Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Want my save game? Phazar is in the trunk. Oh, and watch out because too many items bug is going to hit if you have any more shit in my trunk! 

Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Wow, thats just plain wrong. There is no such thing as a HK P90c. There is a FN P90 which uses 5.7x28 ammunition.
Jaesun said:Sorry if this is a dumb question. But could we have all the threads starting will killaps announcement of his patch/mod broken off of this sticky and into it's own Topic (Like "Killaps awesome patch/mod")?
I personally would like to see all this broken off into it's own Topic so I could monitor more updates and feedback on this.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:I put together a worldmap file that fixes the holy hand grenade, cafe of broken dreams, and includes that famous encounter booster you all seem to love soo much![]()
killap said:Alright, I will have time this weekend to actually sit down and test out these issues you all have mentioned. I actually have a good 20 or so other bugs fixed that have not been mentioned yet, so the next release should be relatively large.
1. Fix the holy hand grenade encounter.
2. Cafe of broken dreams pops up repeatedly.
3. (New Reno)After you fix the slot machine and give the old dude the money, then touch the machine again, he gets mad and reverts to the text from before you talked to him.
4. There is 2 mine excavator chips in redding, but you can only give
1 to either kokoweef or morningstar. You should be able to give 1 to each I believe...
5. Phazar and Zip Gun start out with *bugged* ammo that cannot be unloaded, and you cannot reload them until the ammo they came with is completely gone.
6. When hacking the emperor computer, the "copy virtibird plans" option doesnt copy.
7. Ton of bugs associated with fighting the Dragon and Lo Pan.
8. When the "Car out of power" location spawns on towns, it often makes your car dissapear.
9. Skynet/Brainbot attacks you if you fail a steal check while he/she is in your party.
10. Your NPCs randomly reset their combat settings.
11. Sometimes when fighting an encounter like "Unity Patrol fighting Rogues", the bad team dies, then the neutral/good team starts attacking you for no reason.
12. Your npcs will other non-hostile npcs in combat. Happens often with slaves, when they are not hostile to you in stables/random encounters.
13. The Chop Shop dudes may randomly hostile you.
14. Even after EVERY hostile person in the stables is dead, you cannot free the slaves.
15. When sleeping with Mrs/Ms Bishop, your npcs may randomly dissapear. To fix this you have to sleep with one of them again, but sometimes that doesnt work.
16. After you join the NCR Rangers, and meet them in encounters, they recognize you, but revert to the same dialog "Oh, are you XXXXX? Ok um... bye!" Every time you talk to them.
17. Shouldent the Rangers be allied in combat once you join them? I find it odd that they would attack you after one of your NPCs hits them with a single bullet on accident...
killap said:That would defeat the purpose of choice if you could give them to both mines. I believe that the developers had two by accident and meant at some point to remove the other (ie they changed the location of the chip at some point in production and never removed the other) Perhaps remove one of the chips?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Well I find it odd that you can free slaves everywhere else in the game (besides VC)...
"They're doped up, they don't really care." Although freeing slaves has become more than a hobby for you, those here won't even move.
Lloyd: Here we are…*whew*...the money's in…this grave here.
Player: Get outta here, Lloyd. This money's mine now.
Lloyd: Right, right...all yours. No problem. I'm leaving. (Turns, then walks away.
Player: (Let him go.)