Any stuff related to unofficial F2 patches goes in here!

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killap said:
Integrating it is not actually that hard and I had attempted this a while ago with success. Let me dig them up (and fix/tweak them) and I can post it for you and others to use with my patch.

Thanks. I think B-Team has few enough bugs so it can be integrated without quality loss, and changeable appearance for NPCs is something people liked.

I'll be sure to highlight it in Uploads.
I just noticed in Seraph's patch for example, he changed the yellow keycard which is in the body of an Enclave soldier in the canyon area of Klamath to a blue one that free's Xarn in Navarro. Isn't the original yellow keycard totally useless in the game or it was supposed to be used but never was?

So why didn't you put this in your patch Killap when you were working on fixing so many more bugs? :?:

Also, has anyone addressed the problem with Shadow-Who-Walks, where you were able to talk to him to help stop the raider attacks but that was not used in the game and he was only a hostile NPC?
Has this been fixed in any patch or is it in the process of being fixed?

Does the same thing apply to Sulik's sister? I think there is a mod or someone is working on a mod to put the "Primitive Village" map in the game which is Sulik's home village and you're also able to actually find Sulik's sister??

I know there's a mod that adds the Abbey which was originally supposed to be in the game.....

Fallout 2 really is an amazing game, I keep on playing it at least twice each year despite the trillions of billions of bugs that infest that game and so many things were cut out.
rknirmal said:
I just noticed in Seraph's patch for example, he changed the yellow keycard which is in the body of an Enclave soldier in the canyon area of Klamath to a blue one that free's Xarn in Navarro. Isn't the original yellow keycard totally useless in the game or it was supposed to be used but never was?

So why didn't you put this in your patch Killap when you were working on fixing so many more bugs? :?:

Because,it's questionable whether it's a bug.The blue keycard is where it was supposed to be,in ... (spoiler), why put an extra one in Klamath?

I believe Celestial put Military Dog tags in this place in his patch,maybe that's a better option.

rknirmal said:
IAlso, has anyone addressed the problem (...) so many things were cut out.

Addition of missing content is beyond the scopeof this patch, Bear Dude is however planning a separate add-on. Research the forum.
Even if its only a small detail, I wish Killap would have replaced the yellow keycard in the soldier's corpse with dogtags like Celestial did, oh well.

I wish someone could make a patch that has all the best elements or the elements you could choose from all the fanmade patches out there, an ultimate patch.

I can't wait for Killap's unoffical addon to the game. :D
rknirmal said:
I wish someone could make a patch that has all the best elements or the elements you could choose from all the fanmade patches out there, an ultimate patch.

OK. Do yourself a favor before you get in trouble. Follow Silencer's advice to research the forum. :roll:
Most people seem to say that Killap's patch is the best overall.
I think it includes all the bugfixes in Celestials and Seraph's patches right? But the latter two patches include some modification Killap's patch doesn't but I like some of them, ESPECAILLY the adding items to the NCR and Den Brotherhood bunkers where normally they are completely empty which I think is freaking retarding what with the hard work you had to do to get into them anyways, stupid weak ass Brotherhood!!. Celestial also removed the useless tripwire in the SAD whereas Seraph changed it to a bunch of floor traps and Celestian changed the useless yellow keycard in the dead Enclave soldier's body in Klamath with dogtags like Silencer said. The original yellow keycard on its body is useless right?

Killap, since I know your patch for one fixes many things such as endings that were previously unavailable due to bugs and poor scripting, have you fixed in your patch the ability to talk to Shadow-Who-Walks and have him weaken the raiders instead of just fighting and killing him??? Or I think you're gonna add that in your addon to the game right?

Is there a timetable to when you'll release this addon?? I can't wait to explore the EPA base for example. :P

MIB88 said:
rknirmal said:
I wish someone could make a patch that has all the best elements or the elements you could choose from all the fanmade patches out there, an ultimate patch.

OK. Do yourself a favor before you get in trouble. Follow Silencer's advice to research the forum. :roll:

Sorry, just soooooooooooooooo lazy. :oops: :oops:

Killap has told me that his patch basically has everything that Seraph's does and that Celestial's patch can actually cause additional headaches and some have had some serious problems with it and solves even fewer bugs that Seraphs or Killaps patches, is this true? Even though I like some of the modifications Celestial did, if they cause any problems in the game, then I'll just use Killaps. I want to play the game straight through with as little hassle as possible.

feelingxbroken said:
Is there any way to get the character editor to work with your patch? It's weird because my first time using it, the editor worked fine. Now it says that "Character Data (main1) not found".

