SorgFall said:
I just mentioned that out of the blue (Per's Guide). I just thought you, as the most experienced Fallout 2 player, know what's probably the best and most moderate (and interesting) character(istics). Perhaps one of your own? Could you please reveal its statistics?
Oh I don't know. I haven't actually played through the game in several years now. All I have been doing is modding it and playing segments to test for bugs.

From my actual game plays though, I usually play a high speech, high science character.
SorgFall said:
Another question - does your readme (patch) file include the fixes of the official patch - because it seems it doesn't, and it does include it. Also, where's the B version in the downloads section - it seems missing.
No, but I am pretty sure I include the 1.02 readme. If not, I probably should. Does it? As for version B, that is for those who have 1.02 included in the master.dat file. This is a rare case and almost no one needs to worry about it. The file is in the downloads section but just fell off onto the last page of it.
SorgFall said:
Too bad. Well, I won't touch F2 before I complete F1, and I won't touch it before a good patch comes out. So I shouldn't play Fallout for at least a season or so, right?
Actually, the 1.3.1 patch is pretty good. I suggest using it for F1. Its the best your going to get for a LONG time probably.
SorgFall said:
Also what is that B-Team mode that's mentioned in your signature frequently?
It is the appearance mod. All NPCs that follow you will change appearance depending on what type of armor they wear. This was a popular mod and I just made it compatible with my patch.
SorgFall said:
Sorry for all the many questions. Cheers!
No problem. I am not at home and thus browsing the web instead of working.