notice your atypical male always see your atypical female as a money drain. Someone who is selfish and uses you for money and you give her this money inorder to ascertain sexual favors. While atypical female might expect them to treat them like a princess or that think the man is an asshole who is prmiscuious. I guess the latter term can be given to both at circumstances. I ran into more men who were open to discuss their open on the opposite sex than women. Those my ex-friend typically would argue women favor bitching and backstabbing each other instead of actually not being two faced so to speak.

Ahem moving on, I guess this also applies to similar things like how some women in western society assert that they don't need atypical man as they're independent all while trying to cock tease their ideal mate and eventually be in service to their partner that entirely *Ruins* Their independence that they desperately cling to. Kind of ironic. But stupid none the less, I don't know where i'm going with my discombobulated thoughts i've spiel onto this thread. I guess you could say i see both sexes as being passively aggressive towards each other and then get mad they they date the wrong person and then assert their experience as fact and purported this stereotype of each other that people fall into the hole of believing that one sex is inherently more evil than the other.

I'll add an addendum soon, But i want to get this rough draft out first.
To answer the titular question, no. As reproduction is our natural imperative, maintaining civilization should be something which we all work towards to secure a better future for our children, and since the family is what makes civilization we should strive towards making it as ideal as possible, which requires intimacy.
An intimate relationship is not a worthless investment, but it is an investment, one that sometimes has shit returns.
My opinion is that humans have been misguided by various religious "rules" on how they think we should live our lives.

I think we are here to spread our seed as far and as wide as possible with as many different sexual partners as possible, to create more diversity in the human gene pool. Only very few other species of animal are monogamous.

Though considering what we know now about human over-population on this planet, lack of food, health-care, disease etc. - it's probably a good idea that people aren't spitting out offspring like used-up bubble gum.
Though considering what we know now about human over-population on this planet, lack of food, health-care, disease etc. - it's probably a good idea that people aren't spitting out offspring like used-up bubble gum.
Not to bring this off topic already but over-population is only in a few select areas; China, India, Middle Eastern countries. Western countries, as far as I know, are facing some what of under population. If I remember right Germany's average age is around 40 and that is about average around most of Europe. Now that isn't good especially for social programs because less young people are supporting the old which in turn creates economic stress and etc.

Onto the the topic I guess.
As you notice your atypical male always see your atypical female as a money drain.
Damn you took the words right out of my mouth. Females are expensive, they ain't taking none of my money.

Now I wouldn't say relationships are worthless per say. They can have worth to someone, somewhere... maybe. Not me though, bitches all want my money and they gettin' none.
My partner earns more than I do, neither of us are financially dependent on one another, we're together purely because we enjoy sharing each other's company and making one another happy, and I've no particular interest in being with anyone else. :shrug:
My wife and I have joint bank accounts. I pay the rent and bills, she buys the food and keeps the car on the road. We've been together 15 years. Relationships are what you make of it, you get in what you pay out, but it has to be equal. If you're propping up the other half all the time, then it's time to review the situation
My opinion is that humans have been misguided by various religious "rules" on how they think we should live our lives.

I think we are here to spread our seed as far and as wide as possible with as many different sexual partners as possible, to create more diversity in the human gene pool. Only very few other species of animal are monogamous.

Though considering what we know now about human over-population on this planet, lack of food, health-care, disease etc. - it's probably a good idea that people aren't spitting out offspring like used-up bubble gum.

What you're proposing is an r-selected reproductive tactic that has been proven not to support civilization. All great civilizations ever were K-selected, r-selected behavior never got us past mud huts and spears. Monogamy and high investment in offspring are the way to go.

The "greater diversity" you propose would actually make humanity more susceptible to annihilation from a plague or something of the sort.
I don't agree with spreading the seed far and wide. You'll end up with kids getting friendly ho don't even know they're related.
More needs to be done in terms of families having too may children. I have 2 and then had the firing pin removed. Low income families need to stop reproducing as a means to gain extra income.
The real question is this, Is it social pressure or biochemical releases from our neurons within our brain that either cause us to like someone even if they are incompatible with our values and belief structure.
Most people are pretty, most people are hot, most people have interesting interests, all this - in the big scheme of things.
Very few people are unique in any way.
One thing I find very strange is the American notion of "league", someone being out of someone else's league. This idea is non-existent in most(?) other countries on earth. People will just... either like or dislike each others.

When they do, they will believe that what they like is truly unique and special "She likes pizza, I like pizza! Omfg!" but in the end, like I said before - everyone has "enchanting eyes", it takes a LOT of deformament to not have regular eyes, fairly symmetrical face, a body that is not composed entirely of lard.
So... knowing that "love" itself is a bunch of hormonal tennis - both inside and outside of a body (humans communicate through feromones when intimately interacting), the social parts of it are usually not an issue.
In small places, where selections are poor, love tends to just work itself out automatically - as if we were, indeed, just animals. The one and only young man will near-inevitably fall in love with the only other young girl.
This happens quickly in social experiments as well, like "Survivor", where 10-12 people are crammed together, they will quickly begin to look for the best of the bunch, regardless of their personal tastes. They'll gravitate towards each others, given enough time and enough freedom, and form couples.

It is boringly mechanical and unromantic, if you choose to regard it as such.
And it is no surprise that once a kid is pooped out, a whole bag of these instincts just go out the window, "Our work is done here!" *eats nothing but butter from now on*

All that said, what other choice do we have? The question becomes like our hero-tales. What reality do we prefer? This one, or the one with elves and summonable magical horses in it? If you like the latter, with real adventures, real heroes, real dragons, then tough luck - you're stuck here with us - make the best of it.

