First of all, it's allways funny when the 'winners', of WW2, are declaring the sarcrifices of the victims and sacrifices as irrelevant, and that only their own did matter,.. Man i really wish i could do that too... But as german i guess, i can't do this.
So i would say, no country, not even america, would have put the Axis-forces down alone.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, im sorry but are you sure your saying they want the old dictatorial regime back? That they miss cold war? If they miss it so much they can go visit China. It has the greatest of all walls and im sure that would act as nice replacement for their nostalgia.
Did you ever heart of the wall, and what it was???
The 'Wall' as we germans talk of it, stays for the division of West- and East-Germany. West Germany was democratic and an close ally of USA and so on (you could say a thankfull lackey of the USA).
Otherwise it's the Mauer wich stood in Berlin (you can still see parts of it), but as said, it's as a synonym for the division.
So if some german says he wants the wall back, he means the division between germany, and therefore also that a lot of things that were done with it should be as the old days.
East-germans say in the old days the all had at least some job and something to eat and often things that got to do with distorted memories.
West-germans claims that the receeding economy growth, and the downfall of the social economy (and a lot of national assurances) is a result of the reunification from the 90's. But there are also some distorted things, that surely weren't better in the old days....
Most of the germans who claim that they want the wall back are western germans, at least the big german magazine 'Spiegel' is often claiming that.
I could go on, on it... but i think that should be enough
Why does everybody now seem to hate amercia?
Maybe because of better media today? - You hear a lot more of bombed wedding-parties and such today, than you heard before (Vietnam was just the beginning of such problems).
Also USA is still not signing treaties that a lot people think of as important (Kyoto protocol, and some human right things). Also because of the war on Iraque and Afghanistian wich weren't reall legimitate by the UN, as far as i remember (the one against Afghanistan might have been).
Also the new conflict course with russia (SDI and such), is somewhat of a problem...
So there are simply reasons to be critical about the american goverment. It's really not about american people, but about their goverment.
Sure you often have people talking about american stereotypes (stupid gun-blazing cowboys, wich also often hit their allies) and such bullshit, but i think that's typicall for every country. I mean we germans are often protayed either as villians (Die Hard and such) or as thick somewhat simple-minded beer drinking, leather-trousers wearing people and such