killap was being nice answering you the first time, now you're asking to flamed!
Read the readme.txt file that comes with the patch and/or read this thread - yes all of it!
It people like you that are going to ruin killap's enjoyment in creating this patch in the first place.
I don't know why I am going to tell you what to do as you must have difficultly reading in the first place, but here goes:
Your saves are toast! Given you didn't delete or rename patch000.dat AS INSTRUCTED IN THE README.TXT file included with the patch!
Delete the patch000.dat file, install killap's patch A, and start a new game.
Good luck newbie, looks like you need it!
killap was being nice answering you the first time, now you're asking to flamed!
Read the readme.txt file that comes with the patch and/or read this thread - yes all of it!
It people like you that are going to ruin killap's enjoyment in creating this patch in the first place.
I don't know why I am going to tell you what to do as you must have difficultly reading in the first place, but here goes:
Your saves are toast! Given you didn't delete or rename patch000.dat AS INSTRUCTED IN THE README.TXT file included with the patch!
Delete the patch000.dat file, install killap's patch A, and start a new game.
Good luck newbie, looks like you need it!