If you want romance, something that stands out, then KNOW... that you are looking for a needle in a hay stack.
If you just want to be human, then do like the others of your kind, find someone "pretty" with "enchanting eyes" and "nice body", fuck and get fucked, poop them kids out, and experience this whole "omg from now on my live revolves entirely around making sure these brats don't end up on drugs or something"-routine for the next 20-30 years. A lot of people actually enjoy this, they keep repeating how amazing it is (this is their instincts talking, they can't help but feel this way. Hormones are a powerful thing)

Oh, and don't worry about "leagues" if you are not American. You might have seen it often on tv, and believe it to be a real thing, but it's not (except in America? Can someone confirm this for me? Are "leagues" real in America, or is it just in the movies?)
If you want romance, something that stands out, then KNOW... that you are looking for a needle in a hay stack.
If you just want to be human, then do like the others of your kind, find someone "pretty" with "enchanting eyes" and "nice body", fuck and get fucked, poop them kids out, and experience this whole "omg from now on my live revolves entirely around making sure these brats don't end up on drugs or something"-routine for the next 20-30 years. A lot of people actually enjoy this, they keep repeating how amazing it is (this is their instincts talking, they can't help but feel this way. Hormones are a powerful thing)
Don't you ever get the feeling that everybody who tells you how great their lives are now that they have kids and spouses are in denial? I get the feeling that most people with children feel this way but, I might just have a bad disposition.
Oh, and don't worry about "leagues" if you are not American. You might have seen it often on tv, and believe it to be a real thing, but it's not (except in America? Can someone confirm this for me? Are "leagues" real in America, or is it just in the movies?)
Leagues (I'm pretty sure) are an invention of Teenage Sex-comedies, in all reality I think everybody's just looking for partners with similar interests.
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Leagues (I'm pretty sure) are an invention of Teenage Sex-comedies, in all reality I think everybody's just looking for partners with similar interests.

I hope you are right about this, because it has often bothered me, especially considering how impressionable youngsters are - and even more so, in certain cultures (including Western) where very little is being explained concerning this stuff, what to expect, not to expect, and so on
Well, hormone addled teens probably have leagues based around socio-economical status and positioning on the teenage social hierarchy, but that's just because they're douchey teenagers; I hope that they let all that shit melt away as they mature.
One thing I find very strange is the American notion of "league", someone being out of someone else's league.
The idea of someone being beyond your reach socially isn't American, it's as old as dirt, or at least as old as class based societies are. Even today you'd never expect to be able to walk up to someone with any sort of celebrity and chat them up unless you were similarly influential.

It's really not that difficult to find someone with similar interests and outlooks that you can enjoy sharing time with, either. It was much more difficult before the Internet was invented.
I think the concept of 'league' is based more around the idea of someone outranking you based purely on attractiveness and a few other factors that are rather arbitrary as opposed to simply existing in another social class; I think we all understand that there are romantic barriers between people of different social classes but these exist for good reasons while Leagues exist just because.
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The real question is this, Is it social pressure or biochemical releases from our neurons within our brain that either cause us to like someone even if they are incompatible with our values and belief structure.

Both. I'm sure people get married because it's the thing they're supposed to do, but I couldn't tell you how many or who. And nature requires that we fuck like rabbits or become extinct. Seems simple enough to me.

Actually, I think the one cross that cross that heteronormal guys do bear is that your compulsed to have sexual frustration come to a slow boil in the back of your psyche. It's not something you have to be conscious about but it's always there. It's like a high-pitched hum you never really notice because it's omnipresent. It has nothing to do with rational willings or how you feel. You gotta have it. It's downright maddening and those who aren't wise to it make asses of themselves (everybody ever at some point in their lives).

Also, SMBC had a salient comic at one point that punches you in the ow.
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Leagues (I'm pretty sure) are an invention of Teenage Sex-comedies, in all reality I think everybody's just looking for partners with similar interests.

I really don't believe this. Since, frankly, hormones made girls look like ethereal and otherworldly creatures. Objectively, this isn't true, but the logic becomes, "Well I got nothing good enough to offer her."
If you're slightly more responsible, then you think, "Well I don't want to fuck over her life because she deserves better."
Attractiveness isn't really rational, since we ascribe higher worth to such a person just because.
I remember thinking exactly, "She was too good for me."

And well, more rationally, people are familiar enough with the barter mentality that she doesn't have to settle for you per se, I mean, if you really believe this person is as attractive and desirable as you think. So even if you had the self-awareness to hate your stupid feels, it doesn't do you much good. You got another trap waiting for you.

Now, commodifying sex and all that is horrible for other reasons. But I'm not lucid enough to expand on that at the moment.

Aside from the direct response:
More to the point, my view is this: Humans are perishable and mortal. Entropy has got our universe on a slow cook burn. I don't know what makes people think love is eternal or something like that.
If you're very lucky, your love is only just less mortal than your health. And that is just long enough.
If you're not, you get divorced or go through a bad breakup.

I find life a lot less noisome when I just say that life is unfair, shrug, and move on. Maybe that's fatalistic. But oh well.
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I remember when i went to high school and a few years later catching up with them, I saw they have changed for the worse a lot.

One got pregnant and had a child at age 17, Another one getting married already at 19 years old.

Pretty fucking stupid if you ask me, A recipe for disaster. Was it too hard to get a condom? Who fucking knows. Teen Pregnancy and early marriage is cancer in my eyes. Doesn't help i went to a degenerate brick and mortar school for half of my life. Where pretty much i was often verbally abused for being different. Oh well, I suppose i'm a bit more happy knowing these shits fucked their life up and are going to be miserable for the rest of their life with a unmovable anchor on their shoulders.

Imagine child support and alimony? How much do you think the guy is going to fucked. The child is who really will get fucked in the end, imagine the emotional turmoil going through a divorce, It's what changed Kurt Cobain's entire outlook on life at an early age.