Hello, everyone!
First I'd like to thank killap for all the work done. It was great. However, I still find some... issues now and then. Not sure if they all are bugs, but worth looking into.
Most of them are script problems related to random encounters.
1) Merchant Guards from Den Caravan aren't actually protecting their caravan master. In fact, they are acting independently and are always hostile.
2) Vault City caravan fending off Den Caravan. Strange encounter. Merchant Guards from Vault City start shooting at each other (and often shoots their Caravan Master), and the only one attacking them (from the Den Caravan) is Den Caravan Master.
3) It is possible to encounter creatures fending off some brahmin
. It happened near Modoc, but of course there were no brahmin at the location.
4) When encountering nomad tribe, the tribesmen advise you to "talk to the chief", but there is none.
5) When encountering prospectors, they offer "bartering for supplies", but have nothing to barter for.
6) OK, this is not a bug, but am I the only one who thinks that golden lumps are ridiculously cheap?
7) When encountering Holy People, the combat can not be stopped until everyone is dead (actually, it ends, but only for a second)
8) This may not be a bug. Initially non-hostile creatures are too forgiving. You can shoot Merchant Guards along with their Caravan Master to Near Death and they still be non-hostile and willing to barter after the combat ends.
9) When encountering two fighting groups (robbers and highwaymen, for example), after one of them is slaughtered the other is just standing still (even if they are initially hostile), allowing the player to collect loot and leave the location peacefully if he doesn't end combat. If the player decides to end combat then the survivors act as they should.
10) You can only receive exp for freeing Sulik if you give 350$ to him directly. If you free him through quests or through Maida's dialogue, you won't get the exp.
11) The policeman (Deputy Carl? can't remember) in the NCR who should open the door to Oswald can get stuck. Don't know the conditions, though. Leaving the map, then returning and talking to him fixes the problem.
12) If you decide to "prove yourself" to Merk by fighting Lenny and then your INT drops below 3, you won't be able to receive a quest for Doctor's Papers and you'll need to prove yourself again.
13) Sally Dunton in Klamath gets mad at you if you failed to rustle the brahmin (saying that you "let her boys down"), but doesn't react at all if you *kill* Dunton brothers.
14) Buck Dunton gets angry at you if you call him Buck. Chuck is fine.
15) You can only ask Dunton brothers for work in the beginning of the dialogue. If you missed your chance, the option just disappears.
16) If you sold Bess (the brahmin in Modoc) then freed her, the brahmin can get stuck and won't leave the barn (not sure what the thing is called, my english is pretty mediocre). Then if you leave the map, you will eventually find special location with the dead brahmin. Or rather, you are supposed to. However, if the brahmin get stuck, you will still be able to find the location, but there won't be brahmin corpses lying all around the place. My guess is that either brahming shouldn't get stuck or you shoudn't find the location if they do.
17) Church doors in Den can be locked and thus cannot be opened... by player only. Tyler's gang has no difficulties getting past them. Funny thing is that they cannot be closed after that because - "the door is locked".
There were hundreds of others, but these are the only ones I could remember at 2:00 AM. If you are interested, I can come up with more. And, yes, it is still possible to get stuck in San-Francisco, though I lost the save and can't reproduce this bug anymore (can't say I'm unhappy here).