I'm having this issue with Falche2 as well.
rknirmal said:
I'm having this issue with Falche2 as well.
This means you messed up installing the patch. In my case, I forgot to delete patch000.dat. You might also have installed the wrong version. Unfortunately, your game will probably break at some point, so reinstall, restart the character and make sure you can load it into falche2 before you proceed.

I have to disagree on making the characters show armor. I rather like having several unique individuals following me. Besides making it hard to tell companions apart if they all look the same, they'd lose a lot of their character and become faceless drones. Sure, having Sulik wear power armor and still look half-naked is unrealistic, but so is Vic dropping 100 pounds or Myron putting on metal armor and suddenly becoming Mr. Buff. It would really take more from the game than add to it.

edit: But one model change I'd like to see is to give Cassidy the "geezer" model used by Bosses Salvatore and Wright. It has the frames for rifles, which is all anyone ever uses for Cassidy, and it would be pretty damn funny to see a decrepit old guy put huge holes in people with the Gauss Rifle.
Darth l33t said:
edit: But one model change I'd like to see is to give Cassidy the "geezer" model used by Bosses Salvatore and Wright. It has the frames for rifles, which is all anyone ever uses for Cassidy, and it would be pretty damn funny to see a decrepit old guy put huge holes in people with the Gauss Rifle.

Hahaha, I totally agree with that, thats a great idea! :P
Dravean said:
Darth l33t said:
I have to disagree on making the characters show armor. ... It would really take more from the game than add to it.

I completely agree with you.

Yes, but I am not adding this into the patch. I am just updating the files that come with the B Team mod to work with my patch. Anyone that wants to use that mod with my patch can then therefore do so. I believe you guys are assuming I plan on actually putting this feature into my patch, which I am not.
Right now, I'm torn over playing Fallout 2 again either with your patch Killap or with Celestial's. I like how your's fixes more bugs Killap's, such as you fixing the radscorpion limbs so you can expose the Duntons whereas Celestial just replaces em with a radscorpion tail, lame.

But I like some of Celestials additions like finally adding stuff in the Den and NCR Brotherhood bunkers. Why did the developers leave those bunkers fully empty anyways!?

I wish someone could make a patch where we could either mix and match the best from all the fan patches or have the ability to choose which features from which patches we want. Guess we can't have everything. :cry:

So is it true that Celestial's patch can cause some problems in game like serious crashes? I specifically want to use the 1.051 Integrated patch which has Celestial's 1.05 patch in addition to a few other slight modifications. I also read in his readme that he added new characters and stuff, wonder what those are???

Even if Celestial's has some neat new stuff, if its gonna cause any crashes, then forget about it.
rknirmal said:
But I like some of Celestials additions like finally adding stuff in the Den and NCR Brotherhood bunkers. Why did the developers leave those bunkers fully empty anyways!?

Because they ran out of time?

On that note, it is interesting that the same guy at Interplay was responsible for "filling in" the maps for both Broken Hills and San Francisco.

You can dig his name up in the Fallout Bible, if you can be bothered.
Now I've found a bug that lets you get infinite negative Karma. When you refuse to fight Hoss in the NCR, you get -10 Karma. You can then talk to him again and get another -10 Karma each time you back down. The dialogue options I used were "I don't want any trouble" and then "Sorry, I couldn't do that."
Mr. Handy said:
Now I've found a bug that lets you get infinite negative Karma. When you refuse to fight Hoss in the NCR, you get -10 Karma. You can then talk to him again and get another -10 Karma each time you back down. The dialogue options I used were "I don't want any trouble" and then "Sorry, I couldn't do that."
Ok, noted.

Work on another release of the patch (and work in general on the expansion pack) is currently on hold until I finish with my exams (next two weeks or so)
This patch sounds really interesting .

I don't see anything like that for Fallout 1.
Isn't there anything to fix or is there just no interest in this game?
I think there's a lot fewer bugs in 1 than in 2 plus 2 is a bigger game and so there's more to modify and alter to make things more interesting I suppose.
BigDuke66 said:
This patch sounds really interesting .

I don't see anything like that for Fallout 1.
Isn't there anything to fix or is there just no interest in this game?
Well, teamx has a project that is essentially doing the same thing for Fallout 1. I'm just insane and "like" to sacrifice countless hours of my life, which is why you got my patch in such a short time. :wink:

I would love to do the same for Fallout 1 (I truly enjoyed that game and find its plot/atmosphere better) but I really cannot sacrifice the time like I did for the Fallout 2 patch. You have no idea how painful and time consuming it can become to fix other people bugs. (and over 500+ of them :eek: )
I gotta say I'm sad to read that you won't be giving Fallout 1 the same treatment, but I understand. I'm very happy with what you've done for Fallout 2. Thanks a lot.
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