Ah yeah, it did but was left out of the notes. I shall add that.RyanFialcowitz said:Did the Derek Book thing make it in? I didn't see it in the patch notes?
-Ryan P. Fialcowitz
Yes, read my readme before playing. (it would explain about the patch file)Question said:Weird im getting crashes when enterring trapper town in klamath.....screen goes green, followed by CTD to desktop.
Edit : Fixed it by removing patch000.dat.Now i cant talk to fred.I click on him but absolutely nothing happens.Wtf?
Well, Marcus's and Cassidy's script were the only two NPC scripts that had a really wacky way of having them wait and rejoin when you tell them to. Though I remember Cassidy loosing his combat settings on leveling up, I also remember this happening when no level up occurred for a long while. Though I did not fully test to see if redoing those two scripts to how waiting/rejoining the party is done in other NPC scripts, the coding is at least a lot cleaner now. I am curious if it did fix the problem, so everyone, please let me know.Per said:What's the cause of this?
Not sure. Never had this problem. Looking through many of your issues though, it seems you are still not running from a fresh install of Fallout. Are you sure you completely removed the Fallout 2 directory and did a fresh install. Also, if you were using other mods, there is the chance that global vars got messed up and thus save games from these mods will act oddly.Question said:I keep crashing when i drop the oil can........whats wrong?
I came to some conclusion about this a long time ago but I cannot remember the outcome of it. I will check my files again.Question said:Edit 2 : In redding on 21st.No caravan masters are there......its still buggy i guess?
Fluke bug? Can this be reproduced?Question said:Edit 3 : I just got the holy hand grenade of antioch encounter.Arthur got killed by the rat, then i ran into the cave, got the greande and blew up the rat(and robin in the process).Then the game frozed.I couldnt do anything,open any menues, etc.
I looked at Festus's script and it appears to be in order. He should only say that red text while you are trying to repair the plant using the robot. Did the robot get stuck or something? ( since it has the script which alters a variable used by Festus. ) Also never had the skeeter problem you speak of.Question said:Edit 4 : Some weird stuff in gecko.I can upgrade weapons without getting the part that skeeter wants(in fact its impossible to get skeeter to talk about it), and skeeter doesnt mention anything about wanting a super tool kit. After talking to fergus and installing the hydro-mag on my own now all he does is say the same red text and wont mention anything about improving the efficiency of the reactor. Theres also 2 weird types of yellow pass in gecko, the one in the reactor, and the one in harold's desk.
I believe you first have to have fixed the plant.Question said:Edit 5 : Talked to mclure about the economic disk i got from gordon, but there is no option to ask for the optimization access from the vault.All he does is talk about how he wished he knew how to optimimize the plant.
Checked the script and it appears that you have to be a Citizen first.Question said:There is also no option to give first citizen lynette the briefcase, proving that moore is a traitor and get him removed from vault city.
Yeah, I don't think this is really a bug but just the result of the designers not fully completing all the quests revolved around the conspiracy in Broken Hills.Question said:Edit 7 : Found the humans beneath broken hills, told marcus, and jacob and his wife got arrested and that quest finished even though the 2 quests are totally unrelated.......wtf?
kkd said:hmm. how come the map is so slow now? even the mouse moves slower..
Mr. Handy said:There are some oddities with the boxing ring in New Reno. When I went into the ring for my first fight and was given the boxing gloves, I somehow received a 3/1% DT/DR for Normal damage and a 0/1% for everything else but Fire. After the fight, these bonuses stayed, apparently permanently, even after putting my armor back on. When I started my second fight, I got the DT/DR bonuses again, resulting in a 6/2% boost. Then I tried dropping the gloves, which you are allowed to keep, and talking to Stuart again. I was placed in the ring without being given gloves (thus guaranteeing a loss), and I don't think I received an additional DT/DR bonus this time, which leads me to think it's tied to the gloves somehow.
Darth l33t said:Some mines (such as outside the SAD) don't explode, but just deal damage to whoever steps on them. If you critically fail to disarm one, you accidentally set it off -- but since you're not standing on it at the time, nothing happens, and it is safely disposed of.
Darth l33t said:Also, is the antidote intended to have unlimited uses? If so, why does it disappear if used while you're not addicted?
Mr. Handy said:In Broken Hills, I told Jacob I would help him and then turned him and Aileen in to Marcus. Then, after saving the game, I tried carrying out the jailbreak mission. After trading the super mutant guard a shiny new rock for his crummy old cell key (still not sure why he agreed to trade his key for anything), I unlocked the cell doors and opened one. It acted as though I successfully completed the jailbreak, taking me to Jacob's shop with Manson and Franz, who were still angry at me for betraying them. Jacob and Aileen remained in their jail cells, completely oblivious to the wide open door.
Mr. Handy said:Also in Broken Hills, I talked to Eric and agreed to help him without asking for a reward, thus gaining +3 Karma. Then I saved the game and talked to him again. I was able to get another +3 Karma simply by repeating the same conversation options. It may be possible to get infinite positive Karma this way, when it should only give you the points once.
Are you saying that if she is alive she won't react to you breaking into her cache?Darth l33t said:In BH, nothing happens if you try to enter Liz's arms cache without her permission, even if she's dead or otherwise unavailable to warn you away.
Darth l33t said:Some mines (such as outside the SAD) don't explode, but just deal damage to whoever steps on them. If you critically fail to disarm one, you accidentally set it off -- but since you're not standing on it at the time, nothing happens, and it is safely disposed of.
Darth l33t said:Some taunts seem to be messed up. Among others, I saw a Hubologist (the encounter kind) give a robot taunt once, and Cassidy said one of Sulik's taunts -- and no, he wasn't wielding a spear.
Darth l33t said:Also, any progress on crowbarring the doors in VC? Opening them by hand with ST 8 always seems to work, could you just use the code from that part of the script?
Mr. Handy said:Also in Broken Hills, I talked to Eric and agreed to help him without asking for a reward, thus gaining +3 Karma. Then I saved the game and talked to him again. I was able to get another +3 Karma simply by repeating the same conversation options. It may be possible to get infinite positive Karma this way, when it should only give you the points once.